My scrap-booking is going all right, I'm considering doing a creative collage for my final Art paper 1. I've flipped through so many scrap-booking books and gotten so many cool ideas. Beautiful, creative, and carry a strong message. Terrific!
Too bad I can't bring poverty into my Art now, I don't have time to draw so much. Besides, I can't draw people for nuts! The Bob Marley photo I drew turned out looking really weird, only his hair looked fantastic. The only decent human portrait I've ever drawn is of Charlie Chaplin. You wouldn't believe the effort I put into it, the pencil wilted in my hand. I shall put poverty into my leisure Art, after my major exams. It would be a challenge, and help me grow as an artist and a person.
I made money today! You see, mom wanted to go to this travel fair thingy that was advertised in the newspapers, so we decided to awake at 6am today, and we did. It was hell, man! I haven't stepped out of the house so early in at least half a year! I was too excited/worried the night before, and so couldn't sleep a wink, so my face was deathly pale when I got out of bed this morning. Mom promised to pay me for my effort, $50 if I don't get a travel voucher (first come, first served, limited), $100 if I do get one. I desperately need to build up my savings for Venice, so I offered to help. It was easy, I just had to BE there and tolerate all the aunties and uncles with bad breath. Easiest $100 I've ever made in 4 hours.
I just pulled out my Maths and Geography, slapped on my earphones and played Philippe Jaroussky and Mozart, and worked for 2 and a half solid hours, ignoring everyone else. Managed to do some Mensuration and percentage Profit and Loss, and a few Geog questions. That's not all the studying I did today, I packed in another 2 hours when I met up with V today.
We went to watch "UP" today, and I loved it. The emotions were so real, about not wanting to let go. Everything about the cartoon was so human, and I loved the main character's hair. He has nice, fluffy hair. I was crying even before the movie started! They played a short Pixar film before the movie, it's called "Partly Cloudy", and it's lovely, lovely, lovely.
Check out the full length one on Youtube if you guys have the time, it's worth a watch, I promise.
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