Sideshow Bob is the sexiest fictional criminal ever! Okay, perhaps after Hannibal Lecter. On "The Simpsons" today, he actually saved Bart and Lisa! Plus, he has the sexiest voice ever. I don't actually want to find out who voices him, I'll just stick to his voice being Sideshow Bob's for now.
Been spending some time painting my sneakers. I bought a white pair of sneakers when I was in China in Dec last year, and they cost me about $2! Bloody cheap, compared to the ones sold here.
Anyway, I got inspired after chancing upon a book called "Custom Kicks" at the library, about customised shoes. I've almost finished the left side, I painted it yellow and black, with a side of bees. For once, my Mom actually likes something I made. I'm going to put cute little worms on the other shoe and paint it orange.
It was quite therapeutic to start painting again. I've been doing a little painting over the past few months, but I never managed to finish anything. It's all half-done. The Charlie Chaplin I started painting is still without a head.
My day wasn't spent entirely doing "relaxing stuff", I had tuition this morning, was was really dull. We went through the topic "graphs" and some other papers. Luckily, I woke up with a bit of a sore throat this morning so I had an excuse not to say very much.
I've just done some Geography, but I'm not too happy about it. I had to refer to my notes on the "enviroment and Man". Even so, I wasn't able to come up with as many points as they require. I have got to brush up on that topic.
Strange, as I type, I hear every word being spoken in my head with a British accent. I've been watching too much of "Prove it!" again.
Well, tomorrow's going to be an exciting day!
I'll be going to V's place to swim first, then we'll have lunch, and then I'll go for my haircut (super-cool bowlcut!) while V goes to buy a language book for a language she wants to learn. I'm not sure yet, but I think it's going to be French. Mmmm.
After that, we'll meet back up and then go re-double-pierce my left ear. I wonder if V can bear to watch! Heh. Finally, we'll go watch "The Time Traveler's Wife", and then head home for dinner like good girls. I don't think I've worked hard enough this week. I've tried, I must say, but I don't think I deserve the day out tomorrow.
It must be why I haven't gotten my CD yet.
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