Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mindful of death- Mind full of death

I've always wondered how I might die.

Be it by fire?
Be it by water?
Be it by suffocation?
Be it by exhaustion?
Be it by suicide?
Be it by accident?
Be it when life ends?
Be it at world's end?

Be it painful?
Be it sudden?
Be it slow?
Be it calming?
Be it numbing?

Be it happy?
Be it depressing?
Be it exciting?
Be it boring?

Be it worth waiting for?
You tell me.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


There's something incredibly attractive about simplicity.

Some people look so good even dressed in rags, so why can't I? I'll tell you why.
Individual perception has been altered so much by society and its influences. Media, traditions and expectations have moulded us to bear in mind the "reputation" we are expected to maintain. It's so tiring sometimes :(

I've always felt this incredible pressure to look good, for my family, for honey, for my friends, for everyone, to prove something unknown. Picking clothes carefully for half an hour to an hour every day before leaving the house is getting increasingly frustrating. I want the freedom to throw on a huge pullover sweater and shorts, and slip my feet into some sneakers and just go about my day. Comfort. If only I could just throw on my doctor's coat every day and not worry about little petty things like the way I look. It's just that... I'm not a doctor yet.

Is the problem really with me?
Maybe I make it my problem to look good for other people?
I'm tired of that.
No need for flashy clothes, no need for jewellery, no need for many bags to suit different outfits.

It's time for simplicity.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Going solo

I had my solo debut tonight!

Though I wouldn't really call it solo, seeing as I did a duet with my sister, but hey, it's my first time singing for an audience without a choir to hide behind!
I think my teacher thought it would be good to at least have a duet for a first experience, that provided a very, very small sense of security. I almost blacked out before the performance but I pulled through- and did well, too. I was still so high and happy hours after the performance that when I slipped and almost fell on the way home, I couldn't stop grinning to myself!

It was a house full of very, very rich people. Their basement was bigger than my entire house, and I felt utterly, utterly small there, not to mention peniless. However, with a tummyfull of yellow soupy noodles, I had enough energy to carry on, thanks be to God.

It's been the holidays since the exams ended, and I felt pretty good after each one. I might be a teeny bit worried about my Molecular Genetics- my weakest subject this semester, but the others were quite well done, I think. I've been working on DIY projects on my own, cutting up shirts into designs and making tribal feather jewellery, and I'm leaving for Macau and Guangzhou this week for SHOPPING! A very well-deserved shopping trip. I've had a lot riding on my shoulders this semester, and it's finally time to whip out the loose comfy clothes and go mad.

My teacher seemed pretty happy with the way things turned out today, and she says that she'll be getting me more opportunities to sing in front of audiences. One is coming up on the 8th of October, where I will be singing a Chinese coloratura piece. It took me 2-3 years to get here, and somehow I don't want this happy streak to end. It's like I have everything going for me right now and I don't have to make any kind of life-altering decision yet, I can still be both a student of medicine and of music, I wish it will never end.

Please, God, end the world in 2012 so I can die happily this way.