Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday, March 10th 2009

It's 6.05am, and I've finally found the score to Schubert's "Seligkeit". I combed Esplanade library thrice, Music Essentials and Yamaha, but couldn't find the score book. I found it online instead.

I came down with a rash last night. It covered only a few patches of my body at first, but after an hour or so it had spread like wildfire. It covered my entire torso, neck and patches of my arms and legs. It itched like hell, ok. I was twitching in my bed!
So after about 6 unsuccessful hours of trying to fall asleep despite the itching, I got up and came online to look for "Seligkeit" and stuff. Going to polyclinic at 8am, but that means I have 2 more hours to kill.
Actually, if it weren't so itchy/painful, the rash would seem pretty cool. The rash doesn't just turn the skin red, it swells up in raised, flat patches. Small ones look like mosquito bites. I wonder what I could've eaten that cause this allergic reaction? The only other time I had an allergic reaction rash was when I ate "King Top Shells", that lousy shellfish.

Gahh. I hope the doctor can prescribe instant rash-relief cream and very strong sleeping pills. I hope it's all better by tomorrow. I promised Rai I'd be at work with her so we can brave Hell together.

I hate work, too. Can't wait to get outta there. It's not the job, it's the restrictions. Nobody else wants to do the counter because you can't do so many things at the counter. You can't check your mobile phone, you can't read or write or draw, and you're expected to stone while waiting for (very far-between) customers to approach the counter.

I'm beginning to like hillbilly music, especially the banjo ones.
I can't go for voice lesson today because of my rash. Can't sing properly with all this itching, and anyway having red patches on you is not a pretty sight, and I take public transport there.
I guess it's better to stay home today after visiting the polyclinic, less germs and dust to aggravate the rashes. I just hope my voice teacher brings forward the money to next month's fees. These lessons aren't cheap, and they're coming out from my own pocket.

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