Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday, April 20th 2010

V so affectionately called me a nerd yesterday.

I think there's a big difference between a nerd and a hardworking student, the latter of which I am, or, at least, who I hope to be.
Feeling like a nerd is one thing, actually being one is another entirely. Being one would make my life so much easier, I wouldn't have to discipline myself to sit at a table to do my work. It would come naturally, like an urge, an itch or, heaven forbid, a passion.
However, I do believe that a hardworking student is far more impressive than a nerd. It's all in the word "hardworking". There's no way to twist that around. From that, one can derive all sorts of related qualities- discipline, perseverance, balance, willpower. I'd like to think I have all of those qualities, but I doubt it.
Perhaps they'll come with time.

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