Gee, it's been an awfully long time since I last posted something on my blog. I think it's time to come out of hiding and tell you guys a secret that you've been itching to know. I know from all the missed calls, smses, taggies, etc you've all been sending me.
Here it is:
Do you feel shocked? Surprised? Ecstatic?
Has the itch gone away now that you know my secret?
Actually, I've been hiding in shame for the past few weeks. My mom and dad have been very hard on me, they can't stop talking about begging for admission in a poly, ANY poly, and I really can't stand hearing any more. My heart sank the day I got the message saying that my JAE application was not successful, and I've been down in the dumps ever since.
January 2009 was hell. My supervisor is an asshole and is constantly mean to me, I didn't get admitted anywhere, and I lost Rabbit. My whole world collasped right then, but I lived on, just to see how things would work out.
I visited Rabbit's grave often to talk to him, I buried myself in more of Mozart's music day and night. I just didn't want to talk to anybody else, to tell them that I'm such an idiot, I couldn't get in anywhere.
However, something happened yesterday changed the way I feel about all this, especially my results. Just so you guys know, I'm working around Citylink mall, at a "certain bookstore" there, so I was taking a trip to the washroom there yesterday, and I saw Setia. I asked her how she was, and where she's going. She didn't even think to cover up or lie, she just came clean straightaway and said she didn't get in anywhere because she failed Math, and so she's applying for DAE and some other stuff.
It blew me away. How come she can say it so easily and honestly, even without hesitation, and I've been hiding from all prying eyes and ears for a month or so? Don't you guys go gossiping about her, because I admire her courage. If you were in the same situation as her, you wouldn't have been able to do the same thing she did: be honest.
So, yes, I can't get in anywhere because I failed Math. I got an E8, and I'm not ashamed to say that now because I tried very hard for 'O's, especially for Math. Maybe I didn't do it right, because I couldn't do the paper, but at least I can say I tried.
I think I typed that once before on this blog, not long ago. If you read my blog constantly, you'd know.
I was eligible for all the English-related courses like Child Phychology and early edu, mass comm, digital media etc, but there's competition for those courses, you know, and my grades aren't fantastic, so I didn't get in. It was tough getting through Hell, but I've made it out the exit. I've started practising Math and doing Art, and I'm going to start studying for Combined Humans next month. Art and CHu are to push my overall grade up.
I set out for a science course, and I'm gonna work to get it, even if it's gonna take me another year.
To those who made it into a poly or the courses they wanted, congratulations, and keep working hard, but don't you look down on those who couldn't.
To those who, like me, couldn't make it into a poly because of your grades, don't give up on life yet. Give it another shot. If you want it, work for it. If you give it everything you can, nobody can ask any more from you.
P.S.: Taking Grade 4 singing exam in July! :)
P.P.S.: I have dreadlocks now!
Here it is:
Do you feel shocked? Surprised? Ecstatic?
Has the itch gone away now that you know my secret?
Actually, I've been hiding in shame for the past few weeks. My mom and dad have been very hard on me, they can't stop talking about begging for admission in a poly, ANY poly, and I really can't stand hearing any more. My heart sank the day I got the message saying that my JAE application was not successful, and I've been down in the dumps ever since.
January 2009 was hell. My supervisor is an asshole and is constantly mean to me, I didn't get admitted anywhere, and I lost Rabbit. My whole world collasped right then, but I lived on, just to see how things would work out.
I visited Rabbit's grave often to talk to him, I buried myself in more of Mozart's music day and night. I just didn't want to talk to anybody else, to tell them that I'm such an idiot, I couldn't get in anywhere.
However, something happened yesterday changed the way I feel about all this, especially my results. Just so you guys know, I'm working around Citylink mall, at a "certain bookstore" there, so I was taking a trip to the washroom there yesterday, and I saw Setia. I asked her how she was, and where she's going. She didn't even think to cover up or lie, she just came clean straightaway and said she didn't get in anywhere because she failed Math, and so she's applying for DAE and some other stuff.
It blew me away. How come she can say it so easily and honestly, even without hesitation, and I've been hiding from all prying eyes and ears for a month or so? Don't you guys go gossiping about her, because I admire her courage. If you were in the same situation as her, you wouldn't have been able to do the same thing she did: be honest.
So, yes, I can't get in anywhere because I failed Math. I got an E8, and I'm not ashamed to say that now because I tried very hard for 'O's, especially for Math. Maybe I didn't do it right, because I couldn't do the paper, but at least I can say I tried.
I think I typed that once before on this blog, not long ago. If you read my blog constantly, you'd know.
I was eligible for all the English-related courses like Child Phychology and early edu, mass comm, digital media etc, but there's competition for those courses, you know, and my grades aren't fantastic, so I didn't get in. It was tough getting through Hell, but I've made it out the exit. I've started practising Math and doing Art, and I'm going to start studying for Combined Humans next month. Art and CHu are to push my overall grade up.
I set out for a science course, and I'm gonna work to get it, even if it's gonna take me another year.
To those who made it into a poly or the courses they wanted, congratulations, and keep working hard, but don't you look down on those who couldn't.
To those who, like me, couldn't make it into a poly because of your grades, don't give up on life yet. Give it another shot. If you want it, work for it. If you give it everything you can, nobody can ask any more from you.
P.S.: Taking Grade 4 singing exam in July! :)
P.P.S.: I have dreadlocks now!
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