Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday, May 13th 2009

Stupid Youtube. I need help on my Vaccai Lesson IV and wanted to hear it on Youtube, but they had everything but Lesson IV! Am having problems with bars 4-6. Have played it countless times on the piano but still not sure if I can do it. Every time I try it without the piano, the tune goes all funny. I can't wait to graduate to the next lesson.

I read that about 3000 people die from malaria in Africa every day, and approximately, every 30 seconds, someone gets bitten by an infected mosquito. So, in a week, 21ooo people die of malaria in Africa alone.
Woooah! Here we are making a big fuss over Mas Selamat being captured, or some woman who died overseas.
Says a lot about our society, doesn't it?

Poor Africa. Due to the cripplingly large population that does not have enough food to eat or clean water to use, Africa is a target for all sorts of infectious and excruciating diseases like Ebola.
Ebola is actually quite fascinating, but the people infected really suffer. Basically, you start bleeding externally from many parts of your body, your blood vessels get cut so you get red-purple spots all over under your skin. You also get organ damage and they eventually turn into mush. There's diarrhea, vomiting of blood and nausea.

Singapore is wayyy too sheltered.

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