If only we are this happy to go to school.
Did more research on poor children and education. So many of them want to go to school but can't afford to. To think my parents had to drag me out of bed and force me to do my homework when I was younger. I actually hated school, I dreaded every lesson, I always anticipated the end-of-day bell.
Look at these children. If only I had their spirit, their will. I never realised how lucky I was to be able to go to school, at least until recently. These kids love studying and have great ambitions. We, on the other hand, don't cherish education just because we can easily afford it.
The voice exam went quite well. I didn't know there would be two sight-reading tests! One accompanied (tough) and one unaccompanied (easy-peasy). I missed about 2-3 notes on the tough one, but was able to catch it since the piano was playing the accompaniment. Those notes were late, but it's not worth worrying about now. It's over, and my 4 songs weren't screwed up at all. The pianist played some wrong notes but it didn't affect me, so it went all right. I shouldn't have worried about the "melodic memory" part, it wasn't difficult. During my songs, I thought of all I've been taught over the last few months. Liftpushglide, relaxed body and retraction. I stuck a plaster at the back of my neck to remind me not to stick it out (scotch-tape didn't work, it fell off). The examiner didn't even glance at me during "Dayung Sampan", she was too busy following the score, but I was expressive as hell anyway. You never know.
Well, I hope I do well for this exam, I worked so hard for it. Months and months of singing the same few songs over and over, putting in details and polishing. My expressions and hand movements surfaced, too. Next- Grade 5!
I'm dreading having tuition tomorrow, because I haven't had time to do all the homework "assigned". However, I did most of it. I even tried my rotten luck at the "Mensuration" topic, and did more of my TYS. Been neglecting SS again. Why are we forced to study such a horrible subject?! When I get a respectable job in the future and gain power, I shall write in to the Ministry of Education about it!!!
Gotta visit Esplanade library and score shops to get some scores. I want to find this French song called "Trois jours de vendange " by Reynaldo Hahn. Have started learning "Nell" by Gabriel Fauré, not going too badly. Each language has its own challenges!
From tomorrow onwards, no more fun and games. Ok, ok, so it won't be studying 24/7. Sunday is free-day. I'll still take time to stick stuff in my super-cool scrap-book and watch my favourite television programmes and learn some of the pieces I've been dying to learn and maybe even play computer games. No limit of doing rubbish, as long as I do at least 7 hours of studying per day. Sounds fair, since out of 24 hours a day, I spend 9 sleeping, 4 eating/showering, and if I do 7 hours of studying per day, I'll be left with 4 hours of my day to do whatever-the-hell I want! Sounds little, but I'm sure I can handle this torture for another 2-3 months. I've done it before, and I can do it again. After my exam, books will fly, especially MATHS. (My SS one has disappeared.)
Let the studying begin!
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