Images of Lune keep flashing behind my eyelids when I'm about to fall asleep. I can't get his handsome blue face out of my mind. His sad, piercing green eyes keep staring at me, his golden hair flowing, like a crown around his head. I feel like the character in my own story, the poor artist.
I felt I had to do another drawing of him, because I couldn't continue writing. My mind goes blank whenever I try to continue the story, I don't know how their first meeting goes. I need to know how they react, what they say to each other. I need to know, to be there in that dream. Lune may be trapped in the painting in the day, but at night he becomes very much alive.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, December 26th 2009
I feel so desperate for the new Philippe Jaroussky CD. In need of some chill-out time with the sound of lovely, intoxicating music and a bit of wine.
The moment I came back from Phuket, everything came rushing back. All the pressure, the people, the expensive lifestyle, eating at restaurants, stupidly paying for exorbitantly-priced dishes. Sabby's $42 hairband keeps tormenting me, I feel so damn guilty for going along with this ridiculously expensive lifestyle when so many kids can't even afford to buy a pair of shoes or go to school.
I've noticed, however, that I'm more aware of it now. Whenever I think I "need" something, I change it to "want" instead because honestly, many things I have, I don't "need". Basic necessities include food, water, shelter, bed, toiletries. I'll add basic art and writing materials, but that's it. I still can't help feeling guilty, it haunts me in my sleep. I find myself still awake at unearthly hours, tossing, turning.. Sometimes I ask myself what I did to deserve being so lucky.
The moment I came back from Phuket, everything came rushing back. All the pressure, the people, the expensive lifestyle, eating at restaurants, stupidly paying for exorbitantly-priced dishes. Sabby's $42 hairband keeps tormenting me, I feel so damn guilty for going along with this ridiculously expensive lifestyle when so many kids can't even afford to buy a pair of shoes or go to school.
I've noticed, however, that I'm more aware of it now. Whenever I think I "need" something, I change it to "want" instead because honestly, many things I have, I don't "need". Basic necessities include food, water, shelter, bed, toiletries. I'll add basic art and writing materials, but that's it. I still can't help feeling guilty, it haunts me in my sleep. I find myself still awake at unearthly hours, tossing, turning.. Sometimes I ask myself what I did to deserve being so lucky.
I placed the order for "La Dolce Fiamma" at the start of last month, I think, and it still hasn't arrived. The French really have it good, it was released there on the 2nd of Nov. I can't wait for the sound of it blasting from my speakers, washing over me, filling the room, the time during which I just flop on to my bed and close my eyes.
His voice has a certain beauty to it, his graceful notes, his liquidity in his runs and scale-passages, the brightness of his voice, sharp yet comforting.
You wouldn't believe how his voice has soothed me throughout the entire year. It was as if his singing made everything easier, more enjoyable. His voice is like the pair of lips that kiss my wounds, the reassuring sound smoothing out my frowning facial muscles.
His patience and thoughts show through his singing, it's like looking through a window and seeing him practising to achieve perfection.
PJ is a great example of a man.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, December 25th 2009

"Lets get together and feel all right"
Nothing like a little bit of Bob Marley to help me get into the Christmas spirit! I spent last night listening to old songs and watching some Elvis Presley on DVD.
For me, Christmas is always one of the most depressing days of the year. Sure, there's the joy of Jesus and all that, but my family would never acknowledge that. They are just.... like that. There's no tree, no marzipan, no cookies, no traditional dinner. Still rude as ever, as always. Well, at least I can take comfort in my independent thought. I went to Midnight Mass last year and my brother kicked up merry hell and told on me to my parents, who say I "lied" about something, I'm not even sure what, but it had something to do with going to church. Strange, I never made any promise or said that I wouldn't go to church. Have long given up on trying to reason with these people.
Anyway, I found I didn't really like going to mass at church. It's too much of blind-following, I'm pretty sure even God wants his followers to have their own brains. The bible was written by people, and from my experience, people tend to make up their own rules, in society and in culture. People are troublesome. I find it much nicer to spent time with God outside church, and granted, I'm a Freethinker, but I think the best way of religion is just to have brains, and love everyone, anyone, anything, and be open to new things and ideas. Accept the world as a gift.
With that said, I have to admit I feel much better. These people can't spoil my Christmas if I don't let them get to me. Christmas will be any way I want it to be.
Nothing like a little bit of Bob Marley to help me get into the Christmas spirit! I spent last night listening to old songs and watching some Elvis Presley on DVD.
For me, Christmas is always one of the most depressing days of the year. Sure, there's the joy of Jesus and all that, but my family would never acknowledge that. They are just.... like that. There's no tree, no marzipan, no cookies, no traditional dinner. Still rude as ever, as always. Well, at least I can take comfort in my independent thought. I went to Midnight Mass last year and my brother kicked up merry hell and told on me to my parents, who say I "lied" about something, I'm not even sure what, but it had something to do with going to church. Strange, I never made any promise or said that I wouldn't go to church. Have long given up on trying to reason with these people.
Anyway, I found I didn't really like going to mass at church. It's too much of blind-following, I'm pretty sure even God wants his followers to have their own brains. The bible was written by people, and from my experience, people tend to make up their own rules, in society and in culture. People are troublesome. I find it much nicer to spent time with God outside church, and granted, I'm a Freethinker, but I think the best way of religion is just to have brains, and love everyone, anyone, anything, and be open to new things and ideas. Accept the world as a gift.
With that said, I have to admit I feel much better. These people can't spoil my Christmas if I don't let them get to me. Christmas will be any way I want it to be.
Oh yes, that reminds me. I haven't gotten my yearly candycane yet!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 24th 2009
Hey guys!
Finally decided to change my blog template, after 5 long years. Picked a simple, classic, clean-looking one, as opposed to the excessively pink one I picked when I first started this blog. Not into those fancy moving clocks that annoyingly follow your cursor, but I made sure to add my new Mixpod playlist of Bob Marley music. Overall, simple, clean and beautiful.
Finally decided to change my blog template, after 5 long years. Picked a simple, classic, clean-looking one, as opposed to the excessively pink one I picked when I first started this blog. Not into those fancy moving clocks that annoyingly follow your cursor, but I made sure to add my new Mixpod playlist of Bob Marley music. Overall, simple, clean and beautiful.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wednesday, 23rd December 2009
I've been hanging out with way too many girly people recently.
On Sunday, The Lunchpeople (Gerv, Kat, Sijia and I) had a last-minute lunch at TPY Pizza Hut, our usual hangout back when we were still in school. It's always good to hang out with them, there's a lot of laughter, all the trouble from everyday life just vanishes. Plus, it's all clean, good fun, we took many photos.
It's strange. I see everyone around me growing up but myself. Sijia is the same as ever, too busy for anything, your typical super over-achiever. Gerv is attached, Kat highlighted her hair, and me? I guess I did get dreads twice and pierced my ear twice, but that's it. It doesn't say anything about growing up. It feels like I'm shrinking instead, getting younger. What innocence from my childhood will never come back, but the most blissful people in the world are children.
On Monday, I met up with Sabby for a day out. We went ice-skating first. Sab is a total pro on the ice, not to mention she's one of those thin, lean and fabulous people. I felt so small skating beside her. There was this little kid who hung on to her every word, but luckily we didn't have to go the whole day with her.
Later, we went for lunch, then took a bus to Orchard, where she bought her Doc Martens and I bought my perfume and another Bob Marley album, we had ice-cream, then went to Cineleisure to take neoprints. I hadn't done it in years and it felt really good to revisit those times. We had dinner at Pastamania where Sab almost died from too much cheese, then we went to Takashimaya where Sab paid $42 for a flimsy, plastic hairband with a plastic dog on it. OKAY.
We went back to Bishan to catch a movie, "Avatar". We actually bought the wrong timing tickets first, so when we went back to change it, they were only left with two seats in the first row. Damn! We took them, what the hell, I'll do everything at least once. We went home with neckaches, but the movie was good. Storyline was average, but everything else was pretty good. I prefer the blue people to the normal ones.
On Sunday, The Lunchpeople (Gerv, Kat, Sijia and I) had a last-minute lunch at TPY Pizza Hut, our usual hangout back when we were still in school. It's always good to hang out with them, there's a lot of laughter, all the trouble from everyday life just vanishes. Plus, it's all clean, good fun, we took many photos.
It's strange. I see everyone around me growing up but myself. Sijia is the same as ever, too busy for anything, your typical super over-achiever. Gerv is attached, Kat highlighted her hair, and me? I guess I did get dreads twice and pierced my ear twice, but that's it. It doesn't say anything about growing up. It feels like I'm shrinking instead, getting younger. What innocence from my childhood will never come back, but the most blissful people in the world are children.
On Monday, I met up with Sabby for a day out. We went ice-skating first. Sab is a total pro on the ice, not to mention she's one of those thin, lean and fabulous people. I felt so small skating beside her. There was this little kid who hung on to her every word, but luckily we didn't have to go the whole day with her.
Later, we went for lunch, then took a bus to Orchard, where she bought her Doc Martens and I bought my perfume and another Bob Marley album, we had ice-cream, then went to Cineleisure to take neoprints. I hadn't done it in years and it felt really good to revisit those times. We had dinner at Pastamania where Sab almost died from too much cheese, then we went to Takashimaya where Sab paid $42 for a flimsy, plastic hairband with a plastic dog on it. OKAY.
We went back to Bishan to catch a movie, "Avatar". We actually bought the wrong timing tickets first, so when we went back to change it, they were only left with two seats in the first row. Damn! We took them, what the hell, I'll do everything at least once. We went home with neckaches, but the movie was good. Storyline was average, but everything else was pretty good. I prefer the blue people to the normal ones.
Anyway, I've uploaded a photo of me taken in Phuket. It was the "elephant massage" where the elephant just steps on your butt while he kisses you. Click on it and you'll be able to see my facial expression. I had to wipe my hair down afterwards. Lovely experience, though. Still missing my mr. whatshisname. I can't believe I don't know his name! I could kill myself.
Still feeling depressed about being back in Singapore. I look around and all I see is concrete. I have this strong urge to run away to some mountain far away from here and live there in isolation.
One day, I shall do just that.
Still feeling depressed about being back in Singapore. I look around and all I see is concrete. I have this strong urge to run away to some mountain far away from here and live there in isolation.
One day, I shall do just that.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Saturday, December 19th 2009

Day 1.
Arrived at Phuket, walked around town on foot. Didn't really do much on the first day except that I went for 20 minutes of fish therapy. It's incredibly therapeutic. Plus, I couldn't stop laughing. It was so ticklish, my most intimate "massage" and exfoliation ever- hundreds of cute little fish sucking at the skin on my feet.
Dinner at grilled-seafood eating place. I wouldn't call it a restaurant. Felt I dressed too dowdily today, will wear less tomorrow.
Day 2.
Went on canoe tour today, was afraid of being seasick but wasn't at all! Water wasn't blue, though, so a little disappointing. Tour group had this v cute guy but he turned out to be an asshole. Also, there was this other guy who has an uncanny resemblance to Ralph Fiennes! He sat opposite us on the boat so I had a lot of time to gaze.
Went to several islands, took photos with rocks. Looked less dowdy today so didn't feel too bad. Met "Johnny" who has a cool Thai-Muslim name. Poor guy has been working on that boat for 7 years, and he's only 24 now! Before that, he worked on a fishing boat. Glad that I met genuinely nice people today.
Went shoe-shopping, but everyone ended up with new shoes, everyone but me. Damn it. I should just buy shoes and paint over the stupid logo! Looking forward to more shopping tomorrow.
Day 3.
Today was just shopping and stuff, though buying shoes tomorrow. Hopefully I'll buy 3 pairs. Still not sure what I'll paint on them. Monkey Island? Toy Story? Bart Simpson and Sideshow Bob?
Period heavy, not sure how I'll be able to go water rafting tomorrow. Very worried. Early day tomorrow, hope it'll be good.
Day 4.
I have fallen in love with Phuket and its people. I love the nature here, the laid-back attitude, fresh air and pretty healthy lifestyle. We went on the water-rafting tour today, with other activities like flying fox and elephant trekking and taking photos with monkeys. I got massaged by the elephant and was kissed by it until I had to wipe my hair down.
The others thought the tour wasn't good but I liked it. This rafting guide kept playing with me, and the rafting was really fun. I loved the scenery, the sound of the flowing water. I don't even know his name but we took photos together. He is a truly nice, fake iphone and smoker but full-of-fun and adventure-craving person. And he's Thai.
After the tour we came back to Patong. Shoes to be collected tmr. Saw the guy at the purse stall who chatted me up yesterday. He held my hand today and refused to let go. Sis thinks he's cute but I don't really think so. He's too beng for me. It was sweet, though. Happy today!
Day 5.
Had half a day in Phuket, and back home tonight. Unhappy. I miss the people I met in Phuket, the slow-moving life, the mountains and rivers and greenery. I only don't miss the mosquitoes. Going with my family meant that I didn't get to buy a lot, got one pair of high-cut sneakers so not a total loss.
Lots of insect bites, hope none of them are worms. Didn't get to bungee on this trip, but shall go to Phuket again, next time without my family... hopefully. Ppl there seem to find me cute, good to be 18. Plus, most of them are quite good-looking! Aha!
I feel so inspired. I saw so many people with dreadlocks and cornrows and braids there, and I've decided to put dreadlocks back into my hair in the middle of next year. This time, I'll make it grow backwards so they won't fall in my face.
Day 1.
Arrived at Phuket, walked around town on foot. Didn't really do much on the first day except that I went for 20 minutes of fish therapy. It's incredibly therapeutic. Plus, I couldn't stop laughing. It was so ticklish, my most intimate "massage" and exfoliation ever- hundreds of cute little fish sucking at the skin on my feet.
Dinner at grilled-seafood eating place. I wouldn't call it a restaurant. Felt I dressed too dowdily today, will wear less tomorrow.
Day 2.
Went on canoe tour today, was afraid of being seasick but wasn't at all! Water wasn't blue, though, so a little disappointing. Tour group had this v cute guy but he turned out to be an asshole. Also, there was this other guy who has an uncanny resemblance to Ralph Fiennes! He sat opposite us on the boat so I had a lot of time to gaze.
Went to several islands, took photos with rocks. Looked less dowdy today so didn't feel too bad. Met "Johnny" who has a cool Thai-Muslim name. Poor guy has been working on that boat for 7 years, and he's only 24 now! Before that, he worked on a fishing boat. Glad that I met genuinely nice people today.
Went shoe-shopping, but everyone ended up with new shoes, everyone but me. Damn it. I should just buy shoes and paint over the stupid logo! Looking forward to more shopping tomorrow.
Day 3.
Today was just shopping and stuff, though buying shoes tomorrow. Hopefully I'll buy 3 pairs. Still not sure what I'll paint on them. Monkey Island? Toy Story? Bart Simpson and Sideshow Bob?
Period heavy, not sure how I'll be able to go water rafting tomorrow. Very worried. Early day tomorrow, hope it'll be good.
Day 4.
I have fallen in love with Phuket and its people. I love the nature here, the laid-back attitude, fresh air and pretty healthy lifestyle. We went on the water-rafting tour today, with other activities like flying fox and elephant trekking and taking photos with monkeys. I got massaged by the elephant and was kissed by it until I had to wipe my hair down.
The others thought the tour wasn't good but I liked it. This rafting guide kept playing with me, and the rafting was really fun. I loved the scenery, the sound of the flowing water. I don't even know his name but we took photos together. He is a truly nice, fake iphone and smoker but full-of-fun and adventure-craving person. And he's Thai.
After the tour we came back to Patong. Shoes to be collected tmr. Saw the guy at the purse stall who chatted me up yesterday. He held my hand today and refused to let go. Sis thinks he's cute but I don't really think so. He's too beng for me. It was sweet, though. Happy today!
Day 5.
Had half a day in Phuket, and back home tonight. Unhappy. I miss the people I met in Phuket, the slow-moving life, the mountains and rivers and greenery. I only don't miss the mosquitoes. Going with my family meant that I didn't get to buy a lot, got one pair of high-cut sneakers so not a total loss.
Lots of insect bites, hope none of them are worms. Didn't get to bungee on this trip, but shall go to Phuket again, next time without my family... hopefully. Ppl there seem to find me cute, good to be 18. Plus, most of them are quite good-looking! Aha!
I feel so inspired. I saw so many people with dreadlocks and cornrows and braids there, and I've decided to put dreadlocks back into my hair in the middle of next year. This time, I'll make it grow backwards so they won't fall in my face.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, December 13th 2009

Why do I torture myself like this?
Why do I insist on re-reading "Love in the Time of Cholera" even though it is so difficult to get through and so painful to read? With every page I feel like I'm in the shoes of Florentino Ariza, feeling his pain, crying his tears of joy, sadness and anger. Why does he relentlessly pursue Fermina Daza even though it shreds his heart? He buys a mirror and hangs it in his house, just because he knows her reflection is captured there. He writes the most beautiful love letters.
Every time I read the book or watch the movie, it torments me endlessly in my quiet moments and in my dreams. The desire to love just won't disappear, when my body is about to drift off to sleep, painful memories flash behind my eyelids and jolt myself awake.
What I do not see in real life anymore comes back to haunt me in my dreams.
Why do I insist on re-reading "Love in the Time of Cholera" even though it is so difficult to get through and so painful to read? With every page I feel like I'm in the shoes of Florentino Ariza, feeling his pain, crying his tears of joy, sadness and anger. Why does he relentlessly pursue Fermina Daza even though it shreds his heart? He buys a mirror and hangs it in his house, just because he knows her reflection is captured there. He writes the most beautiful love letters.
Every time I read the book or watch the movie, it torments me endlessly in my quiet moments and in my dreams. The desire to love just won't disappear, when my body is about to drift off to sleep, painful memories flash behind my eyelids and jolt myself awake.
What I do not see in real life anymore comes back to haunt me in my dreams.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday, December 12th 2009
My mom is fed up with paying for my voice lessons.
At the beginning of the year she said she would pay for them so I wouldn't have to work for the money, but now she's taking back her word. She labels my lessons as "a waste of time and money", which I find unfair because I enjoy them immensely. I practise so hard and so often so I would be good, especially during the lessons.
Mom says I should "wait till I'm older to take voice lessons". Hello?! I'm 18, which is old to be starting vocal training, and she wants me to wait some more? She's mad, I tell you. I'm annoyed because my teacher is the best around and my parents always seem to want me to quit what I enjoy.
My mom is fed up with paying for my voice lessons.
At the beginning of the year she said she would pay for them so I wouldn't have to work for the money, but now she's taking back her word. She labels my lessons as "a waste of time and money", which I find unfair because I enjoy them immensely. I practise so hard and so often so I would be good, especially during the lessons.
Mom says I should "wait till I'm older to take voice lessons". Hello?! I'm 18, which is old to be starting vocal training, and she wants me to wait some more? She's mad, I tell you. I'm annoyed because my teacher is the best around and my parents always seem to want me to quit what I enjoy.
Dad made me quit gymnastics in Pri 2 because it was "dangerous". When I got older and re-joined it in Pri 4, the other girls laughed at me and the coach disliked me because I was not as good at gymnastics as my peers, or even worse, my juniors. Had I stayed on in Pri 2, I could have been good at it.
All of you who know me know that I love my CCA. I risked life and limb for it and fought to attend practice, argued to go on tour for competitions.
After a couple of years in my Secondary school choir, my parents wanted me to quit it. They said it was "a waste of time and effort". Luckily, I was old enough and less stupid, and I refused to listen to them. They state, but don't reason, you know? It's ridiculous, this childish behavior they so often display for whatever reason they deem plausible.
Now that I think about it, not-listening to them was what made me who I am today. I guess having them around isn't all bad, their negative behavior has a positive effect on my life.
Now I'm wondering if I should get a job. I'd like very much to go volunteer work instead, but if my mom really refuses to pay for my lessons, I'll have to do it myself. How am I going to get the money?!
All of you who know me know that I love my CCA. I risked life and limb for it and fought to attend practice, argued to go on tour for competitions.
After a couple of years in my Secondary school choir, my parents wanted me to quit it. They said it was "a waste of time and effort". Luckily, I was old enough and less stupid, and I refused to listen to them. They state, but don't reason, you know? It's ridiculous, this childish behavior they so often display for whatever reason they deem plausible.
Now that I think about it, not-listening to them was what made me who I am today. I guess having them around isn't all bad, their negative behavior has a positive effect on my life.
Now I'm wondering if I should get a job. I'd like very much to go volunteer work instead, but if my mom really refuses to pay for my lessons, I'll have to do it myself. How am I going to get the money?!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, December 10th 2009

I took Rabbit a bit of carrot and a leaf of green veg yesterday, all was calm in the field. All sound of roaring vehicles from the roads and chatter of people from the pavements died down the closer I got to his tree. Lucky thing I chose that tree, huh?
My dear, sweet Rabbit. Green plants are growing over him now, as if protecting his remains. He certainly deserves it, his is a beautiful soul. I miss him dearly every day.
The afternoon was spent learning new music. My teacher had marked out quite a few, and they're beautiful. I didn't like "Maria Wiegenlied" at first, but only today had I realised how gorgeous it is. It's one of those heart-wrenching songs that make you stop breathing.
My dear, sweet Rabbit. Green plants are growing over him now, as if protecting his remains. He certainly deserves it, his is a beautiful soul. I miss him dearly every day.
The afternoon was spent learning new music. My teacher had marked out quite a few, and they're beautiful. I didn't like "Maria Wiegenlied" at first, but only today had I realised how gorgeous it is. It's one of those heart-wrenching songs that make you stop breathing.
Have been listening to a little bit of Ian Bostridge. He's a pretty good tenor, I particularly like the song "Silent Noon". Still awaiting the arrival of "La dolce fiamma" by Philippe Jaroussky.
Had a look-see at the new mall, 313, yesterday, since I had to visit HMV as well. I had gotten worried that I missed their call or something, so I went to check up on the order. It hasn't arrived yet, the nice guy at the counter had even double-checked it the day before just to make sure.
I'm wondering if I should get a part-time job or do volunteer work during the holidays. I'd like to gain some experience in the culinary line, but I've also been wanting to volunteer at the Association for the Visually Handicapped. It's not far from my home and there's a straight bus there. It's been some time since I last did volunteer/charity work, but it didn't really count before because it was for choir CIP, and most of us couldn't speak in dialect, thus not being able to communicate with the grumpy elderly in the home. They just sat shouting at us, some smiling, some scowling, and it all felt very awkward.
Well, I'll probably go with the volunteer work, but not before I get a dog (yes!). After so many years of pondering, we're finally going to get one. There is a catch, though. I'm going to have to pay 1/2 the amount.
Had a look-see at the new mall, 313, yesterday, since I had to visit HMV as well. I had gotten worried that I missed their call or something, so I went to check up on the order. It hasn't arrived yet, the nice guy at the counter had even double-checked it the day before just to make sure.
I'm wondering if I should get a part-time job or do volunteer work during the holidays. I'd like to gain some experience in the culinary line, but I've also been wanting to volunteer at the Association for the Visually Handicapped. It's not far from my home and there's a straight bus there. It's been some time since I last did volunteer/charity work, but it didn't really count before because it was for choir CIP, and most of us couldn't speak in dialect, thus not being able to communicate with the grumpy elderly in the home. They just sat shouting at us, some smiling, some scowling, and it all felt very awkward.
Well, I'll probably go with the volunteer work, but not before I get a dog (yes!). After so many years of pondering, we're finally going to get one. There is a catch, though. I'm going to have to pay 1/2 the amount.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Saturday, December 5th 2009
I miss my Rabbit so much.
I miss the way he flattens against the floor whenever I pet him. I miss the soft fur beside his eyes, I miss his twitchy nose and little pink mouth that turns orange when he eats a carrot. I miss cuddling him. I miss his kisses.
How I wish I still had him here to cuddle.
I miss the way he flattens against the floor whenever I pet him. I miss the soft fur beside his eyes, I miss his twitchy nose and little pink mouth that turns orange when he eats a carrot. I miss cuddling him. I miss his kisses.
How I wish I still had him here to cuddle.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Thursday, December 3rd 2009

"I sometimes think my head is so large because it is so full of dreams"
-Joseph Carey Merrick
[1862-1890 (Aged 27)]
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Wednesday, November 2nd 2009

Yesterday had been pretty eventful.
I went shopping with Mom, hoping to buy some things from the Sesame Street roadshow thingy at Causeway Point. It turned out that they didn't have many things apart from some soft toys and kiddy bottles and clothes. We had lunch at Pastamania, then went jewellery-hunting. I was hoping to get some cheapskate small hoops for my double-pierced ear, but Mom insisted it would be more worthwhile to get "real" jewellery, they last longer, so we went round comparing prices and benefits, and finally got a pair of white-gold hoops. I guess it does help, my body is ultra-sensitive towards a lot of things. It's a curse, I tell you.
I still like the idea of two hoops in one ear. It has no set meaning, so I can choose to interpret it any way I want. It is self-expression.
Apparently, my Mom noticed my double-piercing long ago. I was waiting, just waiting for her to yell her head off in that awfully-shrill voice of hers, but she didn't. When I asked her about it yesterday, she just said ,"young people everywhere all have piercings now". It was hilarious! She even joked about me piercing my eyebrows and lip, and other places as well.
I was/am, however, grateful that she was so understanding about it. I didn't get the piercing because I wanted to "be like everyone else", I got it because I wanted it. I simply wanted it. It looks cool, but laid-back at the same time, you know?
She also bought me LEGO!!!
It came in this cardboard carton containing 700 LEGO pieces! My own set of LEGO came in this blue tub, and there were only enough pieces for me to build a small house with a bed and chair. Hah! LEGO is the ultimate toy. If I didn't have LEGO to play with as a child, I probably wouldn't even be blogging right now. I'd probably be at some cybercafe, LAN-gaming my money and days away. LEGO opened up a whole new door, a way of self-expression and creativity. It's like creating your own world, you put in every brick where you want it, how you want it, and build what ever the hell you want!
I will never understand why society deems it unsuitable for adults to like children's toys and programmes. What's wrong with it? Childhood is a time of blissful ignorance, who wouldn't want to escape the dog-eat-dog adult world for that?
I went shopping with Mom, hoping to buy some things from the Sesame Street roadshow thingy at Causeway Point. It turned out that they didn't have many things apart from some soft toys and kiddy bottles and clothes. We had lunch at Pastamania, then went jewellery-hunting. I was hoping to get some cheapskate small hoops for my double-pierced ear, but Mom insisted it would be more worthwhile to get "real" jewellery, they last longer, so we went round comparing prices and benefits, and finally got a pair of white-gold hoops. I guess it does help, my body is ultra-sensitive towards a lot of things. It's a curse, I tell you.
I still like the idea of two hoops in one ear. It has no set meaning, so I can choose to interpret it any way I want. It is self-expression.
Apparently, my Mom noticed my double-piercing long ago. I was waiting, just waiting for her to yell her head off in that awfully-shrill voice of hers, but she didn't. When I asked her about it yesterday, she just said ,"young people everywhere all have piercings now". It was hilarious! She even joked about me piercing my eyebrows and lip, and other places as well.
I was/am, however, grateful that she was so understanding about it. I didn't get the piercing because I wanted to "be like everyone else", I got it because I wanted it. I simply wanted it. It looks cool, but laid-back at the same time, you know?
She also bought me LEGO!!!
It came in this cardboard carton containing 700 LEGO pieces! My own set of LEGO came in this blue tub, and there were only enough pieces for me to build a small house with a bed and chair. Hah! LEGO is the ultimate toy. If I didn't have LEGO to play with as a child, I probably wouldn't even be blogging right now. I'd probably be at some cybercafe, LAN-gaming my money and days away. LEGO opened up a whole new door, a way of self-expression and creativity. It's like creating your own world, you put in every brick where you want it, how you want it, and build what ever the hell you want!
I will never understand why society deems it unsuitable for adults to like children's toys and programmes. What's wrong with it? Childhood is a time of blissful ignorance, who wouldn't want to escape the dog-eat-dog adult world for that?
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