Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday, September 16 2007

Student Leader's Investiture was quite fun. At least we could sing, and got to hold candles and all that. Did a little bit of booklet distributing and ushering. Met some nice people there. It made me shudder to think that I was sitting right there amongst the rows and rows of people, knowing that all around me, those kids were leaders. They all were elected one way or another, and they had leadership qualities. It made me scared, in a way. Felt intimidated, also inferior.
I was only there because my student conductor is a councillor, so I had to represent choir. It wasn't bad. It was a good experience.

I dare say that my parents really ruin every thing for me. Only just now I showed my mom a drawing I'd spent 2 days on, and she just said there was something wrong with it, and asked why was I drawing that anyway? ( I can bet she was about to say I was wasting time on drawing ) I told her it's for my Art exam, and she started an argument saying that Art was about what I can see, not what I cannot see. It was a drawing of the muscles in a human arm.
Couldn't be bothered arguing back, because I know Art is not only about what I can see. However much I argued back, she wouldn't accept it anyway. Too stubborn. So I just changed the subject, asking when she'd be ready?

I asked her last night if we could go into town today, I need a new set of Acrylic paint, a better one. My last one didn't stick on canvas very well, but not surprising, since I only paid about $15 for it. While I'm at Art Friend at Bugis today, I could also grab some other stuff like more canvas and drawing pens.

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