Friday, October 03, 2008

Friday, October 3rd 2008

Well, today didn't go too badly.

I worked hard today, managed to do two chapters of Math and get back on track with the whole simultaneous equations thing. Did half an English compre, too. I feel so Mathematical now, my head is spinning with numbers. Strangely, it feels good, like I've achieved something.

I've finally gotten my hands on the Mp3 file of "Venti Turbini", and it's slightly different from the one you all have heard on my blog. It's faster, somehow, gets the blood drumming in your blood vessels.

Several days ago, I stumbled upon another beautiful piece on Youtube, this time a duet sung by NĂºria Rial (soprano) and Philippe Jaroussky (countertenor). It's yet another piece written by Handel called "Bramo aver mille vite" (Ariodante). Bits of it weren't sung very well, sharp or flat at times, but overall it's beautiful. It's the kind of piece that sends you spinning, especially since the voices match so well.
I will add the video to this blog if I can, so have a listen if you have the time.

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