I feel like I've wasted yet another day. Had tuition today, so had to get up on time, at 9am. Been a little ill recently, with a slight sore throat and runny nose, so I went to bed by 10pm last night, and got 11 hours of sleep, which didn't make me feel any better.
I slept well enough, because I spent yesterday running from place to place, trying to find a suitable place to study. I awoke at 8.30am yesterday, wanting to get to the library early so I could get a table, but NOOOO. When I went to the library, I was greeted by a sign saying that all the libraries were closed for the day, dang it!
I almost gave up then, thought of spending the day watching "Daria" or something, but suddenly it hit me that I could still go to Esplanade to study, even though the library wasn't open. I could sit at one of those triangular chairs at the basement. There weren't any tables, but at least there were seats and air-conditioning.
Of course, for some stupid reason, Esplanade always has to programme their air-conditioning at a temperature so bloody low that my jacket couldn't save me. I had to take a break between each subject, and my hands were freezing right off, so after hurridly doing a few SS questions from my TYS, I went off.
I walked around leisurely until half-past three, and then met up with mom so we could take a cab home. She had some free cab-ride thingy, so took advantage of it. I'm not really a fan of cabs, they make me feel sick, but I took it anyway.
I can't believe I spent hours talking to her with my pierced ear in full view and still she didn't notice!
Spent my afternoon watching more Philippe Jaroussky videos, some "Sesame Street" clips and some opera clips online. This is really depressing. I wish people don't go to the library so I can study there. I have got to find somewhere that's always welcome for me to study at, it's getting ridiculous. If the stupid climate wasn't so unbearably hot and humid, I would've just studied outdoors!
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