I'm scared to death about tomorrow. Today's lesson did not go as well as I hoped. I sounded stuck, and my back and neck were all tense. I pulled myself together during "Seligkeit" and "I Feel Pretty", but "O cessate di piagarmi" and "Dayung Sampan" were pretty bad, though my teacher said they weren't. I'm so nervous! What if I sing the wrong lyrics? What if my pianist screws up and I get thrown off? What if I get all tense and stuck and my voice doesn't travel and I end up singing rubbish?! OH NO!!
No, no, this is no time to panic. Must think of Philippe Jaroussky. My teacher says I'd probably do quite well, and I believe her. We've been working on these songs for months now and I sing them every day. I was worried about the sight-singing at first, but now I'm worried about the melodic memory part because, honestly, my melodic memory sucks. Going to practise it tonight.
Other than that, I think emotion will save me. If all else fails, make sure there are feelings in the song, make it dramatic. One thing I've learnt is that no matter how good I sound, the song is nothing without expression. I've gotta put it on my face and in my hands, like mimes, only with singing. I've even picked out my outfit for the exam tomorrow: a sweet, flowery tank-top, a brown long-sleeved outer-shirt, and a lovely long skirt, and a big butterfly in my hair. I figured it might help me "feel pretty" enough to sing the songs well. It's all psychology!
Also, I have this problem of sticking my neck out when I do serious singing, so I'd probably put some scotch-tape at the back of my neck to remind me to keep it in and at home base.
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