Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday, 25th March 2010

Fate is against me today.

I set out this morning, determined to get a haircut. It's been 3 months since my last. I think it would be wise to get a haircut before I dye my hair.
However, after I passed Joy her tickets (and had a slightly awkward conversation with her mom), I took the MRT down to Far East Plaza, only to discover that "Supercuts" is undergoing renovation, today and tomorrow.
I guess there won't be a haircut before my performance tomorrow, then. I'll just have to hop around on stage with my fringe poking my eyes. Tolerate it till Saturday, Xiulin, it won't be long now.

Man is a fascinating creation.
We teach, we learn, we discover. The question is, what do we teach, learn and discover?
People are such social creatures, it still amazes me when they make plans, strike up conversations, laugh at each other's jokes.

What are the chances of a relationship ending well, or not ending at all? True, people are usually happy when they're in a relationship, but was/is it worth it when the relationship comes to an end? Should one shy away from human relationships, or embrace them?

I realised, to my horror, that I'd been contradicting myself all along. The belief is that it's always better to go with passion rather than job. Naz told me several days ago about being offered an awesome job, but also getting into the final round of interviews for enrolment at a cooking academy. She loves cooking, it's her passion. However, the job is really awesome. Can't tell you though, it's a secret! Shhhh.
Anyway, she was in a dilemma over what to choose. I told her firmly, over sms, that she should go with passion. My exact words were "You ultimately won't regret going with passion, given the choice".
I feel like such a hypocrite. I give advice but I don't follow it. I guess I do have passion for both music and biology, but more so for music. I hoped to sing with Philippe Jaroussky one day, but as I got older, it became clear to me that professional singers study music. They enter conservatories, music schools.
I, on the other hand, am going to study Science. That is the difference. I can't have both, yet I don't have the guts to go with my passion.
I love music too much to see it die in me.

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