I had another one of those 'flying dreams' last night.
It always starts out the same- I'm running from something or someone, running up flights of stairs, looking for a way out, but all there are are parapets. Beyond that is a drop of about 20 storeys. Cornered with nowhere to run, I take a leap from the parapets in a last desperate attempt to escape. First, I fall for about 19 storeys, then I stop before I hit the ground. In my sleep, I vaguely notice myself holding my breath during these moments.
Then, realising I can fly, I start trying different things, learning exactly how to control it. And then I zoom upwards as high as I can go, all the while laughing hysterically, and then I let myself drop head-first to the ground, knowing I can stop before I'm there.
Last night's only unusual twist was that the whole street leading to my voice teacher's house was flooded, and there were chickens floating and stuff (like in Monkey Island 3), and I was late for my lesson but couldn't get there. It never once occurred to me to fly there! Also, in my dream, my brother was out to get me and I was flying from place to place to escape him.
The feeling of flying is always wonderfully real. I've been having many of these 'flying dreams' recently, I wonder if it could be trying to tell me something...?
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