He's a baby beluga whale, swimming above his mother. Can you resist that smile?!
Did some research on dog breeds, looked up some HDB-approved breeds and all that. Too bad Bull Terrier isn't listed, they're really cute and lovable. Anyway, some of the breeds aren't too bad. I'm thinking of a Norfolk Terrier.
To be honest, this really isn't the right time to get a dog. I'm swamped with studies and music, and having to juggle one more thing would make my life a lot more difficult than it already is, so I'm going to wait until after my 'O's to get a dog. Also, Dad suggested bringing one back from Thailand when we next visit Bangkok. We've been going back to the SPCA week after week for several months now, and it's getting frustrating. Also, they have all breeds there, so I can take my pick. Read up on the bringing of pets into Singapore, it doesn't seem too bad. Licensing is $50, plus some paperwork and vaccinations, plus the actual buying of the dog, it would cost less than buying a dog here! (I'm not talking about the expensive ones, either!)
I'll give some thought to it. It would be nice to actually grow up with someone and teach things to. God knows what happens to the dogs that don't get sold in Thailand, dogs probably have a better life here in the SPCA than there in the market. I like dad's idea, but I won't rush into it. These few months until my exams will give me time to think about it, but if we do get one from Thailand, I'd probably have to postpone my trip to Venice for another few months, or even a year! No way am I leaving my puppy to suffer alone!
Ah, well, if it's going to happen like that, at least I'll be able to save more money for my trip. 19 also sounds older than 20, maybe my parents will let go of the reigns a little by then.
Did some research on mistreated dogs. Poor dogs, they're beaten, killed, exposed to rain and snow, left to starve with their puppies that they can't feed. My heart feels heavy again. No matter how many animal activists there are in the world, there's no doubt that animals will still suffer. Why don't people take it out on people instead?
It's like Charlie Chaplin once said, "I am at peace with God, my conflict is with Man."
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