Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday, March 23rd 2008


All in one day, too. We had to endure 14 hours of sheer torture, but we survived and came through with 2 golds!
Italy is beautiful. I shall go there again just before I die, so I'll die there.

Franco is so cute.

It was so depressing to fly back home to Singapore, because the minute I stepped out of the plane, there were absolutely no cute people. It's as if I'm on a different planet altogether!

I guess I'm really happy I went on the trip. Got to see plenty of churches and stuff, and naked statues. It rained on Good Friday at around 3 pm again.
The whole choir competition part was hell, juniors gave trouble, but never mind, I won't stay in this choir very much longer.
I love Italy.

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