Saturday, November 12, 2005

You and I collide.

Its me!
I get to do O level English next year!Wheee! (What on Earth is it anyway?)-.-"
Anyway,went to school for streaming results today,I got into my first choice,for some reason.I know it couldn't have been my results cos' I did kinda badly for Final Years.Don't blame me!The papers were much much tougher.Like,really.
Ooo dinner is served!
Anyway I'm gonna really miss all my teachers...Well only some -.-" Because total-some=the rest.The rest will still be teaching me next year,worst luck,because I totally dislike that subject.Lol.Mmm I'm getting my Omega-3s now.I sure hope that I'll be able to survive Sec 3.Sigh.Argh!Kathleen and Gervin get to do CHEMISTRY and BIO!Well I get to do bio too but not chem.No fair.But not much point anyway.Only Express people get to take it -.-"
Oh man.Bye teachers,I'll miss ya'll soooo much.Shall end here.Tata! -Xiulin =)

1 comment:

Una Ragazza said...

Oh my gosh.I can't believe I was actually happy about doing express english.What the hell.It should have been banned some years before I was even born.