Handel! Handel! I finally get to sing Handel!!! Handel, in my opinion, wrote some of the most beautiful vocal music ever! I love his more lively pieces, but his heart-wrenching pieces are good, too, with lovely, heart-tugging chords.
The piece my teacher chose isn't lively, though. "How beautiful are the feet" It's one of those slow and emotional pieces where your breath has to last forever, and I might just suffocate to death. I wish he didn't write it in English, because that's my worst language to sing in.
I also have another song to learn, a musical theatre song by Secret Garden titled "How could I ever know?". When she played and sang it for me, I was awestruck. It was lovely, all heart-wrenching and heart-breaking. Ahahah! Suddenly she's picking all these emotional songs for me to sing. Maybe my face is too stiff and she wants me to display more emotion while singing. All the same, I can't wait to learn more new music. It's been hell and more hell at home.
You wanna know why? I'LL TELL YOU WHY!
Dad and Mom are totally trying to drain me of my creativity, that's why! First, they say I waste time (an hour a week!) going for my voice lessons when my voice exam is over, and I should set my priorities straight. I have them straight, that doesn't mean I can only have ONE! Anyway, they're still yelling at me because I want to go for my voice lessons. As if that stupid one hour per week will make any difference.
Then, just several hours ago, Mom saw me flipping through a book on "creating and keeping creative journals" and she just HAD to say something mean, "Why are you wasting your time on Art? Art is not going to help you, don't waste time on Art. Better spend more time on your Maths ah, don't do nonsense like Art."
What the hell is wrong with them?!
Firstly, I'm spending almost all my time on Maths. I'm so worried about my other subjects, I don't even know how to start panicking! I have been spending so little time on my other subjects, and I feel so guilty all the time, but I've been feeling so tired and worn-out nowadays, I get splitting headaches while studying. They don't even know how that feels, and Dad didn't even study for his exams, he went fishing instead! Now he just sits in front of the stupid 42-inch LCD television all day and rots away.
Secondly, my voice lesson is the one thing I look forward to each week. It's like how I looked forward to watching the weekly telecast of "Merlin" on TV so I could ogle at Colin Morgan. I'm so excited about learning new songs, discovering new pieces, new expressions and meanings in the poetry and lyrics, I just want to drown in all the music. It makes me so happy when the lesson goes well, and I'm filled with enough happy thoughts to last me a week.
I guess I can't blame my parents for being so mean and ignorant,tactless and thoughtless because they've never been through what I have, and what I'm going through. Neither of them have been in Normal Acad, neither have failed Maths at 'O's and been rejected from every polytechnic in the country, neither have taken voice lessons, neither have/had a love for Art, neither know the pressure I'm under.
At least I know who I don't want to end up like in life.
One day I'll look back (as I so often do) and say, "luckily, I did't listen to them."
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