Quick blog update.
It's bloody late,considering what time I have to wake up tomorrow morning.It's 1.55am now,and I have to wake at 6 "tomorrow".Sigh,life is hard.
I found out yesterday that I'd be leaving for M'sia tomorrow instead of today,so I had a day free.I thought I'd just stay home and paint all day.In the end,I spent most of my day out.I woke up at 11.30am,and went out for lunch with dad,sis,and bro.I had Tom Yum Ramen from that Mee Hoon Kway stall,it wasn't bad.I still don't understand why the hell they have to put prawns into the ramen.Maybe prawns aren't bad,but I hate having to de-shell them myself,it's so irritating,because I don't have enough patience to slowly peel.I'd rather have left the prawns as they were,but my sis forced me to eat them,saying they were the most expensive ingredient and so I had/have to eat them.Everyone would be so much happier if the Tom Yum Ramen makers would just leave the little prawnies in the sea alone.See,we do need world peace.
I told myself that I'd finish all my holiday homework by the time I get back to school so I can get off with a good start.I don't relish the idea of being yelled at on the first day of school.I'm sure nobody would,unless they're masochistic (is that the right term?) or something.I'm gonna use the boring time in M'sia to do boring stuff like painting and homework.You may think painting is so fun,blah blah blah,but it's actually quite boring/frustrating.However,the end results are beautiful,for painting,I mean.Homework can't be beautiful,at least not for me.Ok,it can.Anything can be beautiful,depends on which way you look at it,and the kind of person you are.For example,Hitler might think it's fun to kill people,and the end result is beautiful,even though normal people like us think he's an a**hole.
I can't actually believe I'm typing these things in the middle of the night (or morning).It's now 2.07am.Sometimes,when one is tired,thats when they think the most.Well,it depends.I realised that when I'm tired,I suddenly start noticing how fascinating it is that people can look so different.There are short people,tall people,people with different eye colour,skin colour,shape,hairstyles and hair colour..The list goes on and on,and can you believe it,every single person's path through life is definately different.No two people experience exactly the same detailed things in life,which is amazing.There are so many different paths in life,it's like a game of choice.Make the right choice and enjoy glory and happiness.Make the wrong choice and you feel really angry or sad,and you face consequences.Life can suck,but it can also be beautiful,depends on who you are and how you look at it.When I say "who you are",I mean your status and what happens in your life and..Ok,I dunno how to explain that,but you get my point.Brain not working properly at this time,but I'm determined to blog before I set off to visit my grandparents (and some other people living with them).I realised today that I don't know any of their names.I don't even know what exactly to call some of them,except maybe my grandparents,who are just..them.You know what I mean.
As a kid I wasn't very proud of my..roots.Honestly.I dunno what I had against Chinese (Language and anything to do with it),but I had something against it.I don't know why and how come,because I'm Chinese myself!I just disliked it so much and hated that I was so poor in that subject and that even some kids who were of other races did better in it than I did.I felt inferior,I guess,in a way.I kind of felt ashamed that I was Chinese and I couldn't do well in it,but I've learnt to accept that,and I'm doing a little better,I think,now that I've..learnt to appreciate it.Had help along the way,so that was good.I've learnt that Chinese ain't bad,and I'd be stupid to try and hide from it forever,because I know I really can't do that.Like it or not,I'm Chinese.Hah!Maybe I've been typing rubbish,I blabber when I'm tired,but..well,all this does mean something to me.Overall,I think I got a 45 for my Chinese.Dunno where on earth it came from,but it doesn't sound that bad,compared to the under-30s I used to get.Mr Fernandez told me,"An improvement is an improvement.Even if you only get one mark higher than usual,it's an improvement,".
That was because I got a mark higher than my usual.It didn't really make me overjoyed that I improved,but it was an improvement nontheless.
Dude,I'm tired.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Sat,Dec 16th 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Sat,Dec 9th 2006
Quick update before I have to run out of the house to the MRT station.
I will be going to do ushering at the band concert at CJC later.Need to meet up with Gerv,Kat,Jeanette at Toa Payoh and then we'll have "dinner",dammit,it's too early.It's like having a second lunch,after my chai tao kway!I won't go hungry for awhile after that.Oh,maybe I will.I have a fast metabolism rate (spelling/use?).Only yesterday I went to a buffet steamboat with dad for lunch,I ATE ATE ATE,I tried to eat lotsa veggies,they're good and I can't really find much at home,and less than 3 hours later I felt hungry again -_-" Maybe I'm coming down with something.
Did I mention I started playing with tamagotchi again?LOL.It's kinda...cute,actually,to remember my childhood.I got my first tamagotchi when I was about 3-4 years old.When I took care of it back then,it always died anyway because I always wanted to go downstairs to play with the other kids and swim and stuff and couldn't bring it with me.When I started going to school,my sister took care of it for me.I think she put it on pause or something,in the set-the-time mode,so when I came back I would just set it to the right time and continue.Poor tamagotchi -_-
Should I "pause" it and leave it at home before I go for the concert or risk it and bring it there on silent mode?I think it would be safer to put it on pause,eh?That way there would be no risk of death!
Everyday people ask themselves the question "what will tomorrow bring?".
Well,I'm not sure about everybody,but I ask myself that question every night.
What will tomorrow bring?
What will tonight bring?
I hope I don't make any mistakes.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday,Nov 21st 2006
Happy Birthday,WY!
Mom and Dad went to Thailand today.Sis and bro are at work so I'm left at home with Rabbit.It's fine with me.
Had fried carrot cake for lunch.
I plan to watch videos later.
Dammit.Is "Tiger and the Snow" still showing in cinemas?!I wanna watch it.
Yesterday,I went out with mom and dad to lunch,and then out with mom to buy canvas(es?) after.Then I had to rush home to shower and then I used the computer for awhile while waiting for hair to dry off,and then I had a whole steamed fish for dinner.Tuh! Then dad fetched me to ACS B for this concert by an Indonesian choir at Mrs Lee Choon Guan.After the concert we hung about for awhile,then went to this large hawker centre (what's it called?) with my sis and Ee Kia since they didn't have a proper dinner or something.Walking out after that we "stumbled" upon some other Singers and the Indo choir eating.I dunno what happened there but I just stood there with this smile on my face,just in case.
Then I went home in an MRT with my sis,what a day.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tuesday,Nov 14th 2006
Only just now I felt so drained of energy that I fell asleep!
I had choir practice this morning.We had Physical Training,so we ran 6 rounds around the track,and after that I nearly killed myself doing push-ups.
We had to do 4 sets of 25 crunches,back-ups,push-ups/"television",and being me,I did push-ups instead of "television".Thats what they call it anyway.
I would like to go fake-rock-climbing again sometime soon.I've been away from it for too long now.Not sure if my friends would want to go rock-climbing,though.They barely climbed the last time we went.They just lay around sms-ing and taking pictures.
I wanted to go to Bishan after choir to check out that temporary honey stall for Manuka honey sweets but eventually decided not to when I started craving KFC,so I texted dad to ask if we could have KFC for lunch.He agreed,so I went straight home.
The time I spent at KFC today had been so embarrassing.
The girl at the counter looked timid enough,and made a couple of mistakes with our orders.As you know,dad can be very picky when he wants to be.
Dad wanted chicken thighs but she gave him ribs.
Dad wanted root beer but she gave him coke.
Dad wanted mashed potato but she gave him coleslaw.
He kept speaking so loudly,demanding this and that,I almost died with embarrassment.Sometimes I just wish I ate hawker food instead.At least he would feel at home shouting in some noisy hawker centre where nobody cares about manners,or at least table manners.
I spent the day lazing around,as usual.
I watched some videos,and then looked up the internet for steps to moon-walking.Hah!
Getting the hang of it,but difficult to do.I mean ok,easy to do but it takes lotsa practice to look like a pro.
I'm warming up to the idea of dancing.
I mean,there are people who can sing AND dance,and look where it got them.
Rabbit just flopped down beside me,all flat and sleepy-looking.How cute.
I gave it a big cuddle just now.When it's in a really good mood I can really cuddle it and it still won't hop away after I put it down,but when it's in a bad mood it'll struggle.
I don't blame it.
Imagine having no power over your own body.People just pick you up and squeeze you when they feel like it,whether you like it or not.
Poor kid.
Y'know,after watching "Cast Away" the other night,I feel like watching it again.
It's kinda cool,learning how to survive on a deserted island.I think this guy was even more pitiful than Robinson Crusoe (sp?) .At least Robinson had someone else living on that island.
The world can be such a cruel place sometimes.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Like I could sing along.
I went for choir practice this morning.I was so tired yesterday,I slept at around 10pm.Then,when I woke this morning,I was surprised at how tired I felt.
Choir practice was quite..It went quite well.
Well,the only bad thing about it was that the other Sec 3s weren't THERE.Me,I was the only Normal Acad Sec 3 there,not called back for lessons and thats why I was there.
Hey,I chose to go for my Art lesson yesterday so that I could go for choir today!
Today,choir practice went quite well because we finally had PT again,running around the track and doing conditioning (push-ups,crunches,back-ups).Now I feel fit again!
Not to mention the muscle issue.
However,I fell down on the track.I don't know why.Maybe there's no explanation for it.I just fell.I only scraped my knees a little,the rubber track saved me.But!I didn't notice I got myself wounded until after conditioning,which always comes after running.I did push-ups on my wounded knees,and they stung after everything,telling me that I had to do something.
I was probably being eaten alive by some kind of bacteria!
I asked to have my wounds washed,and I limped to the canteen sinks to have them washed up.
I wondered how dramatic it would've been if I just lay there after I fell.
We got new scores today,too.
We sang through "This train","Look To This Day!",and "Kotoba-asobi Uta".
Our conductor came today,and we tried to polish up the first 3 pages of "This train".We did some tuning exercises in that key."This train" is very difficult because of all the key changes.Thankfully,I'm not bad at tuning =D
It's just the slow-thinking I'm worried about.
After doing those exercises,we sang through "This train" again,and because we were more sure of the notes and rhythm this time,it actually sounded good because we dared to sing out.Well,I tried my best,but it really did sound..different.The last few times we sang it,we sounded so scared,so unsure.And then,I suddenly realised the beauty and the good feeling of being surrounded by singing people.It's as if the song filled the whole universe,all around,wherever we went.
We started on one of the new scores today.I can't remember what it's called and I don't intend to go back into my room and dig through my file to find out.I'm "tied" to the computer by my earphones,listening to beautiful music.
The song we started on was by the same Hungarian composer who composed the version of "Ave Maria" we sang.Same style of composing,too.The bars have the same number of beats,the printing quite large and easy to read.However,this new score has even bigger notes than "Ave Maria"!I'm glad,because I'm not very good at sight-reading.
I wrote down the note-relations,and I think I'll do fine.I mean,we sight-read it and it turned out quite well.At least the few bars we did.
I intend to use my sister's piano to try and tune myself later.
I was quite excited for choir practice to end,too,because I was all set to go to town after.
I had to get Dezi her birthday present,for I may not be able to the next few days.Also,I wanted to get the soundtrack of "High School Musical",and I did.I'd brought just enough for both.
Cool,it comes with a CD with the sing-along versions!LOL.
I actually quite like sing-along versions because they're much quieter,more of the play-you-to-sleep music.And also,I do like to sing along.Gosh,I can't believe I just typed that.
NO!I shouldn't be embarrassed.
Singing is pretty much the only thing I can do.
That's about it.I've spent the rest of the day simply just sitting around.
I'm quite worried about choir tomorrow,though.My buddy is coming tomorrow.Just worried that I'd let people down.How will I find the patience to teach her every song?
Will I simply blow up?
Did I mention that my knee-wounds kept me from sitting properly and comfortably during choir practice?I'm sure Mrs Low and Ms Tham were all set to question me,but decided not to,for the sake of choir or something.I sure hope they saw the wounds.
I spent the day watching this lame show called "Halloweentown High" and another,"High School Musical".
I actually love the way everyone breaks out into song and dance!
If only it were like that in reality.I'd look forward to school every single day.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wednesday,Sept 1st 2006

Am gonna test something.
If it turns out,I'm not gonna delete this post.
This is an artwork,if I'm not wrong:oil on canvas.
It's called "First Steps (After Millet)" by Vincent Van Gogh.
I think it's beautiful.
It's a mother and father teaching their daughter how to walk.
Those are her very first steps.
But see,it's beautiful because they're not very rich people.
Because in holland last time,people who worked on farms are the poor peasants with very little money, food to eat...
But this picture shows the joy on their faces.
You know,like even the simple things in life can bring joy to people,that money is not everything.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sun,Oct 29 2006
Maybe I've convinced myself
I've really been in love
And I've been wrong all along
For all I know the feeling and the picture
That I've tried so hard to find
Isn't mine
Could be it's all just a waiting game
Want to share my everything
And on my own it's hard
To tell my heart it'll be alright
This love it holds
Will one day find a home
As hard as love can be
It's harder still it seems
To be a lover all alone without love
Picking up the pieces makes me wonder if
I only build it all to watch it fall
The faster it can go away it means
The less of me is gone to stay
And I'm okay
But lonesome tomorrow comes anyway
I'm alone for another day, another day
And on my own it's hard
To tell my heart it'll be alright
That this love it holds
Will one day find a home
As hard as love can be
It's harder still it seems
To be a lover all alone without love
And on my own it's hard
To tell my heart it'll be alright
That this love it holds
Will one day find a home
As hard as love can be
It's harder still it seems
To be a lover all alone without love
A lover all alone without love
Maybe I've convinced myself
I've really been in love
But I've been wrong along
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday,October 24th 2006
#1 Single, taken or crushing?
Single and crushing,I guess.
#2 Are you happy with your life?
#3 When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him/her fast?
It depends.
#4 Have you ever had your heart broken?
#5 Do you believe that there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
#6 Would you ever take someone back if he/she cheated on you?
It depends.
#7 Have you talked about marriage with another before?
Generally or what?
#8 Do you want children?
#9 How many?
Ya lah follow Kathleen.Two?
#10 Would u consider adoption?
#11 If somebody likes you right now, what do you think is the best way to let you know his/her feeling?
Put it in writing or typing.
#12 Do you enjoy getting into a relationship?
It depends on whom with.
#13 Be honest, what is the furthest you and your ex did before?
#14 Do you believe in first love?
#15 Do you believe that you can change someone?
#16 Are you romantic?
How should I know?!
#17 If you could get married anywhere, where would it be?
Yeah,in a church.One of those grand,high-roofed ones with really great acoustics.
#18 Do you easily give in in fighting?
Not really.Depends.
#19 Have you wished that you could have someone but messed it up?
#20 Do you have feelings for someone right now?
#21 Have you ever broken a heart?
#22 If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy/girl whom you are deepy in love with, what will you do?
I dunno.Wait till it happens then I'll decide.
#23 Are u missing someone now?
Yes :(
Bloody hell,I'm not going to force anyone else to do this.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
It don't matter if you're black or white.
Yes,I know,I know.I haven't blogged in ages.When was the last time?Sunday,July 23!!It's October already!
I can't believe the whole year has just zipped by,just like that.I've had some experiences,good and bad,yet I don't wanna leave this year behind.It's been a great year despite all the bad stuff.I mean,I wouldn't mind going through it all again because I've really had some good times.
I remember at the end of last year,I didn't want to leave IT behind because I enjoyed being sec 2.I couldn't stop time anyway.It stops for no mouse!So I came to sec 3.Now I can't bear to leave it behind.
This year has been my most memorable so far.I've really been through a lot this year and grown up abit,but not quite grown up yet.I can still be pretty childish at times,thankfully.I'm only 15!10 years later I'd look back on this and think how childish I was.I don't think I even have to wait 10 years to think that.Looking back on my first few posts on this blog 2 years ago,I'm thinking how childish I was in sec 1,but I can just laugh.
Everybody grows up sooner or later.
Learning to see things from a responsible adult's point of view is difficult,but I'll give it time.
People keep telling me to have fun,relax,for I'm still 15.
As childish as I can be,I have to know when to stop sometimes.People get irritated if you don't,and then you really get hammered,because they don't care if you're 15 or not.They expect more.
And then my 15 year-old friends can't stand me because I keep telling them to stop fooling around during lesson-time.What to do?Well,they don't really listen to me anyway.
One thing I've learnt this year is that you should do what you want to,knowing your limits.If there's a role model you really want to follow,make sure you don't go too far.People don't like a clone.However,you shouldn't always agree to what other people say,or do what they tell you to do,because you have your own voice.
It's an individual thing.
Argh,maybe my explanation wasn't very clear.
You guys will learn by yourselves as you grow,don't worry about it.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
He's a Boxman-Smosh
Sorry,been kinda busy with stuff.
Turns out I'm not receiving anything for Honours Day but honestly,thats okay.I took it a little hard at first (very very little),but somehow I find the most joy out of singing.That sounds wrong.Let me rephrase that.
I feel really happy when I'm singing.
Suddenly I don't care about these acadamic awards.I don't need awards to know that I've accomplished something in my life.Well,I don't exactly deserve it,but still!What more can a singer ask for than to sing?I guess thats more ordinary than getting an award onstage but y'know,sometimes you gotta face reality.And after the 4th Choir Olympics,I don't know why but I have this feeling of self-and-choir satisfaction,and I KNOW that I don't need an award to tell me how well I have done in something,although I didn't actually put in effort and it was all because of the markers I got 2nd place in English,and!!!Mind you,thats only 2nd place for English in the Normal Acadamic level!And guess what,I'm proud of who I am.
Don't need people pressurizing me into doing things that I don't like doing.
Don't need people to tell me that I need that award so that they can show off about me.
Don't need that award so that other people know what I'm capable of.
Okok maybe I do need things like singing and music and stuff.
I think I'm having one of those more-to-the-good-side moodswings.
Choir Olympics was damn fun luh!We got a high silver,and thats damn good ok!
And ya.Forgot what I wanted to type but thats ok.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
It's Tuesday.
If I must have a birthday,can't it be my 18th one or something?Or better still,21st.I'd be just as happy if I didn't have my birthday tomorrow.Sh*t,stop talking about it.
Today I had quite a bad day at school.I just didn't like it very much.It wasn't even one of those OKAY days,yet it's not one of those really bad ones,but it was bad enough.I don't wanna talk about it.Lets just say that the little food shopping I did at NTUC in the underpass did me good.I bought unflavoured gelatin,jelly mix,seaweed,packeted chocolate milk,and and..uh.Can't remember.I think that's it.I only have like $6.90 left in my MyCard.Just 3 weeks ago I had 50 bucks innit,but I spend most of it buying food.Now I know how painful it is to have to whip out your cashcard/bank card to pay for what your daughter puts into the trolley/basket.Sniff.
I'm getting poorer too.I've been getting 20 bucks a week but saying nothing about it.Better not,maybe they're having financial problems or something.
I'm actually proud of the fact that I'm paying for stuff that I used to have to ask mom to pay for,even that $50 deposit for the China trip,thank goodness they accepted cash.Gave them such a crisp note okay!So nice summore.I was unwilling to part with it but oh,what the heck.Money has to go somewhere anyway.
I was just wondering...You know things like wills?
When people suddenly get into an accident or whatever and die and they haven't written a will,what would happen to their belongings?
What if they're people like me who are still like..under parental care and all that.Do they get my stuff if I die so suddenly without a will?Must find out,just in case.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Shut Up.
Just damn bored.I don't know why.Suddenly feel like swearing also.Listening to "Catch Your Wave" by The Click Five.Not bad,but somehow it made me feel...Angry or something.Um I don't know.
Just really tired and I can't think of much to say.Went to school.Didn't like school very much today.Went to stadium.Liked the stadium very much today.Was more enthusiastic than usual.Tried to get all the dance steps right.If you know me,I have a very very short memory.Very.
Goodness.I really can't think of what to type leh.When we got back to school it was 7.30pm.Reached home around 8.10pm.Ate dinner.Then it was 8.46pm.Went to bathe.Then it was 9.08 or something.Came online,went on Friendster,discovered something totally new and interesting.Damn cool.After that I felt so happy.Hah!
Mr Jiow asked about milk during Geography.
And he asked why doesn't milk in Singapore taste as good as milk in other countries.
I said milk in singapore isn't..natural.
Omg.He said,"milk isn't natural?Then what?"
What I meant was like...uh.You know,countries like Aus,NZ,and USA have a lot of land space and nice fertile soil to grow good grass in,and the cows eat the grass and they feel happy.And there's fresh air for them to breathe too!And space for them to run and stuff.Thats why the milk in other countries taste better.I've visited the dairy farm in Singapore before.You know what it looked like?No cows were free to run/walk/graze!They were like..kept in enclosed areas lah!And there's that machine to milk them..Poor things.They had to eat the stupid dried grass given to them.No wonder the milk not nice!THATS UNNATURAL MAN!
See,my theory is so logical,right? -Xiu =)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The computer's been down for quite awhile.Now there's this new FLATRON L1952S infront of me.LG Technology.Yeah,whatever.
Felt so good when I finally got to type again.Hmm.
Went to school this morning for Art.Ceramics painting.
We were required to help out with the putting-of-paint-into-bottles.Had some fun doing that,requires patience,and lots of it too.If you weren't patient,you'd just fling the damn bottle out of the window and then turn over the whole bucket of paint!Actually for a minute,that was what I felt like doing.But I knew Ms Ho would just kill me if I did that so I.."rested my hands" for afew moments,and then got on with doing it.After I got the hang of it,it got easier,I actually kind of enjoyed it.Almost.
We were supposed to be dismissed at 12 noon,but some of us weren't finished with painting our ceramics yet so we stayed back for a while longer.How do you spell that thing?Lacker?Lacquer?
Argh.Just-Uh..That spray-thing with the glossy finish that can choke you if you're in an enclosed area with it.Next time if I ever want to commit suicide,I'd know what to do.
After Art I borrowed Visha's phone to call Dad to tell him that I'm done and I'm coming home.
Sigh.How I wish I didn't have to do this everytime I finish school.Not always Visha's phone lah,I'm not so bad.I used to be able to tahan bus rides but the last time I took a bus for a change,I felt so sick,I got scared of them.Tuh!
So of course,I took the well-loved MRT.
I wonder what Ms Shanthi is gonna say to me tomorrow?
All thanks to me not having a phone now,I missed yesterday's lesson.I was totally oblivious!!!
What the hell.
Yeah,I'm in every position now to tell you that life is NEVER fair,so just forget about making it fair to suit your needs.
I'm waiting for dinner now.Don't bother me,I'm hungry.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Come what may.
Guess what!
I'm gonna fail English for the first time.
Sigh.Do I feel sad?YES.
I mean what the hell,thats the only thing I could actually pass,but not anymore.
I got a feeling that Mrs Low is gonna pull me out of the competition.
Virus hit the computer few days ago,haven't been able to do much online.Msn doesn't seem to be opening for me,dammit.Finally had the time to charge my iPod.Did some work today.Stack still piled up high,how?!
They expect us to finish all that in one weekend!
-One Accounts paper+re-doing of one question on Cashbook
-One Math paper
-One Biology paper
-One Physics paper
I still have my Art exam to think about/research on,and a Geography mapping test on Monday.
So now I'm gonna fail all my subjects except Biology?!My Bio ain't fantastic either,you know!
I'm gonna need a miracle.
Mrs Chow will personally strangle me if I fail Accounts.
Waiting for dinner now,although I'm not hungry yet.I've had a pretty heavy lunch.Spent the whole afternoon cooped up in my room doing work.I did the whole Physics paper and 1/4 of the Math paper and couldn't go on anymore.Gonna try to do a bit more later,maybe a break is what I needed. :(
Just realised that the Smosh forums are so full of teenagers.
Can't wait till after the exams,cos life will slow down and all that.More FREEDOM too.
Oh man.The exams haven't even begun but I'm dying already.How am I going to survive?
I'm praying.
I'm really praying. -Xiulin
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Am downloading stuff from the internet now.
Can't think straight.It's been 12 days (was it?) since I last blogged.Lotsa things to blog about but can't remember them.
Darn.I'm getting old!
It'd be nice to be old when you NEED to be.
Man,time really flies.The beginning of the year seemed like yesterday!
And yet,look at me now.
How would we live without dictionaries in our world?!
I've been carrying one around and looking up stuff often nowadays.It's either people are using more difficult words or that my vocab is...sigh.
Had 2.4km run/walk/jog/fly/skip today.My timing was 14.29.Is that bad?!
Sooo angry,you know.I missed A for my sit and reach by 0.5cm.Too bad it's all over.I dun intend to retake,already exhausted enough.
What did I have for lunch?I think it was home-cooked food.Porridge.
Dinner was mee hoon kway.
Okay whatever.I really can't think so I may have typed some rubbish tonight.
Goodnight. -Xiu.
Monday, April 03, 2006
And now I wonder... :)
Hmm.Things have happened since I last blogged.
I went to the concert I was so excited about,and I almost got banned from it!
What the hell.
Not gonna tell you why okay!You'll laugh.
Anyway I'm listening to the Pokemon theme song now.
I don't know why,maybe its the time I spent away from Pokemon.I just fell in love with the theme song when I heard it last night while watching stupid videos with my sis!I just find the harmony real good.Lyrics are still kinda cheesy!The vocals are quite good though.I must find out who sang it!
Damn...It's real nice.
So I spent today lazing around.
Had school,then had lunch in school.Came home,did some homework and listened to ipod and all that. =D
Oh man,there's a Social Studies test tomorrow.It was supposed to be today but SOMEHOW nobody knew and so it was postponed.Anyway Mr Jiow said it's sourced based and we can't really study for it at all.
I've been thinking about time the last few days.As in the topic "time".I'm a bit slow,forgive me,but I've just found out how wonderful/amazing time is to have so many people from all over the world doing things at the same time!
Like,even the person beside you now!Or breathing right this minute!
Like woah,God is so good.
I think I'm not typing sense.Nevermind.Those who do understand,think about it eh?
Omg.Pokemon theme song sings "you teach me and I'll teach you!POKKEEEEMONN!".
I was asking some classmates today ,"who watches Pokemon?".And oh my gosh.Some of them do.I think I'm addicted to Pokemon.Omg so childish!ARGH.
Can't seem to help it though.Maybe I may not get addicted to the show,but I'm addicted to the music =)
I think I'm crazy.
SHALL stop here for tonight. -Xiu =)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
O Romeo,Romeo,wherefore art thou Romeo?
Too much Romeo and Juliet!
Just realised I have a lot to do on Friendster,which I have not visited for too long.
Too many things have happened!
Anyway I didn't follow my sister and mom out today,was too tired.Slept till 1 in the afternoon!My rabbit was sure happy to see me,for it hopped to me the minute I set foot out of my bedroom.
I have too many movies missed,movies which I am not allowed to watch because of age restrictions.I want to watch V for Vendetta,but I have to be 16 in order to watch.Darn.Not that it makes a difference.
Gonna watch "Kate and Leopold" and "Shakespeare in Love" after posting this.
Been longing to watch them for such a long time and yet when I finally have the time,I'm sort-of procrastinating.Why?
I can't wait for confession this Wednesday.Got lots to confess.Are non-catholics allowed to confess?
I seriously can't wait till Wednesday.There's gonna be an SYC concert @ ERS!
The tickets are all sold out!Thank goodness I paid up to my choir in time -.-"
Damn.If I was told that they didn't have enough seats and that I was rejected because of that,I'd cry,I tell you.I wonder why they didn't book the concert hall instead?
Okay lah,nothing else to post.Gonna watch videos now. -Xiu =
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Anyone can learn to sing!
Anyway here are the lyrics to Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day.
I can't get it out of my head,so I'll type it out for all to see/read!
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day!
I would my true love did so chance
To see the legend of my play,
To call my true love to my dance
Sing: Oh my love!Oh my love,my love,my love
This, have I done for my true love.
In a manger laid and wrapped,I was
So very poor this was my chance
Be twixt an ox,and a silly poor ass
To call my true love to my dance
Sing: Oh my love!Oh my love,my love,my love
This,have I done for my true love.
Then afterwards,baptised I was
The Holy Ghost on me did glance
My Father's voice heard from above
To call my true love to my dance
Sing: Oh my love!Oh my love,my love,my love
This,have I done for my true love.
For my true love!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Boulevard of broken dreams
Must express my anger.
Everybody in my family has suddenly gone crazy.Dad being the most crazy one.I hate it!Not happy with something then vent anger on me.
Mom also being real disappointing,acting a little like dad and taking his side.
Jie just scolded me too.
Kor- Aiya I'm used to it lah.He's always been that mean and selfish.
Dad's being so unfair,asking me to go offline after like...maybe 15 minutes online.I mean,there has to be a limit I know,but 15 minutes,how mean can you get man!
I didn't have a bad day in school though.It was all pretty relaxed.Let me give you a walkthrough.
This morning,came to school.To my horror,the school looked like a forest.Every 1m there were plants along the corridor!
Sang for morning assembly again,flag got stuck on the way up.Ms Wong had a haircut (again),everybody commented on it.After assembly we had CME,and went from the classroom to AVA,had this looonnngg lecture by Ms Shanthi on life skills and stuff.Heard a couple of familiar things.After,had art,oh art!!!
Did a couple of layouts and stuff,and went around looking at other people's paintings.Megala's was...Bleak.And too much paint was wasted on it.It's like those layers of paint with hard outer layers but the inner layer is all soft and runny and never dries.Eewww.I tried to help her clear it up abit,but to no avail.Just couldn't be saved man.Stayed back to help the teacher clean up.Feel so proud -.-" LOL
Geography.No Mr Jiow,so Lao Shi came in to relief-teach!Actually she didn't teach.Tried out some poetry,Shakespeare style!Keyword:Tried.
Math.Not gonna say anything about this.
Social Studies.Had some problems there.First there was the 3 classes to one classroom conflict,then there was the dunno what lah.Got some group worksheet on the conflicts between the Americans and the Chinese.
Ah,we were released early today,so went with some others to have lunch at Macs at HDB hub.Had a double cheeseburger and a mcflurry,woo hoo!!!
Then after that went home lor.Had to bring my stupid artwork to and fro for so many days!So heavy,had no hands too.T'was a struggle to get through the Ez-link gates in the MRT stations.I gotta admit though,that I think this is one of the best pieces of art I've ever done!
Okay.Damn tired,I tell you.Spent all day touching up my artwork.Took up so much time!Wanted to watch Shakespeare in Love again but no time cos stupid people still grumpy.Tomorrow is going to be another long day.Got a performance tomorrow.Although not very major,its for the DSA opening thing and many people are going to be there.So I guess I'll be stopping here for now.
Goodnight people! -Xiu =)
Monday, March 13, 2006
Love's Melody
Just came back from a movie and a dinner.The movie's called Mad,Hot Ballroom.
I met up with Danielle at about 4.40pm,we went to Lido together.Actually we took a wrong turn because it turned out that Danielle didn't know where Lido was after all,because it was 1/2 a year ago since she last went there.
Eventually we got there,and went to the toilets to "make make" the hair and stuff.After that we went to look for Danielle's aunt whom she said works at Lido,but wasn't working today so we went around...
So we went into the theatre and sat down,waiting.Actually some advertisements were already being projected onto the screen so we watched those,eating the nachos.
The show was about these little children from..you know.Disfunctional families,and the schools give free courses on ballroom dancing,and they had to take part in it.They took part in competitions,there were tears and laughter.The whole thing was like a documentary (spelt correctly?),filmed without preparing for anything.Was pretty cool,actually.The music was really funky,the dancers were really good.Well some of them.I could never dance like them lah.
Trust me.
So I wanted to watch Brokeback Mountain,but not old enough.
Maybe wait for few months,the DVD will be out soon.
Darn. =/
I need to go shower.
OH YA.I haven't said anything about dinner.
We ate at a food court,and I had some chicken macaroni soup thingy,Danielle had 'chu mi fen yu tang',my sis had a really big western meal thing and wasted 3/4 of her fries.
Okay lah.End here.Got 4 more minutes to submit this post,then gotta clean the rabbit's cage and then shower.
Tomorrow still got choir workshop to attend!
Thank you so much for the movie! -Xiu =)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
"I love you,you don't see!"
I just came back from choir camp about 2 hours ago,exhausted but happy.We had to act and everything and Joanne= Mr Paranjothi and I was Ai Swee.LOL.
I was this cheena waiyang singer/dancer,and Joanne was this watermelon seller who came to my waiyang and fell in love with me (coughcough).
We had the coconut tree dance and "went" to Scarborough fair,and unfortunately,while we were dancing,my evil stepmother came along.She pulled me away from my lover and asked me to go back to China!
Joanne and I could not bear to be torn apart,so we devised (is that spelt correctly?) an evil plan to kill my equally evil stepmother.
The next day Joanne came to my house and gave my evil stepmother a giant watermelon as a form of apology.We all did the cutting watermelon wushu or something thingy,and then she took a piece of watermelon and ate it,choked on a giant seed,and died.
I gave her a kick or two to see if she was dead.
Our group sang "Amazing Grace" and then after that,Joanne and I were like "WE DID IT!" And that was it.
Our group won second prize!
LOL.Okay that was not the original plan.
The original plan was about this writer lah,gave his publishers a call but called the wrong number,and he only heard the part about going to hotel 81 to meet his publisher or something to discuss his book.
And there were supposed to be 5 prostitutes in the room waiting for him.LOL.
I was supposed to be the evil Duke (with my comb as a moustache),who barged into the room and "WHAT IS THIS?!" and kill them but then suddenly his eyes meets those of the innocent writer's and they fall deeply in love (literally gay men),but you know this whole skit was too sexual so we kinda scrapped it.
Damn,it might've been fun,you know.
We were all supposed to twist storys of musicals,you see,and our group was given Moulin Rogue,so yah.
Anyway,about the whole choir camp,we were really well fed.
Games weren't bad,we didn't get to sing much though.I lost some of my voice cheering and screaming.Got to sing solo with a microphone today,because you see we had to do a rehersal for Down Syndrome Day but the girl who was supposed to be the center of attention wasn't here,so they had several people to do it.First was Kathleen,then I,then Sabrina.
Ms Jo Teo was watching me.I was quivering lah,but tried not to show it.
She could still point to me and show Mrs Low the thumbs up sign -.-"
For once I felt noticed =D
Korkor just installed a DVD drive in the computer so now can watch DVDs on the comp,but then again there are no speakers attached -.-"
I'm SO gonna sleep well tonight.Only had about 4 hours of sleep last night because everyone was so noisy and our reflection dragged on too long and all that.
Tuh!Going down to settle dinner with my bro and sis because my parents are on holiday.See ya'll! -Xiu =)
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
DARS(Bitter Chocolate)
School was boring today.Was looking forward to after school.I tried to pay attention in class though.The last period was most stressful.Physics!And because we only had 1 period of it,the teacher tried to squeeze everything into it.The teacher said "2 more minutes,2 more minutes" and I was panicking and all that,couldn't concentrate,nervous laughter follows.
But let me start at the beginning.I got to school at about 6.30am because I needed to run 6 rounds but nobody was here yet.If I ran then,nobody would see me running and therefore think I'm lying.I waited,and waited,and waited.
FINALLY,two choir girls showed up.I can't actually name them because I forgot one of their names...
So anyway we went to run.6 rounds I did.Went for school singers after,they were singing "From the rising of the sun".Joined in and all that,people commented on my face saying it looks much better than it looked yesterday.
People around school were still asking me why my face was so red.I mean,is it THAT obvious?!
After morning assembly I had SS.Mrs Thai came in (again,arrggghhhh) and gave us this worksheet-like thing.There wasn't much time for us to finish it though.We were supposed to write 100 words,out of which I only wrote about 50%.Next,we went to Math class.Totally failed a test.Got 0/20,couldn't have done any worse!Mr Lim seemed irritated/disappointed/angry but the other girls couldn't see it and kept fooling around.Naz and Zul (both sitting on my right) were laughing so loudly and pushing/shoving and screaming,I just shouted at them.I don't know why,but they suddenly stopped.
But that was a lot better lah.After they suddenly stopped I looked at the time and asked Mr Lim to let me go change into my blouse because we had phototaking later on.He did,and I ran to the toilet to change.
Went for phototaking afterwards,took many shots.Was worried about my sunburnt skin but then decided not to care.
Chinese lesson.Teacher showed us a CHINESE version of Finding Nemo!!!
The voices were quite irritating but rather enjoyed the animation.We didn't get to watch the whole thing though.She stopped it.Sigh.The whole other part of the lesson was plain boring.Got back my Zuo Wen on the topic "di yi ci (first time.....)".I wrote about my first time losing.I failed it by 4 marks.
Recess----Then came English/..
You know what?I spent the WHOLE 2 PERIODS OF ENGLISH DOING NOTHING AT ALL.Jade was sleeping.Rebecca and Fionn were restless.Evelyn went crazy dusting everything with her tiny paintbrush.Honestly,I think she's a little mad.Anyway,I was bored,so I went up the side staircase and peeked into my N(A) English class.Couldn't see what they were doing,but Ms Wong was walking up and down the class aisle or whatever you call it.Felt envious,and went back down again.Went to look for Mrs Alex.She said she'd be up there later because Ms Tan wanted to talk to her about something.She never came la ok.So I almost went mad waiting.When the bell finally rang,I was in the toilet but rushed out quick to grab my stuff and then I flew up the flights of stairs and waited outside my N(A) English class.After blah blah blah,asked her if Asyikin could join us for lunch today."Sure," she said.So then I nodded and went for CME in class then in AVA then in class again.PHYSICS,I explained that already.Then finally,oh finally.But Danielle and Asyikin were like "wait lah,I need to ask something" and they STROLLED to the person whom they wanted to ask.Took such a long time and I was like "WE'RE LATE!" and they were "still got time lah,she won't be there so early".I almost fainted.When we FINALLY got there,she was already waiting by the side gate.Oh,finallyyy!
Noticed that she changed her earrings again.Quite nice,actually.
So 3 of us had roti prata and she had dumpling noodles,whatever it's called in Chinese.We also had black carrot cake,and drinks for each of us.
It was a really good meal.We got to find out more about each other and stuff.
I loved loved loved lunch with her today! -Xiu =)
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Banana Boat-Aloe Vera Gel
I just got back from camp today,ohmygoodness,was it fun!
Okay well I learnt to treasure my food.Totally.Every single scrap!
Okay lah depends on whether the food is nice or not.LOL.
But yah,I've proved that I can shower in 3 minutes!!!
I woulda taken longer,but Ms Shanthi was making me nervous.
My skin is REALLY BADLY sunburnt.Face especially,looks like I went for some chemical peel or something.Feels like botox,or at least thats my guess.I never went for botox but I think this is bad enough.
My arms,my arms,my arms.All red,the undersides are WHITE.Got sunburnt on the back of my neck too,but that was not so bad.Looks like a tan,the line ends at the collar.Heh.The smell on me now reminds me of Hawaii.
I remember smelling like this in Hawaii last year.But you know,it was not so hot there and all,although the sun there can kill.
Now I see why all those temperate countries always have bushfires!
Yupyup,got muscles after the camp too.LOLLL.Ashyikin (is that how you spell it?) ditched me while doing the high element course when we were halfway up,so I went on alone.Hah!Was it fun.Climbed all the way to the top,the most dangerous part because there was nothing to hold on to and you had to stand on this really wobbly plank and ring this bell right at the top!Woo hoo!
No wonder I got sunburnt -.-
But you know,it was all worth it.If I didn't want a sunburn I wouldn't have done all these fun element thingies.I mean we won't be doing that for sometime after right?So must do now when you have the chance!
I really really enjoyed the camp,enjoyed sharing the tent with Ashyikin,Danielle and Visha.
Oh yes,I realised Ms Wong can dance.LOL.Actually I almost choked on my food when I saw her dancing.Not that she can't dance,but she sort of suddenly started dancing,I almost choked.She didn't gel her hair so it sorta flopped down!Veh funny.She also said the last prayer before we left the campsite.
I really really really enjoyed the camp so much,I'm almost sad its over.Okay I AM sad but you know with all that sunburn,I don't feel so sad that its over -.-
Wokay lah,I shall go have lunch now though its abit late for lunch.
See ya people,take care! -Xiu =)
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hold on for one more day!
Okay anyway hi people!
I haven't blogged for sometime,or have I?
Having dinner now,nice big bowl of warm soup,a plate of rice,and a plate of some veggies,bamboo shoots and chicken!
Nice to come home to a warm meal.Heh.
I did my homework infront of the computer,was searching for Newton's laws of motion.Couldn't find them anywhere in my Physics textbook!Actually,the textbook doesn't have much on this topic so the internet was useful.
I didn't really have a good day.It's been one of those usual days,y'know.Time passing so slowly and all that.I found myself glancing at the clock frequently during lessons,desperate for them to end.
I pretty much enjoyed Physics today though.It wasn't one of those usual boring Physics lessons.They used live demonstrations.Heh.Namely Sonia,Cynthia,and Jade.
We had fun for the first time during Physics,so that was kinda cool.
So I came home straight after school,and then went to the library @ AMK,and then to NTUC to get beef cubes + dark chocolate + a can of chicken curry.Went home,cooked beef cubes and stuff.Haven't opened the can of chicken curry yet though.Save it for when I've no lunch.Blah blah blah had a shower.
Came online and did homework,had dinner,and here I am.
Yeah,remind me to bring the slippers tomorrow.Cya people! -Xiu =)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs.
I've had like..a pretty bad day.
I was in a rush this morning cos I woke up late,and forgot to bring my art folder to school.Had a small quarrel with dad this morning and I ended it with "fine,then don't bring it,".He ended up bringing it to school for me anyway.
How embarrassing.He brought it to me during my Geography lesson,just before the CA started.Damn.
Anyway whatever.I was nice to Megala for once,helping her with her artwork.
Mine was okay,though I had the feeling something was gonna happen today...
That feeling was just about right.
Had Geog and Bio CAs.Geog was totally on mapwork.Thank goodness Ariel had extra string.Bio was easy,think I'll be able to make it,just.
Blah blah blah onion experiment during 1.15pm-1.50pm.I literally RAN back to class.On the way back asked Ms Wong if the competition was going to be held in class and now?
She said yes.
I went back to class to get ready.The competition started out okay.Saw some words that the kids FINALLY thought of.Competition was fine until the scores were announced.And then there came a surprise competition for me,Laava,and Reshmi.Damn.I didn't have time to eat lunch so couldn't think very well.I also admit I was quite unprepared.How should I have known that there would be a competition with ME in it?!
Okay so here's the worst part:I lost.
Sigh.Don't know if my English is getting worse or what?!
I lost a part of me right there.I don't know why.Failing Express English was bad enough.
OKAY so I'm kinda being ignored now too.I wonder what will happen tomorrow?!Currently pretty disappointed..Bye people. -Xiulin
Saturday, February 18, 2006
People need someone to look up to.
Woke really early today,thinking it was already 7am when it was only 5am.My sister's noise probably woke me up.So well I just went back to sleep till it was time to get up,and went for choir and everything.Had to run 7 rounds around the track and do 4 sets of 25 crunches,backups,and television each.That makes a hundred each!Omg.But well I must admit that I haven't been exercising as much as I should lately so I guess this is more of a good thing than bad.After choir I went for this class practice for some adventure camp skit thingy.I somehow got kicked out of the drama group by someone(who knows if it were the same person who yelled at me?)and got put in the backstage crew.I was somewhat disappointed,yes,but what can I do?
I was pretty thankful that they delayed and wasted my time though,because guess who I saw on the way back home!Well,to the MRT station.Ms Wong!
She looked like she was prepared to hike or something.Ah well,its nice seeing teachers out of school.It's so casual.I didn't even see her at first,she gave me a shock when I recognised her.LOL.Okay anyway so I came home and had Mac & Cheese (again) and 2 chicken wings and 4 dumplings.Went to have a shower (after a long sweaty day) and here I am now,downloading Maple Story again because something happened to the patch or something.
Ah well,I really liked today though,not too stressful.I'm satisfied. -Xiulin
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Everybody's searching for a hero.
Thursdays are always the best.
I just realised that I'm going to miss English remedial on the 2nd of March!OMG!Why!
They just gotta take away everything,don't they.
First,someone misunderstood me and started yelling at me all of a sudden in the middle of a lesson.That person probably thinks that everyone should look up to her just because she migrated here from England.
I've gathered that even if I'm innocent,the teacher would turn on me too because she's jealous of something.Crazy.
So now I'm caught in the middle,having done nothing wrong.
I felt really lousy that day because I could see there was no way out.
So now all the Express English people are mad at me.
I've thought about dropping it,but what about those who actually want me to do Express English?
What can I do?I've just lost marks because I couldn't do the stupid project because they didn't tell me where to meet.
These people really should go to Hell.
Okay lets move on to Saturday.Saturday wasn't as bad,but we had to keep repeating that same part/song because people kept making mistakes.Honestly,I'd say I wasn't perfect singing that song either because of confusion.I managed to grasp it in the end though!
My sightreading is getting better!
After that we had to sing some Down Syndrome Day song thingy that we're to learn.They're all word perfect but I haven't learnt it yet due to missing 2 choir practices!!!
Damn,I'm toast.
I had a good night's sleep,finally being able to sleep till late,although it wasn't really late.Woke around half-past 11.
Had lunch after that,then did that Pope slideshow thing.I didn't understand 3/4 of what I was supposed to do!I actually doubt Ariel knows it too.Honestly.I haven't seen those words before!I guess she copied and pasted or something.
So now I'm here,blogging,getting angry over that lame childish stuff that happened on Friday.I wonder why those people have to be so stubborn?
Oh man,if only I could do School Singers for the rest of my sec school life.
I wonder how long would Ms Wong be teaching in IJ? :)
Argh!My life! -Xiulin
Monday, February 06, 2006
"Xiulin,well done!"
Was just looking for a title.Nowadays my titles are becoming quotes.Pity.
I've missed 2 choir rehersals.Feeling guilty but not that I could have gone anyway.
I can only keep myself content with the feeling of standing up there with some people from choir,singing hymns in the morning,looking for familiar-looking faces in the crowd.-Sigh.
Right now there's a commotion downstairs made by loud techno-cowboy music and people line-dancing to it.Ick.They're mostly old women with tatooed eyebrows.At least they won't stay cooped up at home doing nothing.
Oh my Lord!They're dancing to the cowboy version of "Wherever You Go".
EWW!It's a hymn!!!
Whatever.Wow,there's even the harmony!Some bass singing harmony.LOL.
Not bad,not bad at all.At least while they line-dance,they're being holy.
Rabbit just flopped down on the floor,obviously enjoying the music or something.Only just now,it was a fluffy ball of fur.
Yesterday I had flashbacks of what happened about 1and1/2 years ago.I really can't believe it.How could people get so desperate?
I look forwards to Thursdays now,because that allows me 1 hour of fun every week!It's only 1 hour though,so I've learnt to..cherish.I doubt it'll go on for the whole year but even so,we won't stay sec 3 forever.
Cherish every happy moment,people!
I have finally bought my green pen!I've been wanting/needing one for so long..
It's still difficult to do homework in this racket,even if it's just corrections.
I shall have to wait.Meanwhile,I shall loosen up abit,maybe play some games and stuff.Take care,people! -Xiu =)
Thursday, February 02, 2006
"Actually,I like chocolate very much!"
Anyway gotta make this post real quick cos not much time left.
Ariel chasing me for my work,and I still have to collect Rabbit from Beatrice's.
After doing all this,I still have to finish my English descriptive essay and my Accounts homework.Ick.Worst of all,I can't seem to find my calculator anywhere!It used to be on the floor of my bedroom but now its nowhere to be found.Freaky.Mrs Chow is going to kill me.
Apart from all this,today has been pretty good.
I've had good lessons,3 periods of Art!
Oh,did I mention that I love Art now?It can still be dry at times but yah.
The lessons today were pretty relaxed.Had 3 periods of Biology.Thank God it wasn't Physics.Had a Biology test,a short one.I thought it was quite well done.
After school,went for English remedial!That was the most fun part of my day.
We played Scrabble,could see that the aim was to get them to think without them knowing it.They were all having so much fun!We all were.
Ms Wong was being evil,trying to steal everyone's words! x)
After playing Scrabble,we went to work choosing an article each from a stack of newspaper provided.I chose one about some guy dying and his wife crying and stuff.It's our remedial homework to summarize,choose 3 words,write what we think about the article.I might develop a phobia for newspaper articles soon!
Man,I'm looking forward to Thursdays now.
I gotta run! Gonna cut off in 3 mins,thanks to selfish brother. -Xiu =D
Friday, January 20, 2006
I would have to rend my soul.
Something so tragic happened today.
It wouldn't seem tragic unless you're in my shoes.
For being smarter than other people (not to sound proud or anything),I've had taken away from me what I wanted most.
Oh,why did it have to be English?!
I regret trying so hard for English last year.I don't know why.
I felt happy at that time knowing that I've reached a higher level of achievement but now I really don't know..I don't-
I don't know what to say.I know what I'm thinking of,but people would probably just laugh at me and call me an idiot for not wanting to do O'level English.I mean I know,who doesn't want to,right?
But really,it isn't very fun at all.
It's like having your favorite toy taken away from you.
I know that mom would want me to continue doing O'level English regardless of what I want just because she wants something to show off about.
She doesn't care about what I want.
Why on Earth do these people have to spoil it all? -Xiulin.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The only way to fly...
Today wasn't very good.I mean all went well.Physics teacher went to USA for some Robotics competition so another Physics teacher took over.She's abit psychotic though.The class was really quiet but she made us stand because she said that we were very noisy -.-"
Anyway apart from the whole Physics thing,I pretty much enjoyed the 'lessons' part of my day,having art and all that.I did a masterpiece during art!
We were asked to do a self portrait using only one type of stroke.Man,I didn't know I could be so artistic!We have a new art teacher too,very weird.Abit like me,actually.
Anyway Choir wasn't so good today.Well it started off pretty well,we had to learn two new pieces.One's called "Dona Nobis Pacem",the other ,"Chinese Poems".Well the titles speak for themselves.
"Dona Nobis Pacem" is a nice decent piece,asking for peace.I don't really know what language it's in though.The other is in Chinese (duh!).
Both pieces that we've learnt today are for the tri-choir combined concert on Aug 30th.Oh man,its gonna sound sooo awesome!
I'm going to Malaysia,to my grandparents' house for Chinese New Year.That should give me plenty of time to learn and "polish" my new scores.At least I can't do anything else there,so I'm pretty much forced to look at my scores all day long.
Anyway,Ms Tham got angry with the choir today because the juniors were running around and screaming during breaktime.I was totally unaware of this until she started scolding us because I was in the toilet!She was like,"The sec 1s are so energetic,pity they can't have this much energy in their singing." Ouch.
Honestly,she's usually such a controlled person,it takes a lot for someone to make her angry,so what they have done must have been pretty bad.
There was a lot of talk/scolding after she left too.
Then,suddenly all the comm. members started crying.I mean come on,I don't find whats so saddening.I,for one,knew that I didn't do anything wrong.I paid full attention and everything!
Suddenly everyone became emotional and started crying and saying that they've let everybody down.Crazy.
That's just plain stupid.
So anyway after choir practice,I put my orange file back in my locker and chatted with the others while waiting for Lorna.She was at comm. meeting,obviously discussing what happened earlier.Man,the sec 1s really spoilt my day.It's not very nice to make other people upset,especially nice,respectable people like Ms Tham.
So anyway I came home and did my homework like a good girl,even art for the first time.I feel proud of myself,blah blah blah.
Having dinner now,blogging at the same time which of course,readers would know.Tired and irritated,but can't help it.
If those sec 1s continue being so childish,the choir is done for. -Xiulin
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Come take my hand.
Nah,I'm kidding.
Feeling worse than yesterday because obviously,yesterday was a better day.A miracle occured today.I did 3 Math worksheets all by myself and I didn't die!
I was probably hoping to.
I've still got a little bit of homework left to do.
I still stare openmouthed at Physics worksheets and stuff.
Biology is fine,Just Fine..It's only Physics.Sigh.
Other subjects are fine,even Math!No,actually Chinese is not very fine,although I handed in my Zuo Wen today!!!That's something that you don't often see.So the first week of school didn't go too badly.Could have been worse,but the teachers are always nice on the first week so there's no knowing what they'll be like.Stuff up their sleeve,like when my mom gives me money for no reason.Lol.
So today was like...I woke up early (as usual nowadays,but only on schooldays),I got to school on time even after having a filling breakfast!
Sang "Thank You,Lord" at Schoolsingers.Someone pushed-shoved me infront so I had the microphone in my face!!I think it was Jac Mok.It went well,I remembered everything although my voice sounded funny in the morning.
So after that I went back to the lockers and my class.First lesson was SS.We got some handout thingy that we're supposed to do as homework,I guess.I'll have to check that there's no SS tomorrow.Second period was...?Hold on,lemme think.
I really can't remember.I remember Mother Tongue after that though.Did essay writing "Zuo Wen".
I suffered a whole lot during that one...
After eating-
English.Oh yeah I'm soooo unhappy about that today.We had to write an essay.
Personally,I thought that the Normal(A) question was even more difficult because it was more..I don't know.Something about making a mistake and having to apologise.It's difficult to write a good essay,from my point of view.
What the girls doing O'lev English got was more...complex?
Something about writing 2 times when you had fun as a young child.
It was easier to write nicely,but I had to think for some time.
We were only given 32 mins to write our composition,but the O'lev English girls started late but weren't given extra time.Unfair!!!
I didn't really have time to write much,and it was underwritten.I was supposed to write at least 300 words but only wrote around 250+.It was only about one time(they asked for 2) but I made it sound like 2.
Apart from all those "mistakes" I made,I thought it was a pretty decent essay.
Ah,good old days when we were still young children.
Look at all of us now -.-"
After English came CME.Had to discuss some stuff about group work with Ms Shanthi.It was hell,I tell you.See,we were all aching from PE the day before.I was aching pretty bad.I was in such an uncomfortable position and having to turn my body around,though I could only do it halfway and so my neck had to turn the rest.I almost died.My neck almost died,I should say.Now my neck is aching too.Oh,the pains of being an attentive student!
After CME was Physics,as you should know,is currently my most disliked subject.It was only one period though,and before the teacher came,I asked another teacher if I could go to the loo cos' I was really urgent.I ran.On the way I saw my Physics teacher -.-"
I didn't have time to stay and chat,not that I wanted to anyway.
I ran to the toilet and then back,and even though I ran and all that,it took up like 1/4 of the period already so I only had to sit through 3/4 of it.We were doing that worksheet,the one which I stared blankly at.Anyway I tried to follow and copy stuff off the board,and even that was too fast!When the bell rang I was soooo thankful.At least after-school hours weren't so bad because I met up with Joanne,Christine and some other girl (forgot whats her name but she's damn funny).We went to have chicken rice together,and when I told them I've never ordered chicken rice by myself before,they were shocked/amazed.Anyway,Joanne and Christine found strands of the guy's hair in their chicken rice,and made a complaint,after which getting a new plate of chicken rice without hairs.
We went to Popular bookshop after that,looking at files and stuff.I left early cos' it was time for me to go home anyway,so I did.I said my goodbyes and left.
I came home.I slept till 8pm.Man,I was so tired.It's been a long day. -Xiu =)
Monday, January 16, 2006
I'll smell the flowers and hear the birds sing...
Yes,so I'm here,blogging again.
Yes,lets talk about my life.
Apart from the fact that I'm ALREADY lagging behind in my Physics class,I haven't finished my Physics homework that I really don't know how to do,my Math homework which I still haven't completed,my weakness in mapwork,being worried about having to do O'level English because I love my current English class so much,Dad being all crazy again,mom just lazing around,a small wound on my ankle(it looks kinda raw,I don't know how it got there),My life is pretty perfect at the moment.
I feel sad and all that,but somehow there's always something to keep us from springing off the top of a building.
What gets to me the most is my Physics.I feel so hopeless already!
Almost broke down during Physics the other day because I seriously couldn't get anything.It was like Sec 2 all over again,only now there's no more Ms Teow.
I can only sigh.
Something keeps me motivated enough to try.
Anyway,I saw Mrs Tan in school today.She looked shorter because her skirt/trousers were pretty high.LOL.Oops =X Mrs Tan if you're reading,you just gotta know that there were a lot of comments on that!
Sigh,its getting late and I shall go finish my homework.It's not much,really.
So goodnight people! -Xiu =D
Friday, January 06, 2006
I'll be remembering you.
Life couldn't get any more worse than this,can it?
Two male teachers.Ick.
One used to live in Aus for a long time,has this slight accent.
The other is very...positive.I don't know but he's like,"if you don't know how to do a question,put there 'don't know YET'"
Everyone's like -.-"
But I guess its a change from grumpy female teachers yes?
We still have female teachers though.We have 2 new teachers.New,meaning they just came into the school.
At least I know I have the freedom to walk around in bookshops and eating ice-cream with friends.Sigh.Realise that the older you get,the more...boring you become.You start talking about more 'adult' topics.Damn,we grow up too fast.We get caught up with all sorts of things.Oh yeah.Met my new teacher today and she was like,"are you in ELDDS?Why aren't you in ELDDS?!"Hmm.I don't know,ELDDS seems boring because you can't really choose what to act out,you have to follow their boring story.It's not really dramatic like those professionals.Its so...I don't know.The props suck.The things they have to wear also kinda suck.Maybe I'm just not into that kinda thing.Ms Wong seems to have done EVERYTHING.She was asking about our CCAs and she was like "I used to play the trumpet in the band too" and "Oh I was a sop 1!".Sigh,its just...mixing with people of different age groups.Depends on what kind of a person you are.If you have this inner child thingy that always comes alive then maybe you should hang out with people younger than you.
If you're some boring person like me who likes deeper topics (omg ask Gervin,I think she almost died talking to me),then...Hmm.I'm not gonna hint or anything,don't want sis to come after me =X
Ah well,thats the first day of school.Homeroom system was so disorganised,even the teachers were messed up.What to do,Singaporeans all want to be modern,must copy other countries.Sigh.It makes us seem to..unoriginal,y'know.
Ah yes,choir again tomorrow.Ah,heaven! -Xiu =)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I'll watch as the cold winter melts into spring
I have found a sure-cure for fever!
It may be difficult,but it works.
Here's it:
Get like...4-5 hours of sleep on one night,make sure the lack of sleep makes you feel really tired.The next day,go out or something.Make sure you use up your energy.Go home,don't fall asleep yet cos it won't work.
Stay up till night time around 10-10.30,then drop dead on your bed (after brushing whatsoever).SLEEP!
I slept at 10.30pm and only woke around 4pm the next day!
The night before (The day I lacked sleep),I took my temperature before going to bed,and it was like 38.2.
After I woke at 4pm,my temperature was 36.4!
Tell everyone!
Now my teachers won't believe that I skipped that stupid packing thing because I was sick.Damn. -Xiu =)