Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday, June 17th 2009

My second wisdom tooth is finally growing out! The first one grew out quite nicely, didn't give me any problems, but I'm not so sure about this one. The tiny speck of a tooth is already positioned a little bit out of line, and it may grow crooked and push against my inner cheek. Anyway, it still looks cute now. It's like I'm caring for a baby. Technically, I am.
Also, I really do believe that with wisdom teeth come wisdom. For me, at least.

Well, it's been a busy day. I woke up, watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" while having brunch. Watching it inspired me to have cabbage soup for lunch. If I could trade places with anyone in the world, it'd be Charlie Bucket, not because he won an entire chocolate factory, but because he's so close to his family.
Sometimes having all these material things matter squat to me. I guess it's good that I have food on the table and the money to buy more food and other things that I want, but it'd be much nicer to just have one day to look forward to, one day a year to have a whole chocolate bar to myself.

Had tuition again today, it wasn't bad. Teacher was surprised I finished all the questions she gave me last week. I guess I was supposed to do them slowly or something. After tuition, I continued watching "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" since Dad nagged at me non-stop during my brunch to "go study and stop wasting time". What does one have to do to get a peaceful, happy, filling breakfast around here?! Bloody hell, even when I study right in front of him, he says I don't study. Something is wrong, if he says it once more, I'm never studying in his sight again.

Practised my singing, all the exercises I know and my exam pieces. Tried to put "feeling" into them and succeeded, but somehow I can't do it in front of my voice teacher. It's just difficult. Practised retraction of the throat, inner smile, resonance and all that, but it's the emotions I have a problem with.

Ran at Bishan Park, gotta feel good when meeting up with Kat and Gerv tomorrow. At least I won't feel fat or guilty. Was supposed to bake brownies tonight, but I ended up watching "Scary Movie" instead. Gotta bake them for Sabby, so maybe I'll bake them on Friday night.

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