You know, the world is hypocritical.
They say love has no boundaries, across race, across religion, across gender, across age, across status, across beliefs, across opinions.
Then, they insist that someone of religion A has to marry someone of religion A, or convert, or the other will go to Hell. They insist that someone of race B has to marry someone of race B, no argument, no questions asked. The people who choose to do otherwise will then be shunned by society, as if they'd done something disgraceful.
I hate people.
To Hell with them. If I love someone, I love someone.
If the world bred across boundaries, there would be no more racism, no more people against a certain religion, because everybody down the line would be mixed equally. Nobody would be able to discriminate against another.
Why would you have to consider if someone is Catholic or Christian before accepting your love for them? Why should you have to think about somebody's skin colour before you make friends with them? Even people of the same religious roots don't like one another.
What have you to say about it? Do you feel the pride?
I feel so sad.
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