Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday, February 22 2008

Well, the past few days have been depressing.
There were tests- Bio, Math. Tomorrow's Social Studies, and Physics on Monday.
I studied hard for Bio, not as hard for Math, and I haven't studied for Social Studies, let alone Physics. Not planning to do very much about Social Studies, though. Gonna just read through the chapter and memorise the steps.

Failed another test today- Accounts. Mrs Chow didn't tell me to drop Accounts this time, she just said there's been "some kind of improvement", even though I only got 6/25. I guess she's right, in a way. After she gave out all the papers, I needed to go to the toilet, but I refused to speak to Mrs Chow, so I didn't. Waited until her lesson was over.
Poor Mrs Khoo is still ill, coughing very badly. She's been sick for the past 2 or 3 weeks, and it's worrying. I wish she'd get more rest and recover. Must be hell having a form class like mine.
Chenlaoshi doesn't seem to hate us as much as she did last month. Last month, her face would turn black the minute she stepped into our class. Now she manages a smile or two, and doesn't scream so much for no reason (or with reason). She called me a good kid yesterday. Now, that's a miracle. Two. One is being called a "good kid", the other is being called that by Chenlaoshi.
Shall study hard for tingxie next week.

Tomorrow is going to be packed again. SS test in the morning, Choir after that, lunch, home to shower, then ballet @ Orchard. Gonna spend Sunday studying for Physics and doing Art.

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