Charlie Chaplin was a pretty good-looking dude, so he looked good in any costume. I prefer him with his wildly-curly hair sticking up and out in all directions.
Last night, I got bored after playing 5 mins of "Sims 2", so I went on Wikipedia and did research on medical epidemics, then somehow stumbled upon Tuberculosis and Syphilis. Tuberculosis was a really dangerous disease back then, and since they didn't have antibiotics, or people couldn't afford it, about a billion people died of TB. It was very contagious, so it spread fast and wide.
The Syphilis page is even more scary. Quite obviously, Syphilis is a sexually-transmitted disease, so having sex was pretty much the only way to get it. The thing is, these diseases have an "incubation" period when there are no external signs of infection, so people continue to have sex and spread it further. In the 1000s (A.D.), people believed that applying mercury to their rashes and sores could cure them of Syphilis, by rubbing it on the skin, by mouth and by injection. Strangest thing is that mercury is supposed to be poisonous, but people lived! I love the saying "A night in the arms of Venus leads to a lifetime on Mercury".
These pages are frightening, but strangely fascinating and addictive.
Am currently reading the page on Leprosy.
I've done it! I've gotten all the dreads out of my hair, though it took me 3 days and an unbelievable lot of patience. One never realises how much skin and hair he sheds every day until he gets dreadlocks. 2 months of shedded hair came off, and lots of flakes of dead skin, but hey, it's human nature yah? Don't go all "eww, gross! Yuck, that's so disgusting!" on me. Anyway, I've gotten a haircut and my hair is hip, as usual. My stylist didn't believe I had dreadlocks and took them out, finishing less than an hour before getting my haircut.
It feels strange not having to painstakingly care for my dreads anymore, not feeling the weight of them, not having really, really tangled hair. However, it feels good to have light, fluffy hair again. Now that I've gone through having and caring for dreadlocks, I am a true survivor.
My Venus Flytrap is currently in my room listening to "Handel's Recorder Sonatas", enjoying the warmth of the IKEA table lamp. I noticed it grows a lot faster with music, so I guess it really works!
Am seriously considering a future in Psychology, but that will be my second choice to Biomedical Sciences. Of course, I'd love to spend a lifetime studying and prodding around in other people's organs, but a lifetime of studying and prodding around other people's minds sounds good too! Forensic science has fascinated me since I discovered serial killers and Hannibal Lecter (who could forget him?), and I love wickedly twisted minds, so it sounds exciting. What I'm worried about is that the only school that offers "Psychology Studies" is Temasek Poly, and that's at the other side of the country! I don't wanna do "Psychology and Community Services" or what ever they call it, done enough community work in Sec school, thanks very much.
The bonus in studying Psychology in Poly is that it doesn't have Math. It's a Humanities course, so it's very creative-English-based. That aside, am still working towards Biomedical Sciences. Biology really appeals to me, so I hope it'll somehow be part of my career in future. I don't ever want to be like those people who wind up in dead-end jobs because they can't/don't want to study. Have met enough of those people to know that it's a sucky life to lead.
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