Well, this is how I spent the evening. I watched "George of the Jungle" again, probably to indulge in kiddy comedy and also ogle at Brendan Fraser. That was over 10 years ago, so give the guy a break, all right?
I love the comedy, too. There's a part of the movie when this really annoying guy falls in elephant poop, and some African guys who hate him say, "Bad guy falls in poop. Classic element of physical comedy. Now here comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh! Ready? (Ready!) AHAHAHAHAA"
That line never fails to make me laugh!
Went to V's house this morning to swim. On the way there, I bumped into Elenor on the bus. It's just as well she saw me trying to learn my new music, since she wasn't sure if I were the right person. She's doing well at NAFA, realised that a lot of people didn't get into courses they wanted and ended up somewhere else because they had no choice. I think they're doing all right now, but it's a pity they just gave up like that. Anyway, we talked a little about this and that, and then I got off the bus.
Went swimming in the sun-warmed water, it was heavenly. All was peaceful, save for the sound of a few people talking and a little kid whining. They soon went off, so it was good. Our swim lasted for about 1 and a 1/2 hours, and when we were done, it was lunchtime and we were feeling ravenous. We showered, had lunch, and then prepared to go to Plaza Singapura. What a waste of a day, I was supposed to study! In the end, I didn't study at all!
Procrastination is evil, I tell you. Tomorrow I shall be good and study all subjects, my inspiration will be Jeremy Duncan.
I have added another lovely, lovely song to my Philippe Jaroussky playlist on my blog. It's called "Nocturne" by Cesar Franck. The first half is a little boring and repetitive, but give it a chance, and the music will melt you. I've loved this song since I first listened to my "Opium" CD, it's so beautiful. The track doesn't seem to be showing up on my playlist, so I guess I'll have to wait a while.
I have voice lesson tomorrow, and I've pretty much gotten the tune of my new songs, but I hope I don't screw them up. I tend to buckle under pressure, you know? My mind shuts down and I can't think straight.
My parents think my voice lessons are a waste of time now that my Grade 4 exam is over. They expect me to hit the books the moment I awake until the moment I hit the pillow again. I feel a little guilty since they are paying for my lessons, and taking more lessons means paying more money, but I need an outlet! I used to sing everywhere at school. Wherever I went, people heard me sing, I had no problems de-stressing there. Now, I'm locked up in a suffocating house with a grumpy old man, and I can't even look out at the lovely night sky without pressing my face against the cold metal bars.
So, I'm pretty psyched about having voice lessons again and learning new songs. My parents tried to persuade me to find another teacher. Who the hell would want to find another teacher?! There's nobody better in this stupid stuffy country.
Whatever, I'm past the stage of obeying everything my parents say. Had I listened to them all these years, I'd be a total loser now. I wouldn't have had a good CCA, I would have dropped out of school, I would have never come to like Art or classical music. Oh my gawd, I would have been normal! NO WAY!
I'm quite happy with who I am now, school or no school. My conscience is working right, I respect myself and I have enough confidence to like whoever/whatever I like and wear whatever I want. I have ambitions and goals beyond my reach, but it only forces me to work harder for what I want. I have dead loved ones watching over me, I have the basic necessities like food, water, shelter, education, and way more than that. I'm strong enough to carry on when faced with setbacks, like rejection. Still being alive today is my greatest achievement.
Man, it's good to be me.
I love the comedy, too. There's a part of the movie when this really annoying guy falls in elephant poop, and some African guys who hate him say, "Bad guy falls in poop. Classic element of physical comedy. Now here comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh! Ready? (Ready!) AHAHAHAHAA"
That line never fails to make me laugh!
Went to V's house this morning to swim. On the way there, I bumped into Elenor on the bus. It's just as well she saw me trying to learn my new music, since she wasn't sure if I were the right person. She's doing well at NAFA, realised that a lot of people didn't get into courses they wanted and ended up somewhere else because they had no choice. I think they're doing all right now, but it's a pity they just gave up like that. Anyway, we talked a little about this and that, and then I got off the bus.
Went swimming in the sun-warmed water, it was heavenly. All was peaceful, save for the sound of a few people talking and a little kid whining. They soon went off, so it was good. Our swim lasted for about 1 and a 1/2 hours, and when we were done, it was lunchtime and we were feeling ravenous. We showered, had lunch, and then prepared to go to Plaza Singapura. What a waste of a day, I was supposed to study! In the end, I didn't study at all!
Procrastination is evil, I tell you. Tomorrow I shall be good and study all subjects, my inspiration will be Jeremy Duncan.
I have added another lovely, lovely song to my Philippe Jaroussky playlist on my blog. It's called "Nocturne" by Cesar Franck. The first half is a little boring and repetitive, but give it a chance, and the music will melt you. I've loved this song since I first listened to my "Opium" CD, it's so beautiful. The track doesn't seem to be showing up on my playlist, so I guess I'll have to wait a while.
I have voice lesson tomorrow, and I've pretty much gotten the tune of my new songs, but I hope I don't screw them up. I tend to buckle under pressure, you know? My mind shuts down and I can't think straight.
My parents think my voice lessons are a waste of time now that my Grade 4 exam is over. They expect me to hit the books the moment I awake until the moment I hit the pillow again. I feel a little guilty since they are paying for my lessons, and taking more lessons means paying more money, but I need an outlet! I used to sing everywhere at school. Wherever I went, people heard me sing, I had no problems de-stressing there. Now, I'm locked up in a suffocating house with a grumpy old man, and I can't even look out at the lovely night sky without pressing my face against the cold metal bars.
So, I'm pretty psyched about having voice lessons again and learning new songs. My parents tried to persuade me to find another teacher. Who the hell would want to find another teacher?! There's nobody better in this stupid stuffy country.
Whatever, I'm past the stage of obeying everything my parents say. Had I listened to them all these years, I'd be a total loser now. I wouldn't have had a good CCA, I would have dropped out of school, I would have never come to like Art or classical music. Oh my gawd, I would have been normal! NO WAY!
I'm quite happy with who I am now, school or no school. My conscience is working right, I respect myself and I have enough confidence to like whoever/whatever I like and wear whatever I want. I have ambitions and goals beyond my reach, but it only forces me to work harder for what I want. I have dead loved ones watching over me, I have the basic necessities like food, water, shelter, education, and way more than that. I'm strong enough to carry on when faced with setbacks, like rejection. Still being alive today is my greatest achievement.
Man, it's good to be me.
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