Sunday, May 02, 2010

Saturday, May 1st 2010

Yesterday, at school, we were having a class on communication skills. It took two hours of my very valuable time. Very valuable, indeed.
We had to do a skit in little groups, obviously, displaying good communication skills. My group chose a paragraph about a poor office clerk who's very stressed about impossible deadlines and wants to quit her job, but can't do so because she hasn't found another. Her friends try to comfort her, and they display good communication skills in their conversation.

We twisted it so I was sitting at the desk first, doing paperwork, when my asshole boss comes along and throws me a pile of work, saying ,"I want this on my desk first thing tomorrow morning. I don't care how you do it, it had better be there!" (I nod sadly) After he leaves, an office worker comes along and throws me her stack of work, "Aye! You got more experience, right? Do this work for me!" and then continues talking on her mobile phone, making plans to go shopping right away. I'm left staring at the pile of work on my desk, and then my phone rings. My two best friends want to meet up for dinner. I agree after some talk, arranging to meet them in 2 hours. When we do sit down to talk and have dinner, I look half-dead and stressed as heck. My friends, worried, ask me what's wrong, and I whine and sob about my asshole boss and my bullying colleague, and how I want to quit but I can't.

My whining and sobbing became too real. It started to take over me, eating away at the good mood I had before. Tears were threatening to escape from their ducts, my face was screwed up in a pained expression. The class was silent, I was left depressed.

I've been discovering a different genre of music from that of which I usually listen to. It just suddenly occured to me that I never took the time to listen to Taylor Swift, so I searched for a playlist of her music, and was pleasantly surprised.
It's a lovely mix of country, rock and pop. Nice how the banjo fits nicely there, you know how I like the banjo! I'm also starting to think she's kinda cute.. dang.

A day with a difference- elation hung in the air, something magical, something real.
A month, our first month together, has come and gone. Though it's only been a month, I feel like I've known him for a really long time. I know why, too. We meet quite often, so we spend a lot of time together, though it never seems to be enough. I find myself unwilling whenever it's time to go home. The only comfort in going home is to sleep in my bed, surrounded by my stuff and boards.
I don't think we had many problems or obstacles in our first month. Disagreements come with every relationship, but I try not to have disagreements or arguments. I know more problems will arise as time goes by; secrets, insecurity, boredom, this is why we have to avoid them.
Now, we shall tackle the second month to come :)

We met up for a concert tonight, for which we were both very, very late. We managed to catch the last few songs, just. When the violin squeaked, I suddenly burst out laughing but, luckily, I stifled them until they subsided. I always seem to laugh at the most inappropriate moments! I slid further down in my seat beside D, hoping nobody else noticed my laughter, my shoulders still shaking.
We made a bet two weeks ago. The loser would have to give the winner a massage. He bet that the instruments would play out of tune, I bet that the soloist would sing out of tune or badly. The bet was neck-to-neck for a while, then they tuned the strings out-of-tune, and the violin broke.
I conceded defeat.

You know, sometimes, my favourite part of my day is just to cuddle him. Like I've said before, his company is almost as comforting as milk. He wore my flower (photo above) in his hair today for a brief moment, and looked SO lovely! It's a wonder why he wasn't made a girl in this lifetime. Sometimes, I think he's even prettier than me!

Not that it's a bad thing, love :D

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