I spent my entire afternoon drawing this guy. He was supposed to be in charcoal, but I thought it would be difficult to do it in charcoal since the drawing is small, not to mention the killer details. I didn't use this exact photo of him because it's a little blur.
Finally submitted my JAE application on Friday morning. I took the opportunity while Dad was out. I find that my tolerance level is dipping considerably. I feel annoyed when people hover over me while I'm trying to do something on my own, or join me while I'm watching a DVD. I don't know why, I just can't stand it. It got so bad that I chose to stop watching the DVD just so my brother wouldn't continue sitting there beside me.
On another topic, I've discovered that I quite like Alan
Cumming's blog. http://www.alancumming.com/blog.php
Take a peek sometime.
Besides drawing Johnny Eck and reading Alan Cumming's blog, I also went on Youtube to search for videos of "Voi che Sapete" from Mozart's "Le Nozze di Figaro". I felt so terribly lousy once I heard the professionals. Oh No! I'm going to drill like hell for the next two days. I forgot to mention that I have a choir audition this Wednesday, and I have picked that aria over the French art song "Nell" by Faure. Both are equally difficult but easy to sing. I don't know how to explain it, but I'll try.
"Voi che Sapete" has a lot of emotional changes throughout the song, plenty of dynamic changes too, so the singer has to be able to change emotions and dynamics smoothly, and use both head and a little chest voice for the lowest parts of the song. It's in Italian, so the pronunciation isn't too much of a problem. The character, Cherubino, sings about his frustration in dealing with a new found feeling- love.
"Nell" is in French, so the language itself is a problem for me. I feel that my French doesn't sound authentic enough to be passed off as French. Dynamics are moderately soft almost throughout, so it's a problem at the high notes, though there aren't too many. Mood remains lovey-dovey throughout. Some of the intervals, however, are killers.
So, there you go. I finally settled on "Voi che Sapete" only for the fear that I'll be labelled as a snob if I sing French when my technique isn't even that great, and for an entrance audition, too! I would call it "trying too hard". Not so worried about the piece, more worried about the sight-singing test and aural. Grade 4 seems like such a long time ago, you know? I hope their sight-singing test will be super-easy.
Temasek Poly wants some people for their choir, so somehow they found me through the JPSAE application scheme. Spooky, because I originally didn't even apply to that poly through JPSAE, but what the heck! I went for the mini-interview, filled out a form, took a photo, got to meet the choir teacher herself, for it was her who called me up in the first place. Thanks to Mrs Low, I could show them my impressive CCA record and list my past competitions and post under "achievements". Exxcellent.
I'm hoping I can get into Biomed there through JPSAE, but I guess if I really can't, then I'll settle for something related, like Biotech. They still learn the same things like anatomy, microbiology, etc, so I can still enter medicine courses in Uni. Man, I don't deserve to suffer like this, struggling to get into Poly again. This is ridiculous! If you saw my art, you'd give it at least an A2. I can't believe they gave me a C6! Damn assholes. I guess I can't really blame them, they must have a hard life themselves.
Mrs Low used to say I can never be a teacher, because I'm always too strict. We used to audition new girls for the choir, and I always gave the lowest marks, but only because they were really bad! I always had to hold in my laughter, and it wasn't always successful.
Finally submitted my JAE application on Friday morning. I took the opportunity while Dad was out. I find that my tolerance level is dipping considerably. I feel annoyed when people hover over me while I'm trying to do something on my own, or join me while I'm watching a DVD. I don't know why, I just can't stand it. It got so bad that I chose to stop watching the DVD just so my brother wouldn't continue sitting there beside me.
On another topic, I've discovered that I quite like Alan
Cumming's blog. http://www.alancumming.com/blog.php
Take a peek sometime.
Besides drawing Johnny Eck and reading Alan Cumming's blog, I also went on Youtube to search for videos of "Voi che Sapete" from Mozart's "Le Nozze di Figaro". I felt so terribly lousy once I heard the professionals. Oh No! I'm going to drill like hell for the next two days. I forgot to mention that I have a choir audition this Wednesday, and I have picked that aria over the French art song "Nell" by Faure. Both are equally difficult but easy to sing. I don't know how to explain it, but I'll try.
"Voi che Sapete" has a lot of emotional changes throughout the song, plenty of dynamic changes too, so the singer has to be able to change emotions and dynamics smoothly, and use both head and a little chest voice for the lowest parts of the song. It's in Italian, so the pronunciation isn't too much of a problem. The character, Cherubino, sings about his frustration in dealing with a new found feeling- love.
"Nell" is in French, so the language itself is a problem for me. I feel that my French doesn't sound authentic enough to be passed off as French. Dynamics are moderately soft almost throughout, so it's a problem at the high notes, though there aren't too many. Mood remains lovey-dovey throughout. Some of the intervals, however, are killers.
So, there you go. I finally settled on "Voi che Sapete" only for the fear that I'll be labelled as a snob if I sing French when my technique isn't even that great, and for an entrance audition, too! I would call it "trying too hard". Not so worried about the piece, more worried about the sight-singing test and aural. Grade 4 seems like such a long time ago, you know? I hope their sight-singing test will be super-easy.
Temasek Poly wants some people for their choir, so somehow they found me through the JPSAE application scheme. Spooky, because I originally didn't even apply to that poly through JPSAE, but what the heck! I went for the mini-interview, filled out a form, took a photo, got to meet the choir teacher herself, for it was her who called me up in the first place. Thanks to Mrs Low, I could show them my impressive CCA record and list my past competitions and post under "achievements". Exxcellent.
I'm hoping I can get into Biomed there through JPSAE, but I guess if I really can't, then I'll settle for something related, like Biotech. They still learn the same things like anatomy, microbiology, etc, so I can still enter medicine courses in Uni. Man, I don't deserve to suffer like this, struggling to get into Poly again. This is ridiculous! If you saw my art, you'd give it at least an A2. I can't believe they gave me a C6! Damn assholes. I guess I can't really blame them, they must have a hard life themselves.
Mrs Low used to say I can never be a teacher, because I'm always too strict. We used to audition new girls for the choir, and I always gave the lowest marks, but only because they were really bad! I always had to hold in my laughter, and it wasn't always successful.
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