Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday, July 16th 2007

Remember in one of the past posts on this blog, I talked about "how to feel the satisfaction of telling the truth when people think that everything you say is a lie?"
Well, there you go.

Why the hell should I continue to HINT? I should just SAY. My brother thinks I'm a liar, my sister thinks I'm a liar, my mom thinks I'm a liar. I don't know about dad, but he'll probably side with my family members just because they're older. And you don't bloody go and complain to mommy and daddy about me being "angry and writing on her blog".
YOU need to grow up.

My brother just gave me this stupid smirk last night and said "If you think you're improving, that's good, but don't lie". COME ON, wth. Why do I have to lie? I don't think I can change your stupid minds about me being a liar, but I don't have to prove anything to you.
Why the hell should I tell the truth when you all don't believe me anyway? It's been so tiring, such a waste of effort and time just to try and please you all even with the truth. You guys are so stubborn, even when the bloody truth is in your face you don't want to accept it.

Be stubborn and unforgiving and mean all your lives,
I'm not the one at a loss.

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