I feel my perfect GPA slipping away with every test I take.
It's possible, so why can't I get it? Why, why, why?
My PIPC (Inorganic & Physical Chem), Oh My God, was absolutely horrifying. Abominable. A blue whale at the bottom of the ocean, poisoned, stabbed, and doomed to die a painful death.
Swearing was seemingly incessant after the paper.
I would have jumped into an ocean myself had it not been for my CSAS (Communication Skills for Applied Science) paper, which, I must admit, was not bad at all. It's like English, only the more annoyingly "proper" version, in relation to social behavior of human beings. I used to tell myself I don't like English, it just so happens that it's a subject I can do all right in. Now, I like English and can't stand CSAS. We all feel it's such a waste of time and effort. What's worse, it's graded!
Even pop quizzes are graded as part of the GPA! I think this is incredibly unreasonable. If it's going to be graded, at least tell us about the quiz first.
This morning, I had my Human Anatomy & Physiology test. It was.... so-so, I guess. I mean, I couldn't even finish revising everything, let alone get it down perfectly. I think I didn't do too badly, but let's hope they'll be extra lenient and give "pity" marks. I really want good grades. It's not as if I don't try my best to work hard, it's just insufficient time, you know?
Even back when I was still doing my 'O's, I was never this stressed. Everyday is such a dreadful repetition of the last, with me getting less sleep as the nights go by. I feel so tired and listless, and yet there's still a paper the next day, and the next, and the next...
Tomorrow, I will take my Maths & Stats paper. You know, I used to hate Maths. I failed it for 10 years before I finally realised that I was able to do it. It did, however, take a hell lot of effort, but I had time then. Now, I don't, I barely have time for anything, but I try to squeeze them all in. I guess I kind of enjoy doing so many things, but sometimes it gets a lil too much. All I want to do is crumple up and sob till the trees whisper.
Let no man give up, let no tear be shed; He shall be strong and continue down the path of self-fulfilment. Or self-destruction.
Oh, honey?
Happy 2nd, we now proceed to begin our 3rd together! We will give and take, teach and learn, speak and listen. Surely, there will be times of frustration and melancholic feelings , each one is a challenge set for us. Love and honesty are on our side, should we let them, they would surely fight for us.
“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.” -Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)