Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 27th 2008

It's very depressing to be ill.

Early this morning around 3am (Singapore time), I awoke with a temperature of 38.7 deg C, a very very sore throat, and coughing. It felt like my throat was swollen inside, and I couldn't swallow. The coughing hasn't been too bad, though. The fever made me feel really lousy, but I dragged myself to school.

Couldn't sing at/for school singers this morning, so I sat with my own class. Thankfully, I was welcomed by people there, and I sat at the back with people like Zu.
I was feeling too ill for the Accounts test today, so I wrote Mrs Chow a note asking if I could please take it another day. I hope Diana passed it to her for me. I've this strange fear that I wouldn't be able to catch up in my studies and as a result, do badly in the Mid-Years. I promised myself I'd do well.

At about 8.30am, I looked for Mrs Khoo and told her I wanted to go home. I had trouble climbing stairs. She told me to call Dad using the public phone which is, unfortunately, located in the canteen, which meant climbing lots of stairs! Mushuang followed me, so if anything happened to me, she could have called someone.
After Dad drove me back to AMK, he dropped me off at the Polyclinic with $50 and told me to go see the doctor while he drove my sister to school. I took my bag along so I could study Italian if I got bored waiting in the Polyclinic. I felt too sick to study Italian, or any other language or subject, so I spent the time watching Mr. Bean cartoons that were playing on "repeat" on a small television set there. It was very depressing to look around me and see no cute people.

After two hours of waiting during which I felt like I was about to die, my call number was finally flashed on the screen, and I went into the consultation room. Doctor wants me to stay home tomorrow as well. Etc etc, then I went home while Dad stayed to collect my medicine for me. I was prescribed paracetamol, diphenhydramine and dequalinium.
Sounds scary, I know.

Got home, slept till 7.30pm, ate my dinner. Dinner was take-away fish porridge, which almost killed me to eat. My throat burned like hell. Took a shower, and here I am now, blogging.

I last saw Franco one week ago. I still miss him! If anyone has any pictures of him, please SEND.

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