I was thinking of trying out this hairstyle the next time I need a haircut. Of course the back would need to be at least 2 inches longer than mine is now, so it's going to take a while, maybe a few months. By the time my hair actually gets long enough, I may have found some other cool hairstyle that I want to try.
Whoa, I love this feeling! I don't feel the need to blend in with other people, or follow fashion trends! I noticed it a while back, at least a year ago, when I started painting my bags and making my own hair clips. Then, I wanted plenty of overalls (Joe Dirt), and painted carrots on my shoes (in memory of Rabbit) and put bells on them! Then, of course, came the dreadlocks! They were pretty, darn cool, though maintenance was hell, and they got a bit weird at the end, which is why I took them out. I'll have them again some time in the future, maybe when I retire and visit some Caribbean island.
I dress how-ever I want! It's this kind of freedom I crave, and one day when I set out on my biggest world-adventure, I'll have all the freedom I want, every type of freedom (except maybe financial!) :D
Went to watch "Obsessed" with V yesterday, it was an intense movie, psychologically disturbing. One is quite tempted to say, "she's crazy!" while watching it. I noticed how they emphasised the closeness of the married couple at the beginning. It was a relief to get out of there when the movie ended, it was almost annoying as it was scary.
After the movie, V and I headed down to Clarke Quay. I wanted to try the Churros at this Spanish Street Food place. We ordered an over-priced "mixed platter" to go with it, but no drinks, because there was no way I was paying $3 for a bottle of water. After dinner, it started to pour really heavily, so we put our hoods over our heads and braved the rain, running over to Liang Court, where we sat down at Starbucks for hot and cold chocolates, then took a bus home.
It was an experience being at Clarke Quay at night. I've always wanted to know what I've been missing in the bars and pubs there, but it didn't look happening as we gazed into each. People just sat drinking, smoking and talking. I think it's more of a blessing than a curse to never be able to get drunk in my life.
Just watched "Hi-5" on Youtube. I remember when I was younger, I would jump around on the sofa to the catchy songs they sang, while Dad was asleep in his room. My favourite song they sang was, and still is "L.O.V.E.". Pretty catchy, and quite sweet. Now that I think about it, it comes as no surprise to me that my favourite "Hi-5"-er was Nathan Foley. He was the super-enthusiastic, curly-haired one. Of the five of them, he had the most personality. Strange, my choice of people always seem to be particularly interesting in some way. Individuality, baby!
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