Saturday, April 15, 2006


I can't think of a title right now.Mind is blank!
Am downloading stuff from the internet now.
Can't think straight.It's been 12 days (was it?) since I last blogged.Lotsa things to blog about but can't remember them.
Darn.I'm getting old!
It'd be nice to be old when you NEED to be.
Man,time really flies.The beginning of the year seemed like yesterday!
And yet,look at me now.
How would we live without dictionaries in our world?!
I've been carrying one around and looking up stuff often nowadays.It's either people are using more difficult words or that my vocab is...sigh.
Had 2.4km run/walk/jog/fly/skip today.My timing was 14.29.Is that bad?!
Sooo angry,you know.I missed A for my sit and reach by 0.5cm.Too bad it's all over.I dun intend to retake,already exhausted enough.
What did I have for lunch?I think it was home-cooked food.Porridge.
Dinner was mee hoon kway.
Okay whatever.I really can't think so I may have typed some rubbish tonight.
Goodnight. -Xiu.

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