I typed in "starving" on Google's image search engine and these are some of the pictures I got. My mom is currently watching TV and snacking on prawn crackers, and there are muffins baking in the oven. Here I am, typing words on a sleek, black plastic keyboard and watching them appear on an LCD computer screen. I feel so guilty just sitting here, only occasionally realising how lucky I am to have books to read and pens to write with.
All these kids have bowls, but nothing to put in them. Even if they do, they would wolf the food down before it has a chance to touch the bowl. Half the kids in these pictures probably aren't alive today.

Take a good look at their hands, their eyes, ears, lips. They look exactly like us, only that they're starving. Doesn't seem fair that they have to starve and we don't. In fact, we're so spoilt, we're willing to pay $6 for a cup of "branded" coffee or ice-cream cone! $1.23 can feed an entire family of 6 for a whole week!

Women in bikinis are supposed to look nice. I can't even begin to describe the woman in this picture, I'll leave it to your imagination. Half of the people in this world are desperate for something, anything to eat, and here are people deliberately starving themselves.
That aside, I've been pretty busy lately, but also making time for procrastination. I've taken up scrap-booking, and once I start, I can't stop. Everything pours out onto the pages, and it's a little worrying. I've listed a couple of things to do today, like doing another drawing for Art, but I guess scrap-booking is giving me practice in Art. I never discovered the possibilities of collage and design until now, and am learning to arrange things on a page, so this way of procrastination isn't all bad.
What a time for procrastination to hit me, I've got my voice exam in 3 days, and my 'O's to study for! I know I've been working extra-hard during the first-half of this year, but it's simply not enough. There's no way I'm going to get into the medical field like this! After my voice exam, it's studying for at least 7 hours per day.
Dad has been sleeping an awful lot recently. He told me how he constantly feels sleepy and tired, and I have no idea what the problem is, if it's just age or something more sinister. I guess at 62 and getting older by the minute, it's normal to feel tired all the time and even sluggish. No way he's going to get any healthier, sitting around and watching TV all day. It's scary, but also fascinating. The TV never gets switched off, and whenever my parents are home, they watch it. Dad is home all day, so he watches TV all day. Mom works, so when she gets home, the first thing she does is watch TV.
It's getting increasingly worrying, since I'm getting older and all the terrors of the adult world are flying at me like red-hot arrows. I'm running, running, always reaching for the safety of childhood, but it's never within my grasp.
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