Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wednesday, 31st March 2010
A lot happened at the chalet.
Some people broke in through the back door and stole some money and an iPod Touch. Then, for whatever reason, they mixed up our valuables and placed them in different bags or, in my case, different compartments. I panicked at first, when my phone was gone from my bag's main compartment, but then I found it later in the front. Along with that, I found my conductor's camera.
The police were involved, too. Apparently, the people broke in during our walk. The air smelt of fear for a few hours. Everybody was either silent or discussing the break-in in whispered tones. I sat quietly, thinking about the whole thing; Were they desperate for money? Why didn't they take the big notes and other valuables? Did it give them sick pleasure to misplace our valuables, just to give us a jolt of fear, or did they do it unintentionally?
Life is so unpredictable.
Daylight found us hand in hand, a tired smile upon his face. It was the most surreal picture. It's something I'm still trying to comprehend.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tuesday, March 30th 2010
Resounding softly in the wind.
Hands entwined, glances shy
Breathe the air of possibility.
A playful swat, a nuzzling nose
Comforting, and yet, divine.
Daylight found a scrumptious smile,
Fatigued but reassuring.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday, 28th March 2010
I felt like I was going to die of boredom when the internet wasn't up for the whole of yesterday. Luckily, I had other activities that I did to occupy my time. Firstly, I finally got my haircut! It feels lighter, but also looks a bit boyish. Hmmm. Well, it'll grow back. When I got home I realised that the butterflies don't look right with my current hairstyle, but luckily, the zebra looks fine.
Secondly, I dyed my hair! The instructions did say I had to do the 48-hour allergy test, but I was already impatient, so I took the risk. I left it in for about 45-50 minutes, and though it didn't turned out as red as I expected, it doesn't look bad at all.
Pity, though. Having red hair would've been fun :D
My parents have left for Japan. There was some drama about Dad losing his wallet, me getting blamed, and some Chinese people finding it at a rubbish dump downstairs, but it's over now. I'm just glad it didn't stop them from leaving for their holiday. It's been so suffocating these past year or so with Dad always around and Mom going through the same work-TV routine.
Excited about the chalet. It does feel empty that several people won't be there. I miss Linyu already, but I guess we've all got to move on when it's time. One day, I'll be the one to leave the choir, too.
It's been 3 years since my last chalet. What does one bring to it? I'll have to go buy the breadspread- tuna, Nutella, peanut butter.. I'm still considering jam. Must...not...forget...
I wonder what people will say about my haircut?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, 26th March 2010

After the concert, Kat, Gerv and Joy came to me and we took photos and they gave me flowers. Sweet but useless gift, they always rot to death within 2-3 days. Thanks, though, I've always liked receiving flowers, however useless they may be :)
We had a de-brief and some angel-mortal review which I didn't take part in because I don't have one. I've only been in the choir for 3 weeks. Felt a bit left-out, but it's all right, I'll be part of it soon. Went out to dinner with the choir and Darius, although half the people completely disappeared after the concert. Eventually ended up eating take-away Macs at East Coast beach. It was enjoyable, though the day's activities had already drained me of my vitality. I was a bit quiet, I think.
Everyone looked so different in full concert dress and make-up. They put a lot of effort into it, the girls spent hours in front of the mirror, applying a hundred types of glitter to their already-blinding eyelids. They, needless to say, turned out beautiful. The guys surprised me even more, wax in their hair and everything. Hmmm.
Dad said something really mean to me tonight, but I refuse to spoil my evening and mood by typing about it. Time to just ignore, age may be causing it.
Mom and Dad are leaving for Japan this Sunday (winks!) for a week for a holiday (grins!). Heh, I guess I won't have to tell them about the chalet on Monday, then. It would be/is good for everyone when they go on a short holiday. They get to enjoy themselves and let go a bit, I... Okay. I also get to enjoy myself and let go, but not just a bit :D
Gerv told me to go ahead first since I'm dying to dye my hair. Wow, dying to dye. And yes, I shall. I shall go for my long awaited haircut tomorrow and then buy the dye on my way home. I could dye it on Sunday, when my parents leave for Japan.
Heh. The things teenagers do when their parents are out of town :D
Super D- your hair looks nicer with wax but feels nicer without. Dilemma, dilemma :D
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday, 25th March 2010
I set out this morning, determined to get a haircut. It's been 3 months since my last. I think it would be wise to get a haircut before I dye my hair.
However, after I passed Joy her tickets (and had a slightly awkward conversation with her mom), I took the MRT down to Far East Plaza, only to discover that "Supercuts" is undergoing renovation, today and tomorrow.
I guess there won't be a haircut before my performance tomorrow, then. I'll just have to hop around on stage with my fringe poking my eyes. Tolerate it till Saturday, Xiulin, it won't be long now.
Man is a fascinating creation.
We teach, we learn, we discover. The question is, what do we teach, learn and discover?
People are such social creatures, it still amazes me when they make plans, strike up conversations, laugh at each other's jokes.
What are the chances of a relationship ending well, or not ending at all? True, people are usually happy when they're in a relationship, but was/is it worth it when the relationship comes to an end? Should one shy away from human relationships, or embrace them?
I realised, to my horror, that I'd been contradicting myself all along. The belief is that it's always better to go with passion rather than job. Naz told me several days ago about being offered an awesome job, but also getting into the final round of interviews for enrolment at a cooking academy. She loves cooking, it's her passion. However, the job is really awesome. Can't tell you though, it's a secret! Shhhh.
Anyway, she was in a dilemma over what to choose. I told her firmly, over sms, that she should go with passion. My exact words were "You ultimately won't regret going with passion, given the choice".
I feel like such a hypocrite. I give advice but I don't follow it. I guess I do have passion for both music and biology, but more so for music. I hoped to sing with Philippe Jaroussky one day, but as I got older, it became clear to me that professional singers study music. They enter conservatories, music schools.
I, on the other hand, am going to study Science. That is the difference. I can't have both, yet I don't have the guts to go with my passion.
I love music too much to see it die in me.
Wednesday, 24th March 2010

Every time I look at this photo, I can't help but wonder if they are having a conversation. I can hear the mother telling her kids, "Children, don't walk too far out on the road! Mehhhhhh!"
Ah, Thursday, Thursday.
Meeting Joy to pass her concert tickets tomorrow. I'm so glad she's going to watch me even though I just asked her yesterday or so (I can't remember, these few days have been a blur). There's been rehearsal every night, seeing the same people, singing the same songs, having the same dinner... Not that I'm complaining. I enjoy every minute, or almost.
Finally decided to give in to the temptation of dying my hair. Shall do it after I get a haircut next week, my hair is growing unkempt. How did I manage dreadlocks, you wonder? Well, one does get more conscious of their looks with an uncommon hairstyle. It takes experience to master.
Gervin and I were sitting at lunch today discussing the dyeing of our hair. She wants a redder shade, while I, a little more brown. Vin told me it would start off red and then slowly turn brown, so I guess I'll be going with the "cassis berry". We'll be doing each other's hair. She has nothing to fear- for who better to dye her hair than an appearance-conscious artist?
I, however, may have something to fear...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, 23rd March 2010 post 2
An enchanting existence, a true beauty in all its splendor.
I practically waltzed up the pathway to my block. Okay, I'm lying. I haven't the least idea how to waltz, but my feet carried me effortlessly, even though they have worked hard today. Bless them, they always suffer the most.
We had an enjoyable rehearsal today, although I am literally mortified with the discipline. Not to say that it isn't getting better with each passing day, it's just that the concert is this Friday, man! How could this be?!
However, I am pretty much looking forward to it. It will be my first concert in a mixed choir with some experienced singers. Once in a while we go out of tune, but we generally have fun during choir. I hope I don't forget to lead the bow after "Kimi wo nosete".
Don't worry about the solo, let it come naturally. Enjoy it and don't give up. :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, 23rd March 2010
I never had the chance to come up-close and personal with one before that, since I turned 18 just last year and didn't know anyone who smoked. As I took it out of the packet, a strong peppermint smell hit me, much like the smell of those little green triangular sweets called "Milton".
It was very light, a bit like holding rolled-up cardboard. I observed, with great interest, each end of the cigarette. At one end, there's this spongy thing which I learned is a filter of some sort, and the other end is stuffed with what resembled finely-chopped hay. I guess that part comprises the 3000 toxins in a cigarette.
Nothing great about it, though. It looked like a stick of rolled-up paper. One could have mistaken it for a tortillon if it weren't for the band around it. Holding a cigarette is one thing, but smoking it is another entirely. As for the latter, not a chance in hell.
Or maybe, if I live past my 80th birthday.
Another thing I noticed during my quiet moments- guys like to inhale their food. It's hard to explain, it's like they inhale to get the food into their mouth faster. I shouldn't generalise. Let's make it some guys inhale their food. Not saying that it's a bad thing, it's just something I've noticed at the table. Maybe that's how they eat so quickly.
I'd better stick to drinking milk.
Monday, 22nd March 2010

Feeling much better tonight, after drinking my medium carton of milk at dinner. I'd been craving it all day since spending the afternoon watching "Kyle XY". That show is really growing on me. The questions he asks are the kind I ask myself, so I can relate well.
I think it's a childhood comfort thing. I was in a really bad mood that I couldn't shake, and I had the desire to go back to my childhood when I didn't have to deal with so much crap, so it was only natural for me to crave milk. It was very comforting, sipping, just sipping from my carton at dinner while most of the others ate.
The great thing about charismatic people are that they don't hesitate in making other people feel better. I got a hug out of nowhere when I was looking miserable at practice today, and people kept telling me to cheer up. Easier said than done, but thank you, I have now.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday, 22nd March 2010
Dreamt I was trying to buy stuff from some deserted shops. It seemed like the perfect scene for a zombie film, but luckily, there were no zombies, just some old people.
I think I'll wear black today.
Sunday, 21st March 2010
I don't know why I'm in such a bad mood tonight. Just feel so exhausted with everything- life in general. Either that, or it's the time of the month. Hormones taking over.
Went to watch "Nodame Cantabile" with a small bunch of choir people tonight, the music was good but the ending sucked. When it was over I felt I'd wasted money and time, but hey, it's the company that matters, right?
After that, we had dinner at Pizza Hut, ordered the mushroom pasta, D ate, or rather, I forced D to eat half my share. I could feel all the vitality draining from me at dinner, but tried to keep smiling. We walked over to Esplanade to hang out by the river, and on the way there I was told that I shouldn't mention names on my blog.
I was already in a bad mood- after I heard it, I wanted to die on the spot- from what, I don't quite know. Anger? Embarrassment? Guilt?
I didn't protest, though. I thought a lot about it tonight as the group went from place to place, and finally reasoned with myself- he's right. I shouldn't mention names, I'd never know who reads my blog. It's not to say I hadn't thought of it before, it did feel a little weird when I did mention names, so now I just have to omit them. Well, for the bad things.
Thanks to D for being so straight-forward in saying so. He's a good friend to have.
I feel that the impression people have of me is slowly changing from "cute" to "weird" or worse, "troubled". Nope, I am not troubled, just frustrated. Recently, I have found myself wishing that I didn't have feelings- love, anxiety, hate, crushes, feeling creeped-out, even happiness, knowing that it does not stay that way for long. When you're at the peak of a mountain, you always have to go down again.
Feelings are just so damn complicated. What's more, apart from my own feelings, I still have to worry about other people's feelings, be it for me or against. Why? I can't explain it, I have run out of steam for the night.
Maybe I just need a good night's sleep.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday, 19th March 2010
I jumped out of my skin. Is he going mad? What sane person would suddenly start shouting for no reason? Why would I, a sane person, leave the sanctuary of my room only to get yelled at? Sometimes I think age is getting to him, he is turning 65 soon after all. I can't help but feel frustrated about having to put up with these; people digging through my things, stealing my phone and blowing up situations, people not giving me space, people who have neither manners nor basic courtesy. Apart from DNA, I am relieved to say that I don't have anything else in common with my family.
Was watching the first half of "Palindromes". Couldn't concentrate very well because disturbing images from yesterday's choir practice kept flashing in my mind. I just can't get them out of my head! Wish I could just "delete" them from memory, like junk e-mail.
I have concluded that I feel a bit angry with myself about the fight. Found out later that it was our question that sparked it off, but firstly, one of them was being insensitive, and the other could have taken the comment as a joke. Am upset about the insensitivity, though. That could explain my dreaming about killing ______.
Ugh, this isn't even my problem. Why am I so bothered by it?!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday,18th March 2010
Every time he finishes eating, he gets out a toothpick and starts picking his "teeth" and sucking at them, and then swallowing the pieces of food picked out, to my utter disgust. He occasionally brushes his teeth but his brushing skills suck. He just scrubs the dentures with his pitifully dilapidated toothbrush back-and-forth a couple of strokes, and then drops it back into the plastic cup with brown dirt stains on the inside. No wonder I can't even bear to drink out of the same straw as him.
I keep telling him that sucking his dentures is a disgusting habit. Since he doesn't floss, there could be food remnants in there from 5 years ago, and he's just swallowing them! YUCK.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to change someone. Why do I try so hard, time and again, when I know they won't change? Are they the stupid ones, or am I?
Had a nightmare last night, it was very disturbing. It was so vivid, I even distinctly remember crying hard in my sleep.
I dreamt that someone of authority thought it would be amusing to lock a couple of us choir people up in a small room for 2 hours, just to see what happens. In the dream, I happened to be claustrophobic or something, because halfway through I went crazy. I found I couldn't control myself or my actions, my body suddenly felt the monstrous urge to kill somebody. They put me in that room several times with different people just to see what I would do to them. Later, they added household objects which I would choose as my weapons. The last time, I chose a staple gun, shooting staples at anyone I could. I remember ______ being one of those people, but he was wearing a soft-metal vest. It was puzzling, because the metal was so soft, it was like aluminium foil. I tried to kill him with my staple gun but they bounced off the vest, so I tried to aim at his arms instead.
I didn't kill anyone, mind you. Some people just got staples in them. Still, I can't help but wonder if I really am putting myself under too much pressure, what with the scores to memorise and stuff. Either that, or it had something to do with the fight I witnessed last night.
Can't stop thinking about it.
Wednesday, 17th March 2010 post 2

We had a pretty good rehearsal tonight, did warm-ups before Darius came in, so we wasted no time. We even managed to run through "Kimi wo nosete" before he came, and I felt so damned embarrassed because I didn't know how to sing some parts, and people had to help me. Thanks, guys. I managed to more-or-less pick it up after a few times. David is singing the solo for "Life" after all. Also, got a lot of actions to learn for "I say a little prayer". Other than problems I had, the choir actually sounded pretty good. Partial credit goes to the good acoustics of the Alumni Lounge. I didn't have the privilege of practising in a "good room" (acoustic-wise) in my last choir, so this is a really nice change.
I'm going to strangle myself if I can't memorise all my pieces by Friday. Going to drill tomorrow at sectionals.
So! After practice, Darius chased us out of the room to dinner because it was after 9.30pm, late. We headed to our usual zhi cha place, and I was chatting to Qiu Jin about our past choirs and conductors, some guys from choir were walking just behind us. I don't even remember what happened, suddenly an argument broke out and they started fighting. It was both fascinating and puzzling. When I mean fighting, I mean the physical kind.
What I'm wondering is if this is normal among guys. I just don't get it, why do they engage in fights so quickly and so often? Girls rarely engage in physical fights, they just fling insults and bitch and spread rumours. That, I also don't quite get.
I think it upset the two guys, because one completely disappeared so suddenly, the other was reluctant to join us for dinner but we eventually persuaded him. Luckily. I'm really bad at solving petty problems, but maybe they can solve it themselves. Boys will be boys.
Sectionals tomorrow evening, but not before Dewi and I go buy our choir costumes together. I hope it really is $10, I am poor this week. Looking forward to the movie with choir people on Sunday. I can't help feeling my sentences tonight have no flow. Was slightly distracted at choir today, too. Can feel my heavy eyelids threatening to shut. Maybe tonight I'll dream about being able to fly again.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday, 17th March 2010
It always starts out the same- I'm running from something or someone, running up flights of stairs, looking for a way out, but all there are are parapets. Beyond that is a drop of about 20 storeys. Cornered with nowhere to run, I take a leap from the parapets in a last desperate attempt to escape. First, I fall for about 19 storeys, then I stop before I hit the ground. In my sleep, I vaguely notice myself holding my breath during these moments.
Then, realising I can fly, I start trying different things, learning exactly how to control it. And then I zoom upwards as high as I can go, all the while laughing hysterically, and then I let myself drop head-first to the ground, knowing I can stop before I'm there.
Last night's only unusual twist was that the whole street leading to my voice teacher's house was flooded, and there were chickens floating and stuff (like in Monkey Island 3), and I was late for my lesson but couldn't get there. It never once occurred to me to fly there! Also, in my dream, my brother was out to get me and I was flying from place to place to escape him.
The feeling of flying is always wonderfully real. I've been having many of these 'flying dreams' recently, I wonder if it could be trying to tell me something...?
Tuesday, 16th March 2010

My day started to the incredibly annoying and disturbing sound of my sister's handphone alarm. To be honest, I don't even remember what it sounds like, but I recognise it every morning. It's bad enough that I even share a room with her, but there's more. To my utter dismay, she sets her alarm at around 7.30am every morning and, since she sleeps on the top bunk, lets it ring for another half-an-hour before eventually climbing out of bed. Tuh.
I had to get up anyway, because I was due to meet Kat and Gerv at Toa Payoh at 9.30am. Initially, the time was set at 9am, but Kat complained about it being too early. After we met up, we sleepily had our breakfast at Mac's, and then took a bus all the way to East Coast Park, where we taught Kat to cycle from scratch! Big milestone, she's been wanting to learn for a very long time. It took about one and a half frustrating hours to teach her, but she managed it in the end. Voila!
Had to rush off after lunch with those two, was really worried about choir practice and having to memorise everything. I can't believe the concert is next week! I'm honoured that they want me to sing in it but, seriously speaking, this is really stressful. They've sung these songs for a really long time and here I am, having had 4 practices so far, and expected to memorise everything. My goodness. At least if I go mad, I'd be oblivious to that fact.
Good practice, though. Sunny came to see us and help us with stage-presence issues. Was a little worried that he thought we were really bad or something, but it turned out well. I'm beat from all the cycling, jogging, running and walking I've done today. After choir we all went out to dinner as usual. Like I've said before, it's really nice when this happens.There's so much unity in the group, you know?
Also, dinner is the most fun part. ;)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday, 15th March 2010
Bought my first-ever laptop at the IT Fair yesterday which, fortunately, also was the last day. It's a Fujitsu SH560, I think. It turned out that the cheaper version of this laptop had run out of colour options so I got this one with some i5 thingy. I'm psyched about it having a fingerprint-security feature. I've got to find a way to set them both so the person logging in would have to enter a password and scan a thumb. It's never safe in this house.
Meanwhile, I can't wait to do all sorts of things on my new toy. I can't quite put my finger on it, but this feels really surreal. I can't yet bring myself to believe that this is actually mine. I shall install many cool programs on it. Right now I'm looking forward to stuff like "Finale", "Sibelius", "Photoshop", and of course, games. "Monkey Island" is at the top of my list.
While my computer is doing all this, I shall have to sit myself down to memorise my music. I can't believe that out of 19 songs, I have only memorised two!!! I can't go into choir without having memorised them all.
On a lighter note, I have started writing my Ciaccona for a bass, 2 violins and a voice. I can't hear it all together on paper, so I can't wait to put it into a music notation program, hence the "Finale" and "Sibelius".
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Saturday, March 13th 2010
I'm finally done with my theory paper! It was like a black cloud hovering over me during the past few months, blocking out the cheery sun then, "poof!" It's gone! I don't even feel like typing about it anymore. It suddenly seems like a waste of effort trying to type about it. It's over, that's it. All that's left is to pass it.
Picked up a couple of clothes (sorry, articles of clothing) at Bugis Street after my paper. Been going through my wardrobe for poly and I realised I have a really lame wardrobe. I'm young, man! I'll wait till I'm 40 to wear shades of grey. Been mixing-and-matching for choir practice and it's getting a little difficult to find new combinations. It's only been 3 practices!
Mind you, I rarely buy clothes. I barely even shop! Mom was telling me about how I never seem to buy clothes, even for the "new year", save for the once-in-a-while exception. I can't carry off a lot because I'm not one of those tall, skinny girls with long hair. Thank goodness. Everyone looks tall, skinny with long hair nowadays.
Good news- I may just be getting my first-ever laptop tomorrow! It would be nice to have a computer to call my own. Dad opens so many e-mails without considering the possibility of viruses that our computer is bogged down with all sorts of things. A pity it won't have fingerprint-recognition technology, I really want that. It would cost at least a thousand bucks more, so I have no choice but to settle for password-protected.
Better think up a good one, it's less safe at home than it is outside.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday, March 10th 2010
Yesterday, Darius formally introduced me to the choir and asked me questions, in front of everyone, like "What do you hope to achieve in this choir?" and "What do you want to see in this choir?". I wanted to say I hope it would go in for competitions but it seems really unlikely. This is clearly not a competition choir. It's more relaxed, more fun. People actually enjoy the practices, and I can see it on their faces when they sing. It's just so different from what I used to know.
I also commented on the discipline level. I was worried about sounding stuck-up or something, since I was the new kid after all, but I hope they didn't take it the wrong way. Sometimes when I look at Darius I can tell he's struggling with the discipline, people strolling in an hour late without bothering to apologise or explain. The good kids generally are just that: good. It's also really nice how we all go out in a big group to have dinner afterwards, which is easy seeing as everyone is pretty friendly to one another.
Yesterday, I also played 'Pool' for the first time.
Whoever named it that must've had a very good reason. Who would've thought 'Pool' could be so damn difficult?! Struggled like heck with the stupid stick, but thanks to David and Javier, I guess I managed to hit something every once in a while. However, it's no lie when I say that my 'Pool' skills still suck.
Couldn't finish my dinner again. Why is it everyone eats so quickly?! What are they rushing for? I'm chewing at normal speed, what!
Tsk. Better just order a drink next time.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Tuesday, March 9th 2010
That's Ruby, our fat little pug at the house in Malaysia. From the top, she looks exactly like a pig, with a curly little tail to match.
Well, well, well!
I had my first practice with my new choir yesterday. I have to admit, I was terrified at first. It's been so long since I've been taken out of my isolated life and forced to meet so many people. Out of 30-odd people, I only remember a few names. Bad, Xiulin, bad! I guess I'll have to find ways to talk to them without having to call them by name, then.
The choir itself surprised me. Though the discipline level isn't high, the kids are really passionate about doing this. Choir for them is like a time to relax, they just let go. It was amazing being a part of it. The songs are relatively simple compared to the ones we used to sing, but there's a certain unity within the choir that keeps it all together.
There was something very therapeutic about singing at night in a dimly-lit attic-room, the high ceiling providing acoustics. It was so calm compared to the harsh white lights and countless full-length mirrors at the Performing Arts Room where my last choir practiced.
It was still kind of awkward, though, but luckily I had to ask for directions to the one-stop-centre and a bunch of choir people accompanied me there and eventually asked me to join them for dinner. The opportunity presented itself, I took it. It seemed like an opportunity to get to know more people better, and, surprise, surprise, it was.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Sunday, March 7th 2010
Between timings 4.28-4.48, he has on his face some very beautiful expressions. I think it's the work of his eyes. The most beautiful one is at 4.37 when his expression softens, it's like he's making love to the music.
Simply exquisite.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Saturday, March 6th 2010
This video of Thomas Hampson singing "Largo al Factotum" is by far the funniest I've seen. The person who did the lyrics is hilarious! I did like it, however, because Thomas Hampson is really expressive in his interpretation. It took me a while to find a good version, but alas, I still couldn't find one without the talking and clapping at the beginning. This guy has stamina, man. A lot of other baritones just couldn't make it.
Uploaded a new playlist on my blog. Do ignore the talking and clapping before the first song, it annoys me, too. Couldn't think of many songs off the top of my head, so just put in those few for now.
Anyway, things have been a little weird lately. V's being quite anti-social towards me. She returns my messages with dead replies, though I try my best to sound upbeat. I can't recall if she's always been like this and I'm just being paranoid, or if I'm getting boring or something.
It is a little upsetting, I wonder if this is what people mean by "drifting apart", but too many things on my mind now, so I'm trying to block it out. My theory exam is in a week, and I've just been asked to join my new choir for practices every Mon and Tues evening, and maybe even sing at the concert on 26th March. Plus, Gervin wants to look for a job with me after my theory exam, and Dad's scolding me about not studying Chemistry. School hasn't even started yet!
My God, how I wish I could just hop on a plane to Venice or Lake Annecy without feeling any guilt and escape from all these things and people. Dare I?
No, I don't.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Thursday, March 4th 2010
LOVE this episode of "Tom and Jerry".
It brings back so many lovely memories.
Spent yesterday with Kat, went to Spotlight, Esplanade library, Max Brenner's and Bugis Street. She had to buy some ribbon and lace for her new top, and I ended up buying 2m of white ribbon for my dress, too. Spent about 3-4 hours at Esplanade library where we studied for our respective exams, and left for Max Brenner's after I borrowed a Merula CD and the DVD of the opera "Il Barbiere di Siviglia", with Hermann Prey as Figaro.
Max Brenner's hot chocolates almost killed us. I ordered the "Italian thick hot chocolate (dark)" and Kat ordered "hot milk chocolate with melting marshmallows". Mine was called "thick" for a reason. I felt like I was literally drinking melted chocolate! I felt like I was in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".
We went to Bugis St so I could buy another dress. I suddenly have this urge to wear them, ever since I bought a couple several days ago and discovered that I actually look good in them. Sorry, sounding egoistic isn't my intention. It's just that I never really wore dresses and it took me more than 18 years to discover them. I love the casual-looking ones now, bought a star-printed one yesterday for $10. It looks great with the white ribbon I bought, so I'll probably wear them together, on the first day of school.
Watched "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" last night and sat, in a state of enchantment, in front of the television for more than 2 hours. It was just so fascinating listening to beautiful compositions and watch them being sung and played in a pseudo-town environment. Rossini really knew how to compose an opera. His melodies are beautiful, but only one or two are memorable, namely "Largo al Factotum". That's also the song in the video above.
My favourite part starts when Jerry licks the lemon, but in the opera, it's the really fast part nearing the end. How does one even manage that, with diction so clear and notes so accurate, not to mention the amount of stamina needed?
On an unrelated topic, I like Chinese as a language. It's a very beautiful, delicate language, and it's lovely to hear Chinese people speak. When I say Chinese, I mean people from mainland China with a thick accent. They have a lot of "round" words. It's like music to listen to. The written language is also beautiful, with its strong but fragile strokes. I was just never good at the language, but I love it. The Chinese have a lovely culture, simple but beautiful architecture (think Lijiang) and good food. It's very close to my heart.
Dad is ill again, only it's kind of scary because he's been coughing badly for a week now. It started with a bad sore throat and eventually developed into a bad cough. I think it's putting a lot of pressure on his blood vessels, because his eyeballs were bleeding a little at lunch-time. He's also been sleeping a lot after taking medicine which, by the way, were not prescribed to him. He's far too cheapskate to want to see the doctor, so he just gets some recent left-over medicine from the cupboard, prescribed to whoever last fell ill with the same sickness, and takes it.
I guess I'm a little worried, but he is pretty old. He's turning 64 this year, and with old age also comes sickness, for most people. Also, like I always say, if it's time to die, it's time to die. As much as I love Dad and all that, I'd be willing to let him go if he has to.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Tuesday, March 2nd 2010
I stumbled upon these episodes of Tom and Jerry and I want to share them.
I used to watch a hell lot of Tom and Jerry, and am trying to get back to watching them again. They taught me so much when I was young, I owe most of my childhood to it. These are two of my favourite episodes, there are several more but I will post them in good time.
The first is called "Johann Mouse", where Tom learns to play "The Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss. My favourite part is when Tom picks up this manual "How to play the waltz in six easy lessons by Johann Strauss", rushes to the attic to learn it. The manual teaches the player to play the first 8 notes of the piece, in six lessons. Tom goes through all six at one shot, and, after learning to play the first 8 notes, flings the manual aside and starts to play the whole thing. He suddenly becomes a fantastic pianist. It's simply hilarious!
The second is called "Cat and Dupli-Cat", in which Tom and Jerry sing "Santa Lucia". Notice how Tom's singing is breathtaking and how Jerry's screechy version contrasts with it. I love the artwork and the humour, how they stretch out their hands when they're holding the long note, how they're sailing in a bucket and a teacup.