Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy 27th Birthday,Clay!

Nothing to do.
It's 5.14pm now.
I had choir this morning.Early this morning.Didn't run as usual.It's been raining,ground was too wet.We might slip,fall,and die.Anyway I'm here staring at the screen.Mind's blank,don't know what to type.Typing what I'm thinking.Darn.I have someone to forgive,but don't know how.He's pretty stubborn though.Bleat.
I went to the library @ Esplanade yesterday with my sister.Our...aim was to not spend any money.See,we were allowed to borrow alot,so I did.The library had stuff mostly of multi-media,and music books.Musically-inclined people go there.I mean,who knows?It might seem so fun to them,they go there everyday.
Borrowed some old films (one videotape and some DVDs),my sister borrowed the whole first season of "XENA:The Warrior Princess" -.- Oh well.It's a teenager thing.Like me.
Today's Clay Aiken's birthday,as displayed on my MSN nickname.Every (one of his)birthday(s),I draw a picture at least one day before.On his 25th birthday,I traced out a picture of him quite carefully on tracing paper.It is kept in a safe place,where it belongs...
On his 26th birthday,I did the same:I traced out another one of his pictures,put it together with the other tracing.On his 27th birthday(which,I'm proud to say,is today)...No,no.Actually I did the drawing last night.I wanted to do something different.Tracing is like copying.It's...cheating?
I drew in my sketchbook instead.A simple,yet...stylish(?) drawing.I drew a face,only from the nosebridge down.The mouth had a microphone infront of it.If you have read my Friendster profile,you'd know that I've typed "He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth,getting ready to sing,to spread joy to the world".I totally adore my work,man.At least I'm original for once!
Oh yeah,I've been his fan for two years (and some months) now.I used to be crazy.People thought I was crazy.Maybe I was.I would play the same old song over and over,memorised all the lyrics,download all the videos.I still have my collection of "American Idol (II)" video tapes!Well okay not all of them.What I really do have are of the finale.1st part and 2nd part.Poor Clay.He knew that he was going to lose because he already saw the card that Seacrest was holding before they announced the results.He lost by less than 1% of the votes!
It's all over now.He's gotta move on,right?
All his fans will go off him one day,I'm quite sure,but what I'm sure of is that he will be respected for his heart. -Xiu =)

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