It felt so good to step out of the house for the first time in 3 days! I've been working hard, doing Math day and night. Just can't seem to get any Art done, though I've been getting sources to draw. SS and Geog aren't doing so well, I got angry doing SS at V's house the other day, so I only managed to do 1 and a 1/2 questions properly. SS is so stupid. Geog isn't as bad, nothing to be angry about, but I gotta take more time to look at my notes and stuff. It's been so much Math recently, I've lost touch with everything/everyone else.
Dad was going to yell at me about wanting to go to Kinokuniya today, but I stopped him, telling him that I deserve something for all the studying I've been doing. He can't deny that, because I do my Math outside where he can see, and my conscience is clear, am keeping well to my Math schedule. It's the other subjects I'm worried about.
Anyway, spent the evening at Kinokuniya. Browsed medical books, literature, sociology, cultural studies and true crime. Read a bit of Marquis de Sade's work. Disturbing, yet fascinating. Also X-rated to the extreme. I hope nobody saw me reading that book.
At the medical section, I looked through the anatomy books. I can't remember which one I intended to buy last year, one with really good paintings. Oh, well. I hope that by this time next year, I'll own one of those really detailed medical books and be studying medicine.
I actually went to Kinokuniya with a goal, I was looking for a book called "I love you Phillip Morris". V showed me the trailer of the show, and I can't stop thinking about it. The whole story is incredible. I did a bit of research on the movie and found that it's actually based on a book, true story, so I went to Kinokuniya to look for it. I was lucky, I got the last copy. They found it in the true crime section. Bloody expensive, too. I would never have bought it if I hadn't the $20 gift voucher. Even with that, I had to pay about $30 for it. Hardcovers sure are pricey nowadays.
I was happy with my book, and proceeded to "Art Friend" to check out the wood. I guess I forgot to mention that I've taken up a new hobby- woodcrafting! I discovered it when I went shopping with V at Daiso the other day, and bought a few packs of wooden bricks and sticks. I figured that it might be worth a try, since I've been playing with LEGO a lot recently. I was right, it is fun, but there never seems to be enough wood. Gotta buy more bricks some time to complete my clock tower. So far, I've built a house, a bridge, a windmill, a barrel of rum, and part of a clock tower.
After "Art Friend", I went to the basement of Takashimaya, and saw that the children's toys and apparel fair is up! I went in and walked around, hoping to find some LEGO on sale. I eventually did, but it was as expensive as hell. The guy who's face is on the box looks really happy, though. I guess he must be the manager of LEGO or something, and he's shown playing with a truck.
LEGO, of course.
Then, I saw how much the box of LEGO costs. Over $300!!! Bloody hell, man! Even after discount, it costs about $200! I got my small tub of LEGO for about $20+ at a major toy sale, I recall. It's not much, but it's enough to build a small house with. $300??? There are kids out there who can barely afford to play with twigs! This is what Social Studies does to the world. It creates problems and then forces us to study them.
Some girl stopped me at Orchard, asking me if I were local. I guess it must be my hair that did it. She introduced herself as -(some japanese name spoken really quickly)-, and said she was from some model agency, etc etc. I wasn't really listening. Plus, her accent was so thick that I didn't really get what she was saying. All I know is that she gave me some name-card, took down my mobile no. and name, and said they'll call me.
Feel free to call, baby, I'm hardly with my cell.
Dad was going to yell at me about wanting to go to Kinokuniya today, but I stopped him, telling him that I deserve something for all the studying I've been doing. He can't deny that, because I do my Math outside where he can see, and my conscience is clear, am keeping well to my Math schedule. It's the other subjects I'm worried about.
Anyway, spent the evening at Kinokuniya. Browsed medical books, literature, sociology, cultural studies and true crime. Read a bit of Marquis de Sade's work. Disturbing, yet fascinating. Also X-rated to the extreme. I hope nobody saw me reading that book.
At the medical section, I looked through the anatomy books. I can't remember which one I intended to buy last year, one with really good paintings. Oh, well. I hope that by this time next year, I'll own one of those really detailed medical books and be studying medicine.
I actually went to Kinokuniya with a goal, I was looking for a book called "I love you Phillip Morris". V showed me the trailer of the show, and I can't stop thinking about it. The whole story is incredible. I did a bit of research on the movie and found that it's actually based on a book, true story, so I went to Kinokuniya to look for it. I was lucky, I got the last copy. They found it in the true crime section. Bloody expensive, too. I would never have bought it if I hadn't the $20 gift voucher. Even with that, I had to pay about $30 for it. Hardcovers sure are pricey nowadays.
I was happy with my book, and proceeded to "Art Friend" to check out the wood. I guess I forgot to mention that I've taken up a new hobby- woodcrafting! I discovered it when I went shopping with V at Daiso the other day, and bought a few packs of wooden bricks and sticks. I figured that it might be worth a try, since I've been playing with LEGO a lot recently. I was right, it is fun, but there never seems to be enough wood. Gotta buy more bricks some time to complete my clock tower. So far, I've built a house, a bridge, a windmill, a barrel of rum, and part of a clock tower.
After "Art Friend", I went to the basement of Takashimaya, and saw that the children's toys and apparel fair is up! I went in and walked around, hoping to find some LEGO on sale. I eventually did, but it was as expensive as hell. The guy who's face is on the box looks really happy, though. I guess he must be the manager of LEGO or something, and he's shown playing with a truck.
LEGO, of course.
Then, I saw how much the box of LEGO costs. Over $300!!! Bloody hell, man! Even after discount, it costs about $200! I got my small tub of LEGO for about $20+ at a major toy sale, I recall. It's not much, but it's enough to build a small house with. $300??? There are kids out there who can barely afford to play with twigs! This is what Social Studies does to the world. It creates problems and then forces us to study them.
Some girl stopped me at Orchard, asking me if I were local. I guess it must be my hair that did it. She introduced herself as -(some japanese name spoken really quickly)-, and said she was from some model agency, etc etc. I wasn't really listening. Plus, her accent was so thick that I didn't really get what she was saying. All I know is that she gave me some name-card, took down my mobile no. and name, and said they'll call me.
Feel free to call, baby, I'm hardly with my cell.
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