I held a cigarette in my hand for the first time last night.
I never had the chance to come up-close and personal with one before that, since I turned 18 just last year and didn't know anyone who smoked. As I took it out of the packet, a strong peppermint smell hit me, much like the smell of those little green triangular sweets called "Milton".
It was very light, a bit like holding rolled-up cardboard. I observed, with great interest, each end of the cigarette. At one end, there's this spongy thing which I learned is a filter of some sort, and the other end is stuffed with what resembled finely-chopped hay. I guess that part comprises the 3000 toxins in a cigarette.
Nothing great about it, though. It looked like a stick of rolled-up paper. One could have mistaken it for a tortillon if it weren't for the band around it. Holding a cigarette is one thing, but smoking it is another entirely. As for the latter, not a chance in hell.
Or maybe, if I live past my 80th birthday.
Another thing I noticed during my quiet moments- guys like to inhale their food. It's hard to explain, it's like they inhale to get the food into their mouth faster. I shouldn't generalise. Let's make it some guys inhale their food. Not saying that it's a bad thing, it's just something I've noticed at the table. Maybe that's how they eat so quickly.
I'd better stick to drinking milk.
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