Had our concert today- it went quite well. Minimal screw-ups and mostly in-tune. Super D's singing went well, too, so all was good. I really enjoyed the concert, even the super-cheesy songs and actions. We had a good mix of everything, from sacred music to broadway and pop. Oh no, my sentences and thoughts are detached again tonight, must be the fatigue.
After the concert, Kat, Gerv and Joy came to me and we took photos and they gave me flowers. Sweet but useless gift, they always rot to death within 2-3 days. Thanks, though, I've always liked receiving flowers, however useless they may be :)
We had a de-brief and some angel-mortal review which I didn't take part in because I don't have one. I've only been in the choir for 3 weeks. Felt a bit left-out, but it's all right, I'll be part of it soon. Went out to dinner with the choir and Darius, although half the people completely disappeared after the concert. Eventually ended up eating take-away Macs at East Coast beach. It was enjoyable, though the day's activities had already drained me of my vitality. I was a bit quiet, I think.
Everyone looked so different in full concert dress and make-up. They put a lot of effort into it, the girls spent hours in front of the mirror, applying a hundred types of glitter to their already-blinding eyelids. They, needless to say, turned out beautiful. The guys surprised me even more, wax in their hair and everything. Hmmm.
Dad said something really mean to me tonight, but I refuse to spoil my evening and mood by typing about it. Time to just ignore, age may be causing it.
Mom and Dad are leaving for Japan this Sunday (winks!) for a week for a holiday (grins!). Heh, I guess I won't have to tell them about the chalet on Monday, then. It would be/is good for everyone when they go on a short holiday. They get to enjoy themselves and let go a bit, I... Okay. I also get to enjoy myself and let go, but not just a bit :D
Gerv told me to go ahead first since I'm dying to dye my hair. Wow, dying to dye. And yes, I shall. I shall go for my long awaited haircut tomorrow and then buy the dye on my way home. I could dye it on Sunday, when my parents leave for Japan.
Heh. The things teenagers do when their parents are out of town :D
Super D- your hair looks nicer with wax but feels nicer without. Dilemma, dilemma :D
After the concert, Kat, Gerv and Joy came to me and we took photos and they gave me flowers. Sweet but useless gift, they always rot to death within 2-3 days. Thanks, though, I've always liked receiving flowers, however useless they may be :)
We had a de-brief and some angel-mortal review which I didn't take part in because I don't have one. I've only been in the choir for 3 weeks. Felt a bit left-out, but it's all right, I'll be part of it soon. Went out to dinner with the choir and Darius, although half the people completely disappeared after the concert. Eventually ended up eating take-away Macs at East Coast beach. It was enjoyable, though the day's activities had already drained me of my vitality. I was a bit quiet, I think.
Everyone looked so different in full concert dress and make-up. They put a lot of effort into it, the girls spent hours in front of the mirror, applying a hundred types of glitter to their already-blinding eyelids. They, needless to say, turned out beautiful. The guys surprised me even more, wax in their hair and everything. Hmmm.
Dad said something really mean to me tonight, but I refuse to spoil my evening and mood by typing about it. Time to just ignore, age may be causing it.
Mom and Dad are leaving for Japan this Sunday (winks!) for a week for a holiday (grins!). Heh, I guess I won't have to tell them about the chalet on Monday, then. It would be/is good for everyone when they go on a short holiday. They get to enjoy themselves and let go a bit, I... Okay. I also get to enjoy myself and let go, but not just a bit :D
Gerv told me to go ahead first since I'm dying to dye my hair. Wow, dying to dye. And yes, I shall. I shall go for my long awaited haircut tomorrow and then buy the dye on my way home. I could dye it on Sunday, when my parents leave for Japan.
Heh. The things teenagers do when their parents are out of town :D
Super D- your hair looks nicer with wax but feels nicer without. Dilemma, dilemma :D
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