Ahh, at the computer once again!
It's been an overall relaxing day, I did some studying in the afternoon, but somewhat less than usual. I finished Paper 2 of a Maths past-year paper, and I tried to do some of the "Vectors" topic from the textbook but gave up after about 4 questions. T'was too confusing.
Forgot to mention that my tuition teacher got a little too excited for my comfort on Monday. It was about my getting a file for my worksheets, and she suggested getting a ring-file so I can flip with ease, and a cover-page so I can write all the headings and tick off the ones I've done! Talk about weird people! Her voice got higher and higher in excitement as she spoke about the file, I was totally freaked out but didn't say anything. Felt uncomfortable just sitting there.
Went down to the library @ Esplanade yesterday evening, borrowed up to 8 audio-visual items! Well, the limit is 8, so I had no choice but to stop there. Two are CDs- one Mozart, one Vivaldi- and the rest are DVDs. Most of them are foreign, I'm beginning to really like foreign films. I saw a nice Turkish one on "Filmart" recently, and it had that 'silent goodness' that allow viewers to feel emotions of the characters. The storyline was a bit peculiar, though. I love the film "the Willow Tree". It's still my favourite, about a blind man who regains his sight, and realises that the world is not as beautiful as he hoped.
Been doing some research on running shoes. I've seen some models under "New Balance" but haven't tried them. My "Nike" school-shoes are the best ever, good fit, good grip, everything, only I've used it for almost 3 years now and my shin is starting to hurt while jogging in those shoes, and the "Nike" tick is peeling off slowly, so I think it's time to get new shoes. I just feel kind of guilty because some people don't even have any shoes to wear, let alone jog in, and here I am spending about $100 on a pair of shoes! I have a $40 voucher so it'll put a dent in it, but $60 is still a lot of money. That could feed 30 people for a month or so!
Went for voice lesson on Tuesday, it was a good session. I got my exam time and date, it's on 12th Aug, afternoon, so I've got about one month, which can zip by in a blink of an eye! I'm so thankful I got an afternoon slot, I sound terrible in the morning. Well, voice teacher says, "good", I'm getting better, making progress. I can hear it too, more emotion, with a more focused sound. I felt like I was the character in each song!
"O cessate di piagarmi" is about heartbreak, unrequited love, full of wanting to die and pleading and ice cold hearts and torture.
"Seligkeit" is about a really happy boy, daydreaming about a pretty young thing named Laura, and he feels ecstatic with just a wink or glance from her, then sings and dances and wants to live in that state forever.
"I feel pretty" is about a girl singing about a boy she loves, and she looks into the mirror and gazes in wonder at the beautiful girl that is herself, and sings about how she's loved by a pretty wonderful boy.
"Dayung Sampan" is about some Chinese immigrants rowing their boat to Singapore, the land of promise, in search of a better life and better future.
How ironic to come here in search of a better life and future.
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