Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, 17th March 2010 post 2

Searched "fight" on Google Images and came across this hilarious photo, but that's beside the point. Let me start at the beginning.

We had a pretty good rehearsal tonight, did warm-ups before Darius came in, so we wasted no time. We even managed to run through "Kimi wo nosete" before he came, and I felt so damned embarrassed because I didn't know how to sing some parts, and people had to help me. Thanks, guys. I managed to more-or-less pick it up after a few times. David is singing the solo for "Life" after all. Also, got a lot of actions to learn for "I say a little prayer". Other than problems I had, the choir actually sounded pretty good. Partial credit goes to the good acoustics of the Alumni Lounge. I didn't have the privilege of practising in a "good room" (acoustic-wise) in my last choir, so this is a really nice change.
I'm going to strangle myself if I can't memorise all my pieces by Friday. Going to drill tomorrow at sectionals.

So! After practice, Darius chased us out of the room to dinner because it was after 9.30pm, late. We headed to our usual zhi cha place, and I was chatting to Qiu Jin about our past choirs and conductors, some guys from choir were walking just behind us. I don't even remember what happened, suddenly an argument broke out and they started fighting. It was both fascinating and puzzling. When I mean fighting, I mean the physical kind.
What I'm wondering is if this is normal among guys. I just don't get it, why do they engage in fights so quickly and so often? Girls rarely engage in physical fights, they just fling insults and bitch and spread rumours. That, I also don't quite get.

I think it upset the two guys, because one completely disappeared so suddenly, the other was reluctant to join us for dinner but we eventually persuaded him. Luckily. I'm really bad at solving petty problems, but maybe they can solve it themselves. Boys will be boys.

Sectionals tomorrow evening, but not before Dewi and I go buy our choir costumes together. I hope it really is $10, I am poor this week. Looking forward to the movie with choir people on Sunday. I can't help feeling my sentences tonight have no flow. Was slightly distracted at choir today, too. Can feel my heavy eyelids threatening to shut. Maybe tonight I'll dream about being able to fly again.

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