"Angels and Demons" wasn't entirely terrible, there was a lot of suspense and scary-sounding choir music, and the acting was quite bad. The only thing I really liked about it was the twist near the end when they found out that the priest branded himself. The acting was good when he "branded" himself, I could feel the pain. I think Ewan McGregor's acting was much better in "The Island" and "Moulin Rouge".
Sis and I are finally taking the steps to adopt a dog. We took about 1/2 a year to make the decision. Mom's currently grumpy, so she just complained about how I don't have time, etc. Bullshit, Dad's forcing Math down my throat even though I'm ahead of my Math schedule and can't even watch TV without being spied on, and Bro is so selfish, he can't take 5 mins out of his free time to help me fix my Sims 2, so I'm reduced to playing "LEGO".
Thank God for "LEGO". All my frustration goes into that.
I feel like I'm suffocating. Dad's expecting a 17 year old kid to follow in his footsteps- sitting home all day doing nothing. Dad's not even happy when I want to go to another library besides the AMK library. I need companionship, man. I used to tell Rabbit everything, and he would snuggle up with me and listen. Now he's gone and I have to repeat a year and Dad's suffocating me and I have to vent on "LEGO", I really want someone to listen again. I'd gladly spend time with the dog, walk it, play with it, feed and clean up after it. It would be such a relief, you wouldn't believe how frustrating it is to be trapped at home and not be allowed to do anything. My parents aren't being at all supportive about my situation.
I can't stand it. Dad has never even studied as hard as I have, he said so himself. He went fishing instead.
Spent Sunday studying at Esplanade library with V. We were hardworking, I did more Math than I planned to, and V worked on her project on some kidney disease. Borrowed 2 DVDs and more music. This time, it's celtic harp music and spanish guitar music.
Mozart's violin sonatas are starting to sound the same as one another, so I think I'll give it a break for now. I want more symphonies, but it seems like I already have most of them (only the ones in the library). I'll take another look next week.
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