Here's a quick update.
Happy Birthday,WY!
Mom and Dad went to Thailand today.Sis and bro are at work so I'm left at home with Rabbit.It's fine with me.
Had fried carrot cake for lunch.
I plan to watch videos later.
Dammit.Is "Tiger and the Snow" still showing in cinemas?!I wanna watch it.
Yesterday,I went out with mom and dad to lunch,and then out with mom to buy canvas(es?) after.Then I had to rush home to shower and then I used the computer for awhile while waiting for hair to dry off,and then I had a whole steamed fish for dinner.Tuh! Then dad fetched me to ACS B for this concert by an Indonesian choir at Mrs Lee Choon Guan.After the concert we hung about for awhile,then went to this large hawker centre (what's it called?) with my sis and Ee Kia since they didn't have a proper dinner or something.Walking out after that we "stumbled" upon some other Singers and the Indo choir eating.I dunno what happened there but I just stood there with this smile on my face,just in case.
Then I went home in an MRT with my sis,what a day.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tuesday,Nov 14th 2006
I think I'll sleep well tonight.
Only just now I felt so drained of energy that I fell asleep!
I had choir practice this morning.We had Physical Training,so we ran 6 rounds around the track,and after that I nearly killed myself doing push-ups.
We had to do 4 sets of 25 crunches,back-ups,push-ups/"television",and being me,I did push-ups instead of "television".Thats what they call it anyway.
I would like to go fake-rock-climbing again sometime soon.I've been away from it for too long now.Not sure if my friends would want to go rock-climbing,though.They barely climbed the last time we went.They just lay around sms-ing and taking pictures.
I wanted to go to Bishan after choir to check out that temporary honey stall for Manuka honey sweets but eventually decided not to when I started craving KFC,so I texted dad to ask if we could have KFC for lunch.He agreed,so I went straight home.
The time I spent at KFC today had been so embarrassing.
The girl at the counter looked timid enough,and made a couple of mistakes with our orders.As you know,dad can be very picky when he wants to be.
Dad wanted chicken thighs but she gave him ribs.
Dad wanted root beer but she gave him coke.
Dad wanted mashed potato but she gave him coleslaw.
He kept speaking so loudly,demanding this and that,I almost died with embarrassment.Sometimes I just wish I ate hawker food instead.At least he would feel at home shouting in some noisy hawker centre where nobody cares about manners,or at least table manners.
I spent the day lazing around,as usual.
I watched some videos,and then looked up the internet for steps to moon-walking.Hah!
Getting the hang of it,but difficult to do.I mean ok,easy to do but it takes lotsa practice to look like a pro.
I'm warming up to the idea of dancing.
I mean,there are people who can sing AND dance,and look where it got them.
Rabbit just flopped down beside me,all flat and sleepy-looking.How cute.
I gave it a big cuddle just now.When it's in a really good mood I can really cuddle it and it still won't hop away after I put it down,but when it's in a bad mood it'll struggle.
I don't blame it.
Imagine having no power over your own body.People just pick you up and squeeze you when they feel like it,whether you like it or not.
Poor kid.
Y'know,after watching "Cast Away" the other night,I feel like watching it again.
It's kinda cool,learning how to survive on a deserted island.I think this guy was even more pitiful than Robinson Crusoe (sp?) .At least Robinson had someone else living on that island.
The world can be such a cruel place sometimes.
Only just now I felt so drained of energy that I fell asleep!
I had choir practice this morning.We had Physical Training,so we ran 6 rounds around the track,and after that I nearly killed myself doing push-ups.
We had to do 4 sets of 25 crunches,back-ups,push-ups/"television",and being me,I did push-ups instead of "television".Thats what they call it anyway.
I would like to go fake-rock-climbing again sometime soon.I've been away from it for too long now.Not sure if my friends would want to go rock-climbing,though.They barely climbed the last time we went.They just lay around sms-ing and taking pictures.
I wanted to go to Bishan after choir to check out that temporary honey stall for Manuka honey sweets but eventually decided not to when I started craving KFC,so I texted dad to ask if we could have KFC for lunch.He agreed,so I went straight home.
The time I spent at KFC today had been so embarrassing.
The girl at the counter looked timid enough,and made a couple of mistakes with our orders.As you know,dad can be very picky when he wants to be.
Dad wanted chicken thighs but she gave him ribs.
Dad wanted root beer but she gave him coke.
Dad wanted mashed potato but she gave him coleslaw.
He kept speaking so loudly,demanding this and that,I almost died with embarrassment.Sometimes I just wish I ate hawker food instead.At least he would feel at home shouting in some noisy hawker centre where nobody cares about manners,or at least table manners.
I spent the day lazing around,as usual.
I watched some videos,and then looked up the internet for steps to moon-walking.Hah!
Getting the hang of it,but difficult to do.I mean ok,easy to do but it takes lotsa practice to look like a pro.
I'm warming up to the idea of dancing.
I mean,there are people who can sing AND dance,and look where it got them.
Rabbit just flopped down beside me,all flat and sleepy-looking.How cute.
I gave it a big cuddle just now.When it's in a really good mood I can really cuddle it and it still won't hop away after I put it down,but when it's in a bad mood it'll struggle.
I don't blame it.
Imagine having no power over your own body.People just pick you up and squeeze you when they feel like it,whether you like it or not.
Poor kid.
Y'know,after watching "Cast Away" the other night,I feel like watching it again.
It's kinda cool,learning how to survive on a deserted island.I think this guy was even more pitiful than Robinson Crusoe (sp?) .At least Robinson had someone else living on that island.
The world can be such a cruel place sometimes.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Like I could sing along.
Yes,I'm blogging -again.
I went for choir practice this morning.I was so tired yesterday,I slept at around 10pm.Then,when I woke this morning,I was surprised at how tired I felt.
Choir practice was quite..It went quite well.
Well,the only bad thing about it was that the other Sec 3s weren't THERE.Me,I was the only Normal Acad Sec 3 there,not called back for lessons and thats why I was there.
Hey,I chose to go for my Art lesson yesterday so that I could go for choir today!
Today,choir practice went quite well because we finally had PT again,running around the track and doing conditioning (push-ups,crunches,back-ups).Now I feel fit again!
Not to mention the muscle issue.
However,I fell down on the track.I don't know why.Maybe there's no explanation for it.I just fell.I only scraped my knees a little,the rubber track saved me.But!I didn't notice I got myself wounded until after conditioning,which always comes after running.I did push-ups on my wounded knees,and they stung after everything,telling me that I had to do something.
I was probably being eaten alive by some kind of bacteria!
I asked to have my wounds washed,and I limped to the canteen sinks to have them washed up.
I wondered how dramatic it would've been if I just lay there after I fell.
We got new scores today,too.
We sang through "This train","Look To This Day!",and "Kotoba-asobi Uta".
Our conductor came today,and we tried to polish up the first 3 pages of "This train".We did some tuning exercises in that key."This train" is very difficult because of all the key changes.Thankfully,I'm not bad at tuning =D
It's just the slow-thinking I'm worried about.
After doing those exercises,we sang through "This train" again,and because we were more sure of the notes and rhythm this time,it actually sounded good because we dared to sing out.Well,I tried my best,but it really did sound..different.The last few times we sang it,we sounded so scared,so unsure.And then,I suddenly realised the beauty and the good feeling of being surrounded by singing people.It's as if the song filled the whole universe,all around,wherever we went.
We started on one of the new scores today.I can't remember what it's called and I don't intend to go back into my room and dig through my file to find out.I'm "tied" to the computer by my earphones,listening to beautiful music.
The song we started on was by the same Hungarian composer who composed the version of "Ave Maria" we sang.Same style of composing,too.The bars have the same number of beats,the printing quite large and easy to read.However,this new score has even bigger notes than "Ave Maria"!I'm glad,because I'm not very good at sight-reading.
I wrote down the note-relations,and I think I'll do fine.I mean,we sight-read it and it turned out quite well.At least the few bars we did.
I intend to use my sister's piano to try and tune myself later.
I was quite excited for choir practice to end,too,because I was all set to go to town after.
I had to get Dezi her birthday present,for I may not be able to the next few days.Also,I wanted to get the soundtrack of "High School Musical",and I did.I'd brought just enough for both.
Cool,it comes with a CD with the sing-along versions!LOL.
I actually quite like sing-along versions because they're much quieter,more of the play-you-to-sleep music.And also,I do like to sing along.Gosh,I can't believe I just typed that.
NO!I shouldn't be embarrassed.
Singing is pretty much the only thing I can do.
That's about it.I've spent the rest of the day simply just sitting around.
I'm quite worried about choir tomorrow,though.My buddy is coming tomorrow.Just worried that I'd let people down.How will I find the patience to teach her every song?
Will I simply blow up?
Did I mention that my knee-wounds kept me from sitting properly and comfortably during choir practice?I'm sure Mrs Low and Ms Tham were all set to question me,but decided not to,for the sake of choir or something.I sure hope they saw the wounds.
I spent the day watching this lame show called "Halloweentown High" and another,"High School Musical".
I actually love the way everyone breaks out into song and dance!
If only it were like that in reality.I'd look forward to school every single day.
I went for choir practice this morning.I was so tired yesterday,I slept at around 10pm.Then,when I woke this morning,I was surprised at how tired I felt.
Choir practice was quite..It went quite well.
Well,the only bad thing about it was that the other Sec 3s weren't THERE.Me,I was the only Normal Acad Sec 3 there,not called back for lessons and thats why I was there.
Hey,I chose to go for my Art lesson yesterday so that I could go for choir today!
Today,choir practice went quite well because we finally had PT again,running around the track and doing conditioning (push-ups,crunches,back-ups).Now I feel fit again!
Not to mention the muscle issue.
However,I fell down on the track.I don't know why.Maybe there's no explanation for it.I just fell.I only scraped my knees a little,the rubber track saved me.But!I didn't notice I got myself wounded until after conditioning,which always comes after running.I did push-ups on my wounded knees,and they stung after everything,telling me that I had to do something.
I was probably being eaten alive by some kind of bacteria!
I asked to have my wounds washed,and I limped to the canteen sinks to have them washed up.
I wondered how dramatic it would've been if I just lay there after I fell.
We got new scores today,too.
We sang through "This train","Look To This Day!",and "Kotoba-asobi Uta".
Our conductor came today,and we tried to polish up the first 3 pages of "This train".We did some tuning exercises in that key."This train" is very difficult because of all the key changes.Thankfully,I'm not bad at tuning =D
It's just the slow-thinking I'm worried about.
After doing those exercises,we sang through "This train" again,and because we were more sure of the notes and rhythm this time,it actually sounded good because we dared to sing out.Well,I tried my best,but it really did sound..different.The last few times we sang it,we sounded so scared,so unsure.And then,I suddenly realised the beauty and the good feeling of being surrounded by singing people.It's as if the song filled the whole universe,all around,wherever we went.
We started on one of the new scores today.I can't remember what it's called and I don't intend to go back into my room and dig through my file to find out.I'm "tied" to the computer by my earphones,listening to beautiful music.
The song we started on was by the same Hungarian composer who composed the version of "Ave Maria" we sang.Same style of composing,too.The bars have the same number of beats,the printing quite large and easy to read.However,this new score has even bigger notes than "Ave Maria"!I'm glad,because I'm not very good at sight-reading.
I wrote down the note-relations,and I think I'll do fine.I mean,we sight-read it and it turned out quite well.At least the few bars we did.
I intend to use my sister's piano to try and tune myself later.
I was quite excited for choir practice to end,too,because I was all set to go to town after.
I had to get Dezi her birthday present,for I may not be able to the next few days.Also,I wanted to get the soundtrack of "High School Musical",and I did.I'd brought just enough for both.
Cool,it comes with a CD with the sing-along versions!LOL.
I actually quite like sing-along versions because they're much quieter,more of the play-you-to-sleep music.And also,I do like to sing along.Gosh,I can't believe I just typed that.
NO!I shouldn't be embarrassed.
Singing is pretty much the only thing I can do.
That's about it.I've spent the rest of the day simply just sitting around.
I'm quite worried about choir tomorrow,though.My buddy is coming tomorrow.Just worried that I'd let people down.How will I find the patience to teach her every song?
Will I simply blow up?
Did I mention that my knee-wounds kept me from sitting properly and comfortably during choir practice?I'm sure Mrs Low and Ms Tham were all set to question me,but decided not to,for the sake of choir or something.I sure hope they saw the wounds.
I spent the day watching this lame show called "Halloweentown High" and another,"High School Musical".
I actually love the way everyone breaks out into song and dance!
If only it were like that in reality.I'd look forward to school every single day.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wednesday,Sept 1st 2006

Am gonna test something.
If it turns out,I'm not gonna delete this post.
This is an artwork,if I'm not wrong:oil on canvas.
It's called "First Steps (After Millet)" by Vincent Van Gogh.
I think it's beautiful.
It's a mother and father teaching their daughter how to walk.
Those are her very first steps.
But see,it's beautiful because they're not very rich people.
Because in holland last time,people who worked on farms are the poor peasants with very little money, food to eat...
But this picture shows the joy on their faces.
You know,like even the simple things in life can bring joy to people,that money is not everything.
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