Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Wednesday, September 2nd 2009

Blogger still refuses to let me upload pictures, which is the only reason why my posts have been picture-less lately. I've got so many photos to share with you guys. Fluffy bunnies stealing cookies, a child gazing into the eyes of a beggar, photos of cool hairstyles and children living in the streets.

Anyway, I was just telling Sabby about Jillian Michaels. I caught some of "The Biggest Loser" on television several months ago and caught a glimpse of her, and my first thought was, "whoa, she's hot!"

In all my years since watching the "Chronicles of Narnia", I haven't, to this day, heard someone deny that James McAvoy is hot. Look at him! I liked him in "Becoming Jane" and "Penelope", but he made a pretty cute faun in "Narnia". I haven't watched "Atonement" yet, though I heard it's pretty good. Haven't had the chance to watch it alone.
Any movies above "NC-16" with sexual references or disturbing scenes should be watched alone!

Last night, before I went to sleep, I picked up where I left off reading "Love in the time of cholera". It's the most romantic story anyone could ever hope for, and every so often, I step into the shoes of Florentino Ariza and feel the pain in his heart.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a brilliant author, everything that Florentino Ariza feels or goes through in his story, I am able to relate to. I guess it's true that suffering for love is the best kind of suffering there is. It's desirable.
I just borrowed "Memories of my melancholy whores" from the library, shall start reading it tomorrow. After that, I shall read "Collected stories" by the same author. He writes beautifully, it's almost like poetry.

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