Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday, July 28th 2007

I have this really strong urge to paint, but I'm forcing myself not to. I think I've spent enough time painting for now. This may sound stupid, I know, but my respiratory system has suffered enough over the past 2 weeks, inhaling dangerous chemicals from working on my installation.

I just looked up the word "weasel" on I was curious, because I remember that word from "Doctor Dolittle 2".
One of the meanings: a cunning, sneaky person.
Ha, ha, ha.

I've created a character, he's somewhat like me. I won't tell you guys any more than I already have.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday, July 25th 2007 (Continued)

I forgot to add:
We'll miss you, Mr Daryl Chan!

He taught us PE for the past 2 weeks, a very nice person. =D

Wednesday, July 25th 2007

I am currently plucking yet another feather duster. It seems to produce dust instead of get rid of it. Dad bought 6 from Malaysia for me, I need to pluck them for Art.
Like I said, some people suffer for beauty, I suffer for my art.
I do feel a little guilty, though, because I'm undoing whatever has already been done (in relation to feather duster-plucking). I'm quite sure it wasn't easy to tie all those feathers to a stick with a single piece of string.

My artwork is due on Friday, everybody is panicking. Okay, some are panicking. The others just can't be bothered. Some people have already dropped Art, I wonder how they could bear to do that. Maybe it's just me. Art is one of the subjects I can actually pass, it's not very acadamic. It needs a lot of thinking and research, but it's much more interesting than having to find the area of yet another stupid triangle.

I just got the Prelims Drawing & Painting question paper today. Why are all the topics being repeated? Have they run out of new topics? They should come to me for interesting topics, I think I can do better than just repeating the same few.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday, July 22nd 2007

Honours Day was fun, too bad I was sick, or I would've really enjoyed it. It wasn't fantastic or anything, we only got to sing one song, which we've sung so many times before. I got a taste of conducting the choir during the rehersal the day before, it was fun.
Did I mention I'm down with flu? I also have a cough. My right lung itches, literally. It's internal so I can't scratch it! My throat also itches, but if I cough too much it might bleed. I've partially lost my voice, but it isn't so bad. My next performance is probably not for a long time, neither are any choir practices.

Not having to say very much is becoming a comfort. It hurts when I try to speak, but at least now I have some time to think of what I'm about to say before I do say it, which is good. Maybe I'll speak less after I fully recover and get my voice back. Now my system is all phlegmy.

Here's an essay I wrote not too long ago.
The topic was "Describe a world you would like to live in".

Would there ever be world peace? In the last fifteen years of my life, I have heard enough from people for me to know that they want world peace, but are doing nothing to try and reach that goal. We remain frozen at the stage where war is still breaking out. If I could choose, I would leave everything in this world just to live in another.

Imagine how carefree I would be in a world without sorrow! I would spend my days running on lush greenery, fishing in calm blue waters, the sunset bloodred as I prepared a fire to roast my dinner over. That fire would keep me warm and cosy even on the coldest nights, and seeing the flames dance would act like the counting of sheep before bedtime. I would then fall asleep in the warmth of the fire, knowing that as long as I felt warm, I was alive.

My idea world would have no predators. No big sly cats in the trees ready to pounce on me from above after sharpening their claws, ready to tear my limbs apart. No dangerous creature as petite as a spider would exist in my world. No illnesses or fear to make me anxious. I would go to the flower-speckled mountains and belt out my favorite song for the world to hear, but of course there would be only me.

Nobody likes to be alone. However, if one never knew what friends were, he would not know the terrible feeling of being alone. If I wanted my ideal world to be problem-free, I would have to be the only one there. Bringing one or two good friends would not mean that problems would not exist, for even the best of friends quarrel once in a while. If I never knew what friends were, I would come and go peacefully, having lived a very happy and peaceful life.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday, July 16th 2007

Remember in one of the past posts on this blog, I talked about "how to feel the satisfaction of telling the truth when people think that everything you say is a lie?"
Well, there you go.

Why the hell should I continue to HINT? I should just SAY. My brother thinks I'm a liar, my sister thinks I'm a liar, my mom thinks I'm a liar. I don't know about dad, but he'll probably side with my family members just because they're older. And you don't bloody go and complain to mommy and daddy about me being "angry and writing on her blog".
YOU need to grow up.

My brother just gave me this stupid smirk last night and said "If you think you're improving, that's good, but don't lie". COME ON, wth. Why do I have to lie? I don't think I can change your stupid minds about me being a liar, but I don't have to prove anything to you.
Why the hell should I tell the truth when you all don't believe me anyway? It's been so tiring, such a waste of effort and time just to try and please you all even with the truth. You guys are so stubborn, even when the bloody truth is in your face you don't want to accept it.

Be stubborn and unforgiving and mean all your lives,
I'm not the one at a loss.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday, July 13th 2007

I think Donny Osmond made a fantastic Joseph in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat".

Oh, guess what guess what!!!
HMV said they could maybe order "My Boyfriend's Back" for me! They can't guarantee, however, because it came out in 1993 and it's really old. Man, I've been looking for that show for so long, I'd die if they told me they couldn't bring a copy in. So they told me I could make a $10 deposit first. If they manage to bring it in, I just pay another $14, and the DVD's mine. If they don't manage to bring it in, they'll return me the $10. I can hardly wait.

-The state of being/living alone
-Remoteness of habitations
-A lonely, unfrequented place

I got another wound from twisting wire today. Sigh. So dangerous yet therapeutic, the twisting not the getting injured, though I don't even notice the injuries until I see them. I hate those plasters that keep slipping off. I shall carry more fingerband plasters in my wallet from now on!

Remember I typed in one of my earlier posts about life sometimes seeming like a total waste of time and effort? Yes, it seems like that now. Life seems so petty and annoying, even before you manage to solve a problem, another pops up in your face, and that keeps happening until you drown in them altogether.

Society is mean, cruel, stubborn, cold, hateful, unloving and unforgiving.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday, July 9th 2007

Don't you feel that life is just so meaningless sometimes? It's almost as if it's all a waste of time and effort. If God planned our lives, why do we make mistakes and get punished for them?
Isn't that really unfair?

I rented "Joseph and the Amazing Techinicolor Dreamcoat" from VideoEzy, and it's really good. The music's all good, plus the acting and all that, it's a really great musical. I remember falling in love with the song "Any Dream Will Do" when we were shown it in primary school.

Today, we had a rehersal with the Young Voices of Melbourne. It was pretty cool, we learnt a lot about each other. At least I interacted. Never had the confidence to do so before. IJ Choir learnt this cool song with dance moves from them. It seems like some kind of tribal dance, but it was really fun.
I still can't believe we only met them today, we're going onstage with them tomorrow! Scary, I know. Can't wait for tomorrow, I hope I don't say the wrong thing or sneeze into the bouquet or something!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Saturday, 7th July 2007

I had a terrible 16th birthday, if you all must know. A lot of people wished me this time, gave expensive presents, but somehow it's just not..
I spent recess alone that day. Chinese test in the morning ruined my mood, and the whole class got scolded by Ms Yip later in the day... I went home feeling worse than ever, how could I have thought it would've been a fun day for me?

The expensive presents are somehow unsatisfying. No, don't you dare call me ungrateful. They're just not something I've wanted for a long time. Perhaps they were an impulse thing. I'd trade all of them off for just a DVD. I've been searching and waiting 11 years for that video.

It makes me suspicious to think about why so many people have wished me a happy birthday this year when majority of those people forgot all about it last year?
I can't think of any possible reason. My class wasn't very nice even though it was my birthday, but at least nobody stole my seat that day. The choir was a lot nicer, though, although not everyone in it.
I went straight back to my house after school, spent my day watching DVDs. Yeah, how sad, I know.
A house is not always a home.