Oh, WOO HOO! I get to sing Mozart, I get to sing Mozart!!!
My voice teacher smsed me last night about preparing two pieces for our next lesson this Saturday. I've always wanted to sing something by Mozart, and now she's gonna teach me some! One is "L'ho perduta, me meschina!" and the other is "Voi, che sapete". They're both from the opera "Le nozze di Figaro", one of his most well-known operas. While "Voi, che sapete" may be the catchier one of the two, it's also tougher and longer, with more mood changes! Luckily, that one is a Grade 6 piece, so I have two years to perfect it. "L'ho perduta, me meschina!" is a Grade 5 piece, and it's about looking for something on the floor. Calls for a lot of emotion, but I really like his music, so I think it'll be fine. Mozart was a genius, I love his symphonies.
Had tuition this morning. Funny how I suddenly feel so lethargic when it's time for tuition. I suddenly can't stop yawning and fiddling with my fingers under the table! Before and after tuition I'm so full of life. This tuition thing is really depressing.
So much for 7 hours of studying! The first 4 hours were all right, but after dinner I completely forgot about my 7-hour plan and continued watching some TV programme! Darn it. So, I spent the rest of the night looking through my new music and listening to their clips online. I've got two days to learn them before I sing them during lesson, but I'm really happy about having new music to sing. It's been the same 4 songs for months and months and I need a change!
A break in the routine of my life!
Anyway, I've added "Trois jours de vendange" to my playlist, so have a listen. It starts off quite nicely, too. I couldn't find the free score online, so maybe I'll have a look at the score library or shops. Need to buy some Grade 5 theory papers and books as well.
Hanging out with V tomorrow, going swimming in the morning, maybe do a little studying and then to Plaza Singapura. V wants to go to Daiso, and I want to go to Spotlight and that cool, overpriced scrap-booking materials shop there. Gotta get stencils and other things to feed my ever-growing creative needs. I feel a little bad to be able to afford the things I want, but I haven't been spending money on myself for a while, except paying for my lessons and practices, so I shall get myself a few things.
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