Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, 12th April 2010

Something in the air was different tonight.

My kiss was too rough, I felt a fear.
I think I should take my time kissing his cheek from now on. I was probably nervous about missing the bus, or reluctant/unhappy about leaving his side again.

I was cranky all through choir practice because I attended it on an empty stomach. I went there after a whole day of orientation- ice-breaking games and tired cheers. My throat hurt with every sound I made. I had to rush to take a shower after orientation, in time to attend choir practice.
I like most of my new classmates, though. I volunteered for a lot of things, so I probably came across as outgoing. The other girls just sat back and waited. Made some new friends, they all seem like hardworking, fun people. I hope they are, for real. I really, really need a fantastic G.P.A. to get a scholarship for medical school.

When I got to choir, D surprised me with Famous Amos! It was so sweet of him, I was almost speechless. I only managed to choke out a 'thank you' and a hug. I saved the cookies for eating them with milk at dinner.
We did some skit thing during practice. Darius got us to come up with a skit in small groups, with songs from our repertoire in them. We did a hilarious skit about a pregnant woman giving birth to a baby. The baby dies, then comes back to life and dances around. I was, you got it, the baby.
We won first place, so we'll get a prize. Don't know what yet.

Random question: What does it mean to be in a relationship?

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