Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thursday, 30th December 2010


However, they're black, so this photo doesn't actually apply. I just like the colours in this one.

Can't believe how much I bought the other day. I bought the perfect pair of jeans, Dr Martens, tops.. In fact, I can't really remember what else I'd bought, except that I spent a lot. I felt guilty, but then again, I don't usually go on shopping sprees. I waited two years for a pair of Docs!

Just came home from a chalet and stay-over, and I'm pretty exhausted. I did somewhat miss the comfort of my laptop, because I was faced with having to blog on my iPhone, which didn't work at all because it didn't allow me to type anything for my post. I need to get it jailbroken to download the Blogger App for free.

Oh yeah, I got Twitter.

By the way,
tell me-

If people are so evil, why should I hope to save them?

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