Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday, April 20th 2008

The internet is finally back! It's been gone for weeks.
It's tedious trying to complete my Art in time for my MY exams. I have two Art papers to do prep-work for. One is the 'O' paper, one is the MY Drawing and Painting paper. The 'O' and 'N' papers are the most difficult ones because it requires the candidate to stick to his/her chosen stimulus all year round, and work on it continuously, producing final work as well as prep-work.
I guess it is enjoyable, especially when I force myself to work on a certain drawing for days or even weeks, and it turns out exceptionally well. However, there's my drawing of a wilted flower that doesn't look like a wilted flower. The drawing of the rose looks more fresh, like it's actually a rose. The wilted flower looks like a rotting piece of human skin. I guess it wouldn't be too bad, since I do need pictures and drawings of rotting human flesh anyway.

My maggot-growing experiment (for Art prep) has failed drastically! Someone has stolen it! It's been gone from the tree since I've returned from Italy. I wonder what happened to the rotting piece of pork I put in the cage? I know ants burrowed into it and made many small holes in it, and there were some big, scary-looking flies buzzing around it, but that was all I saw before I went to Italy.
Oh, well. So much for wanting primary sources.

Yes! Clay Aiken's releasing another album, after many months of hiding! May 5th, 2008. YES YES YES!!!
"On My Way Here"
Small print: Only if nothing goes wrong with the shipment.

Am anticipating it.

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