I dreamt of him again last night.
The rule was that I could only bring him back to life just once, for only a day. If I brought him back more than once he wouldn't be in Heaven. So once it was.
He looked the same when he came back home with me, I was fully aware that he had just come back from the dead. His lovely nose nudged my face as he kissed me, his ears twitched in utter delight. He was home.
He spent the day staying by my side, we played chasing games like we used to, and I crawled under tables with him, and cuddled him in a dark room while it poured outside. I wanted it to last forever.
Alas, the day had to end, with me taking him back to the mortuary, and they cast a spell to put him back to rest. I kissed him one last time before I made my exit, remembering all the time he spent with me.
What he meant to me.
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