Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday, July 24th 2009

Hey everybody! Beautiful night, all cool and slightly windy, the dark sky half-shrouded by white clouds. It's been threatening to rain all day, but apart from the heavy rain I was vaguely aware of while I was snuggled under covers in my lovely warm bed early this morning, it hasn't rained a drop.

I went jogging today, took an hour and a half. Felt really good about myself, got home, drank lots of water, then stretching and all that. Then, for dinner, I had lots of rice, soup, veg, and 3 chicken wings.

Here's something I've been thinking about for a couple of weeks now: double-piercing. I made up my mind when I was about to fall asleep last night! To be honest, it isn't an original idea. I got the idea from some TV show on "Okto" called "Prove It!" One of the presenters has a double-pierced ear (that's right, only one ear is pierced) which I think is pretty cool, quite interesting. (It doesn't hurt to add that it looks totally hot on him. Whoa, momma!) A pity I've already had both my ears pierced. Anyway, what I mean by "double-piercing" is that a second piercing is added beside the original one, just a little higher. If you connected the dots, you'd see that it's sort-of like a diagonal line down from the second to the first. (This is really bad imagery, so I'm just going to tell you that one ear has one piercing, and the other ear has two.) When small silver ear-rings (I mean the original round ear-ring, not those fancy whatsits people wear nowadays) are worn, one in each piercing, you'd have two ear-rings together, side by side, on the same ear. I think it makes a really interesting statement, but I'll have to figure out what statement first. In any case, I'm gonna add a piercing to my left ear.
V teased me and said I should just get a tattoo instead, if I really want to express myself. Hah! No thanks, have you SEEN tattoos? It's like screaming,"pay attention to my hideous dull-green-and-red-inked skin!" Plus, they stretch with you, when you get old or fat, or shrink if you get thinner. Also, goodness knows how people get them off the skin! Do they use a cheese grater or something? Maybe pay an extravagant amount of money for some chemical peel! Come on, man! A piercing is much smaller, doesn't cry out for attention (maybe just not as much) and is easy to get rid of. Just take the ear-ring out! Simple!
Also, I'd probably take all my ear-rings out when I hit 50 or 55. No use dressing up at that age, it's time to retire and lie on beaches or look at the sky all night or eat all the ice cream I could ever want. Who knows if I'd even live that long!

Mom wants me to bake muffins with her this weekend again, so lots of exercise in store for me. I'm the batter mixer, and when you're baking with mom, no amount of mixing is ever enough! Plus, she doesn't really do anything, she just stands around and instructs, occasionally measuring cups of flour and sugar. I suffer like hell but I know it's good for me. Shall get my piercing in the evening, then. Something new is always exciting.

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